Chapter Two - Month Two

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Month Two

Dev watched as Raavi made dinner with Rishita; rather taught Rishita how to make the thepla and sukhi aloo sabzi. She had always been like that; helpful, patient and kind since he could remember and yet he also remembered how her personality changed every time Shiva was in the vicinity, she became more stubborn, impatient with him, almost childlike, but there was a freeing aura around her that he had never seen at any other time. 

He remembered the conversation he had with Shiva before the divorce, when confusion clouded Shiva's mind and to date he stood by those words; he was never meant for Raavi, she had always been more affected by Shiva but neither recognised it. It made him wonder how Raavi would react if he brought up the same conversation with her. However, he had lost that opportunity, because though they had become friends again, the comfort they had was long gone. 

Looking back at the scene in front of him, he saw Raavi scolding Rishita, as one would a sister, as she'd without thought almost touched the hot karai. Walking back to the aangan he sat on the jhula waiting for everyone to make their way to the kitchen for dinner, knowing that his younger brother wasn't going to be home for dinner today either. Six weeks ago Raavi had come home and his already quiet younger brother had become even more silent. 

He wondered if anyone else was as affected by Shiva's recent personality change. It was as though everyone seemed to have forgotten that Shiva was a part of the family. The only person he had seen talking to him was Krish, who made it a point to talk to him at various times of the day, whispering and nodding, before walking off. It should have been him that Shiva felt more comfortable with, but just as Raavi's comfort with him had diminished, so had Shiva's willingness to talk to him. He would always be on Shiva's side, because whether they knew it or not Shiva and Raavi were on the same side. 


Raavi smiled as she cleared up the mess that Rishita had made whilst making the thepla; she knew she would have finished it a lot quicker and with a lot less mess, but seeing the proud look on Rishita's face when she finally got it round and cooked perfectly, was worth the extra half an hour in the kitchen. She had been so determined not to get involved in family matters, but it was hard not to; not when all she had ever dreamt of was being a part of it. 

She had plated some of the sabzi and thepla separately, knowing that he would like dinner tonight. She stopped midway holding onto the dish she was going to use to cover the food, why did she even care? She was only here for just over four months and then they would go their separate ways. He had been serving himself for the past month and half and he would continue to do so, but she knew it was his favourite and she had done what came automatically, making sure he got the biggest portion of his favourite food. 

"I won't tell anyone." 

Raavi looked guilty as she turned around to his voice. She saw Krish standing there, watching her with the plate. Hastily she put it down and  wiped her hands on the towel hanging near the sink. 

"It's nothing. I thought I'd remove food for Kaki because she might be hungry. Anyways, everyone will be coming to eat soon so I'd better set the table." 

"It's for maa. Give it to me, I'll take it to her. She was complaining earlier how she was tired so it might be better if she eats in the room." 

"No.. Wait, I'll make a hot plate for kaki. Leave this one." She pulled it away just as Krish reached for it, placing it in the fridge and then plating another dish for Krish to take. 

"It's okay Raavi bhabhi, I won't tell."

She could feel her cheeks warming up, knowing that Krish knew what she was doing but she also knew her story would never have a proper ending let alone a happy one; despite that, she felt as she did when she was younger, satisfied that Shiva would get to eat what he loved the most. 


Shiva was starving. He had missed lunch as they had gotten a delayed delivery with their regular delivery and off loading, cross checking and putting away all the stock had taken up most of his free time between serving customers. He was at the shop alone on the day, it being Dev's day off and Gautam having gone to meet the contractors for the new branch they were opening in Junagadh. He had prioritised the work at the shop, the subconscious fear from his youth of the shop being taken away, not letting him rest till it was all done, meaning food had taken a back seat. 

He washed up before walking through the darkened house and into the kitchen. Necessity had taught him to be quiet, not wanting to bother anyone so late at night, he silently moved the lids of the vessels to find whatever had been cooked that day. Finding them all empty, he turned to leave, convincing himself that water would be enough for dinner tonight. He heard her before he saw her and stilled; the soft tinkling of her payals making her presence known,

"I'd put some food aside for you. It's in the fridge. Sit and I'll warm it and bring it for you." 

Surprised, he followed her instructions without uttering a single word, watching her face for any expression that would give away what she was thinking, but it was in vain. A few minutes later, she placed the plate in front of him and with a bid good night she walked to the room. 

He stared at the just vacated spot, wondering if it was a figment of his imagination; Raavi had spoken to him, willingly, without distaste or argument and served him food. He started eating, still lost in thought on what had just happened so he didn't notice the shadow outside the kitchen, watching to make sure that he ate his fill before making his way up on the terrace to sleep. 


Raavi tugged on the edge of her dupatta, wondering if she should go up and speak to Shiva about the letter she had received from her lawyer. Hadn't she gone to the kitchen precisely for that when she heard him walking in? But seeing his crestfallen face when he found the pots empty had cleared all other thoughts from her head. Deciding it was for the best and she would speak to him about it the next day, she lay down on the bed, facing his side as though he was still there and closed her eyes hoping she would sleep past the three hours she got every night. 

Miss.M2021-09-06 07:28:52

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