Chapter 26

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Chap 27- attachment

After two days, he recived yet another letter  making him more confused . Why is Imlie doing this? He opened it to read the contents:

My best friend Aru ,

I hoped you read my first letter and in the same hope am writing you this one. After my first marriage broke i had decided not to get attached to anyone or any family. My only attachment should be with my work and with women and children who are in need. But you came in my life, after the date we bumped into each other couple of time, even though i didnt want to i got attached to you. I started to share things about me you knew everything about me. 

I was an open book i was shocked at myself for letting myself be vulnerable but that did not stop me.

You became my best friend. I was so attached to you, that i wanted to know you as much you knew me i used to get annoyed hell even jealous when Anya came to trip with us. In the trip, i wanted to be with you but you had your friend so i had pacified myself to not come in between but believe me i was jealous. I am sure right now you must be regretting that why you attached yourself with me no?  Khair, i am so attached to you, you are not with me physically but i took your tshirt and your sweats. i can feel you through them. I love you Aru and always will.


P.S - i know you havnt done yet but please stop smoking i beg you one last thing i ever asked from you bus? Please 

His hand trembled while he read. He is confused . If she loves him so much why she left? He decided to meether once again not sure again about the outcome. She must be still in Mussourie he thought . He booked the next flight available.

blackfaree2022-01-18 14:32:21

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