Chapter 3

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Atisha Khan


Thanks a lot for your feedback. Here the rest of chapter 1.

Chapter 1: (2nd installment)

Same day, 4.30 pm

 ETF had just solved a case, and returning to office.

Rathod was driving the SUV, Arjun was beside him, looking outside. Saakshi was talking to Aisha and Shree and also shooting glances towards Arjun. Chotu was taking a nap in the back seat, his snoring was hiding the whispers of the trio( Sa-Ai-Sh). Nobody's seemed to be affected by Chotu's snoring, or was too busy with themselves.

Suddenly Aisha asked Rathod to stop the SUV.

Aisha : Sir, stop the car plz.

Rathod : What happened, Aisha?

Saakshi : Actually I'm feeling like nausea... so I need to change my seat with Shree.

Arjun : (mutter under his breath)Drama...huh.

Rathod stopped the SUV and Saakshi and Shree exchanged their seats. Aisha passed her a water bottle and Saakshi drink from it. Seeing this, Arjun made faces, Rather glared at him  and starts the SUV.

Rathod : what happened to you suddenly, Saakshi? If you are not feeling OK, then let's go to a Doctor.

Saakshi : .Sameer... I'm fine, just need fresh air... actually feeling little strange in my stomach.

Aisha : Is it paining?

Saakshi : Not's strange!

Shree : Hey ..I think it's may be food poisoning !

All together : What?! (Saakshi in mind he's leaving me on the lurch! I won't spare you Shree!')

Rather pushed the break very hard and stopped the SUV.  Due to this Chotu's short slumber broke and his head hit on the side of the  backdoor of SUV.

Chotu : (Waking up in a startle) What happened !!!

Rathod : ( turned to Saakshi and asked in a concerned voice) What did you had in lunch?

Saakshi : Same that you had.

Rathod : But  I didn't have my lunch yet... One minute, Saakshi...if you..

Arjun : Not only you, none of us had our lunch yet, and it's around 5,so it's too late for lunch.

Rather : (Sighed) So you are hungry Saakshi... Just say it straight na, Why you're playing this drama yaar? You scared me.

Saakshi (grinning): Sorry Sameer, Actually, I'm not too hungry but Aisha and Shree are starving (both shake their head negatively)...and look at Chotu... He has just fainted!

Chotu : No, no... I was sleeping, but yes I'm Starving also. (all except Arjun smiled at that)

Rathod  : (smiling)You're impossible Saakshi (and started the SUV).

Arjun : (In a low voice to Rathod) I told you , she's a great dramebaaz. Look, she has just wasted so much time for this trivial matter. Drama queen kahiki!!

Rathod : You're right Rawte, but (turned the SUV to another direction) know..

Arjun : What are you doing? This is not the way to the office!

Rathod : I know, but I'm also starving and my body is defying my orders Rawte, I'm helpless!!

Now, Arjun looked at Rathod in disbelieve, shook his head, sighed and turned to look outside.


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