Chapter 14

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Walking back into the house, Kabir found Daadi settled on the sofa, motioning for him to join her. Once seated, she took hold of his hand. "I won't ask the details, but is everything now settled between you and Rachna?"

"Yes Daadi, it was a much needed conversation; long overdue.  But, Daadi, I need to know exactly the status of this alliance that has been arranged for her.  What do you know? Was it because of what had happened that night; is that how it got arranged so quickly?"

"Nay, nay Beta, the timing couldn't have been worse, but as far as I'm aware, it wasn't a direct result of what had happened. Everything spiraled out of control then, and I'm afraid that my hesitance worked against us."

"Hesitance, Daadi?"

Nodding her head, she explained, "Nanhe, a daughter is precious to her parents, none more so than Rachna to her mother, so I knew that Shail was so distraught that evening. I thought it necessary to allow for a cooling off period, before I spoke to Rachna's parents, Beta. I just didn't expect that some other family had their sights on her as well." She paused to wipe a tear , and then smiled, "Thankfully our Rachna had something else in mind... she fought tooth and nail against it Nanhe; it wasn't easy for her, and in the end she could only delay things, but in return she had to promise her parents that she would do whatever they deemed best for her when she came back."

"And this leaves us where, Daadi? You know I can't let her go."

"Let me handle this, Beta, ok?"


"You know Nanhe, I knew, from the first time I met her, I knew, she would be the one for you."

Shaking his head at her claim, he smiled ruefully "So Daadi you couldn't have let me know this then; it would have saved a lot of time and trouble."

"Nay Beta," She said, "You weren't ready for or deserving of her at the time; now you are."

 Kabir nodded his affirmation; regardless of whether he deserved her not all he knew for certain was that he needed Rachna, now and always, and could only pray that his grandmother's confidence in her success would prove true.  Seeing his uncertainty, Daadi patted his hand. "Nanhe, all will be well, trust me."


"You know Rachna a little trust goes a long way you know!"

"I'm just trying to let you know what to expect, that's all, Naomi."

"Yes he's a perfectionist, and a task master and everything else in between. Don't worry I won't embarrass you in front of him, Gosh I hope never to fall for someone as hard as you have, you can be insufferable sometimes!"


Indicating her headphones, Naomi looked at her friend, "Look, this is me tuning you out, Rachna, I'm done, okay?" The volume turned up to impossible levels she placed them over her ears as she sat at the computer and  shook her head to let Rachna know that she wasn't willing to talk anymore. When her friend persisted in trying to get her attention, she finally removed the headphones, to ask, "Ra, do you know what time it is?"

"It's almost 10, why?"

Naomi replaced the headphones and gestured at Rachna's mobile, "Just take your phone call already."


As if on cue, her mobile rang. Smiling that she could have forgotten about their nightly ritual of talking at this time, whereas her friend realized that the incoming call would come, Rachna gave Naomi a brief hug Naomi before grabbing her phone.


"Hello KT."

"I've decided that you are not at all good for my concentration. I had a lot to accomplish this afternoon, but all I could think about was how many hours there were until 10 o'clock."

"Oh, is there something special about that time, then?"

"I always thought it was a special time of day, didn't you?"

"One of my absolute favorites, actually."

Overwhelmed that finally he was even in a position to make this call, Kabir paused before he continued.

"I missed you being here with me this afternoon, Rachna."

"I may have been better off staying there; apparently I've been very bad company for Naomi after we left, or so I've been told."

"Aacha, this must be another sign how difficult you've become; how is it possible that my Rachna has changed so much?"

Rachna closed her eyes, as she considered his words, "His Rachna" it's all she had ever wanted. Hesitantly she answered, "Apparently being separated from the one I love doesn't agree with me. I missed you terribly KT."

"No more than I did you; you have to know that nothing was the same after you left."

"Nobody left to scold?" She said teasingly.

"Well, actually.."

"KT, please don't tell me that you have been too horrible to the girls at work?"

"Ahh, well no one has actually left the job, but maybe I haven't been the most patient.."

"Patient, KT," she laughed, "When were you ever?"

"Tomorrow the girls will realize they have a most benevolent employer in me."

"Um KT, do you think that is a good idea? I mean won't it be obvious, perhaps too much of a coincidence with me coming back to work tomorrow?"

"So I shouldn't try to be a more tolerant boss then?"

"I'm not saying that, it just that how will it look if the day I return you.. I mean KT, you can't just start acting agreeable all of a sudden; what will everyone think?"

"Rachna, you've given me back my life today, how will that not be noticed? I won't be able to hide that things are different, Rachna, and frankly I don't think the girls were oblivious to our feelings anyway."

"Oh I just give up on you, do as you wish," she said in jest.

"Protest all you want, Rachna, but you've more than proven that you won't give up on me or us."

"Well you know why, I just want nothing more than to be with you, that's all."

 Still humbled by steps she had taken to safeguard their love, KT gave the only response he could, "Rachna, you did what you had thought necessary. Now it's my turn; just trust me that I will let no one separate us. Okay?

"Yes, KT."

"Now Miss Garg, I insist that you get some rest now; you do have a busy day tomorrow."

"And you; you're not going back to the studio are you? Will you rest now as well?  "

"Yes Rachna, and tonight finally I think I will be able to rest well."

"Will you dream of me?" she teased.

"I never stopped, Rachna. Good Night."


 "He dreamt of her." Smiling Rachna leaned back on her pillows. "Now exactly how did he expect her to sleep after saying something like that?" she thought.

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