Chapter 4

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Atisha Khan


Chapter 2

Next morning, 9.00 am

ETF Lounge

Aisha and Liza were having coffee and discussing about some news in morning newspaper.

Liza : It's Shocking yaar, just think about the girl, how would be she feeling now !!

Aisha : Yes Liza, this is a difficult time for the girl. Her engagement ceremony was ruined because her fianc was missing. .. and her to- be- mother in- law accused her for that. Moreover, people have already talking rubbish about this. And the most annoying thing is, these people will make her life miserable in no time.

Liza : You know Aisha, the world's being modern enough, but people's so called superstition and view towards a women have never changed. Every time we prove ourselves but each time, we have to here YOU"RE A GIRL'. It's Disgusting.

Aisha : And just look at the media... They're just helping them. They shouldn't publish this rubbish spited by that women ... What's the girl's fault in this? Just having a birth mark cannot define someone to be good or bad.

Meanwhile Saakshi entered and saw the girls busy in some discussion.

Saakshi : Howdy guys, what's happening.

Aisha :  See today's newspaper... it's in the back page.

Saakshi just looked at the newspaper, not even touched it, and moved towards the conference room.

Liza : Now what's happened to her??

Aisha : She's also a media crew, remember? May be just avoiding it or previously knew it. In Every 3days she goes to newspaper office to submit her report on us. May be she went yesterday and read it before us.

Liza : Yes, it's may be the explanation.


Morning, 10.00am

ETF Conference Room

Everyone was busy in preparing his or her respective reports on the previous work. Suddenly Rathod's phone buzzed. Rathod took the call and signaled Arjun to come with him.

Rathod : Team, I and Rawte are going for sometimes. Meanwhile finish your paperworks, and Aisha, call Rawte or me if there any new case arrives.

After they left, shree started streaching his hands and purposely hit chotu's nose.

Chotu : What are you doing Shree?

Shree : seeking attention?!

Chotu : What?!?

Shree : Guys, both the tigers are out, so why don't we celebrate?

Chotu : What do you mean?

 Shree : Look, today we have a good time, why don't we plan an outing?

Aisha : That's a good idea, Shree. But before that let's finish our work, plz. Otherwise, Both tigers will swallow each of us.

Suddenly Saakshi's phone buzzed and she picked it up. Heared to the other side, and stormed off the office.

Aisha : Now what's happened to her!?


Afternoon 3.30 pm, ETF lounge

Shree : Hey guys, what's the plan?

Chotu : What plan?

Shree : Plan to spend the free time we have... Aisha come let's go for a movie.

Liza : Wow Speky !! Today , for the first time you've said something sensible in your life. Otherwise, I thought you would invite us to play some stupid computer games!

Shree : O Miss Criuze...  I'n not a machine. I'm a human, and alive too. And if you're not interested, then you may enjoy with your dead bodies. I'm not inviting you to come with me.

Chotu : Arree yaar... Stop it. why  you are fighting. Chalna hai to sab challenge. C'mon let's go.

Aisha : Without Saakshi? Wait until she arrives. And we need permission from Rathod  sir. We're on duty, remember?

Chotu : Now Who's going to bell the cat??

Shree & Liza : Aisha!

Aisha : What?! MEEE?! WHY??

Shree : Because, ACP Sameer Rathod only melts before a beautiful deadly creature named Inspector Aisha Kapoor.

Aisha : (Stunned)..!!!!!!

Chotu : But Shree, Rathod sir is not an icecream...he's  a wild Tiger.

Aisha : (gets a grip) yes... and why should I put myself before the Tiger?

Shree : Coz Only You Can Hunt That Tiger, Darling.

Aisha : But now I'm gonna hunt you, SHREEKANT SEN!!

Shree : Well, for that you've to catch me first!!

Aisha started chasing Shree , and he was running from her. Suddenly, Shree hit  a chair, got off  balanced, and fell down.

Shree : OHH !!MAAA!! MY LEG!!

Aisha : Hey, Shree ...are you OK?

Shree : UFF!! I think I've sprained my ankle. God! ( muttring) Mere piche 2 minute kya vaagi, mera leg tod dia.AAHH.. Pata nahi bechara Rathod sir ka kya kargi yeh ladki!!

Liza : Let me see (She Checks Shree's ankle, as she pressed his ankle, he screams loudly) I think you should go to the doctor. It seems quite serious.

Chotu picked Shree up in his arms and asked Aisha to come along. He asked Liza to call the seniors to inform about Shree before he took Shree to hospital.


In the hospital

Aisha and Chotu were Supporting Shree to sit in his wheelchair, when Rathod rushed in.

Rathod : What happened exactly?

Aisha : Well, Shree fell down and sprained his ankle.

Rathod : How?

Trio looked at each other and remained silent.

Rathod : Let it be, what had doctors say?

Aisha : Minor injury hai sir, doctor ne 3-4 days tak bed rest karne ko kaha hain. Then within one week he can get back to his normal routine.

Rathod : Ok, lt's go.

As they came out of the cabin, Chotu noticed someone familiar.

Chotu : Aisha, look, that's Saakshi !

Aisha : Where?

Chotu :  (pointing forward) There, In corridor.

Rathod : Kuch vi matt bolo Chotu, She's not here. You've seen someone else.

Chotu : But, sir...

Rathod : (cutting him short) Let's go.


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