Chapter 27

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Chap 28-LOVE

He went straight to that orphanage when he landed in Mussourie. He met a lady same age as Imlie, her name was Rati.

"Where is Imlie? Please tell me even if she told you to not disclose . Please.." he pleaded.

"I really don't know Aryan ji. I wish she had told me the kids here are missing her terribly. She has been gone past one week without a word.

Not even sure if she will come back here or not" she said sadly.

Aryan felt frustrated then why she sending letters if she don't have intention to even meet him, she knew that he will come for her.

"Do me favor if she comes back without telling her please call me. Here is number" he gave her a card with his contact info.

"Please Please call me if you find anything about her." He left for Mumbai same day. He didn't know how to contact her anymore.

The number she used to have is going to voicemail directly. He was lost.

Next morning, he left for his work. During afternoon, he saw Imlie crossing the road near the shopping markets.

He ran after her but he lost her in crowd. After that he looked around the market for an hour when she felt tap on his shoulder.

It was her when he turned around. He grabbed her hand and took her away from crowd to nearby sidewalk where he can talk.

There wasn't much people there anyways

"Kya hogaya tumhe, tumhare letters kya kehna chahti ho tum" he asked her cupping her cheeks. He wanted answers.

"Aru..sorry Aryan bus likh lia jo mujhe kehna tha..but sachai to wahi hai humare bich-we love each other but cant stay together" when she said that

he left her cheeks as if it hurts to touch her now.

"Then stop sending me letters. Don't torture me mentally like this. You have moved on for sure. I saw you in the market with someone" he said indirectly

"Kyu someone Aryan bolo no aadmi ke saath dekha" she said straight looking into eyes

"Whatever, point is you are doing this just to get reaction out of me? torture me mentally? why?"

"Are you jealous Aryan?" she asked ignore his above ask.

"No why would I be?" he scoffed.

"Hmm. Anyways its none of your business. And about letters, those are my deepest thoughts about you. I have to share it.

I cant keep it with me. Since its about you , its your right to know. I have no right to keep it with me so i am sharing.

I have to go now Aryan. " She was turning to leave when she turned and smiled "I didn't smell smoke on you today, thank you." her eyes glistened but she left before it falls in front of him.

He didn't stop her. It was getting complex, her behavior. He does not want to stay in Mumbai anymore.

Too many memories when he goes back home in their room. Even if he sleep in guest room he feels her around everywhere.

The bitterness and resentment was starting to come back. He went to his dad when he couldn't think straight.

He told him everything. "Beta, what should i say other than that its time to move on" he looked disappointment and there was sense of melancholy in his voice.

"how should i move on dad, i love her too much. I cannot forget her she has left mark on me. How? I want to hurt her dad? Isn't that dreadful for me think like that?"

"Beta tumhare usemein farak kya rehjayega bolo"

"I don't care Dad but i want to hurt her. She is torturing me by sending letters i thought the love she has for me we will be able to talk it out but today the way she talked to me it wasn't my Imlie.

She is just writing to me so she can get it out all the feelings she has for me. I don't know anymore" he kept his head on his dad lapped and cried.

Dad just caressed his broken son silently.

That night Aryan decided, he will start dating again. If she is keeping track on him its definitely going to hurt her.

He downloaded dating app , created profile and started randomly sending requests to random women.

It was all his anger, bitterness and resentment that was making him do this. There was knock at the door, the house help handed a letter to him.

Aryan wanted to tear it but his heart was against it. So late night ? A letter again? that means she still in Mumbai.

I am sure she didn't come here herself she must have send it with someone. Finally his heart won against the mind, he opened the letter to read it contents.

My dearest husband-my hero:

Happy anniversary!! I am sure you forgot and am glad you did because like I said today we cannot be together.

I love you and always will. Let me tell you when i really fell in love with you. Yes i liked you but love its really heavy.

It was when you hugged me from back after the trip and you were trying to pacify me. Knowing you , you were never comfortable with women around.

That's why your relationship with Anya didn't last long in college. But that gesture , it made my heart full yes i was mad but i fell in love with you then.

I fell in love with you when you sleep and you softly snore of tiredness. I fell in love with you when i see that intensity in your eyes when you talk to me as if there is nobody in the world but me.

I fell in love with you when we made love. I fell in love with you when you stood like a rock for me after the acid attack. I fell in love with you when you kissed my scars.

I fell in love with you even when you were away from work. I fell in love Aru. I wish only happiness for you . I know you will be angry might even want to tear this letter please don't.

These are my deepest thoughts. I fell in love with you for being you. I love you for everything you have done for me and still do today when we met i saw the hope in your eyes.

That hope in your eyes confirmed that you still loved me but Aru there are times when two people who loves the most cannot stay together under one roof we are those two people.

However much we love each other, sometimes keeping a distance is a must. Its an overwhelming feeling so i am poured it here.

There is no point of expectation.

--Wifey Imlie

P.S. Thank you for quitting smoking again. I was the most content person today.

Aryan was shaking he had mixed emotions he almost crumbled the letter and was about to throw in trash but yet again his heart won.

He put that letter with other letters. She wants not to expect she will get that, thought Aryan. "I don't know why is she playing like this with me. I am not able to understand anything "

he muttered to himself. He will without coming in front of her will try to track her first if she still in Mumbai if not she will go back to Mussourie.

He poured himself a drink and cheered himself for marrying and ruining his own life .

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