Chapter 2

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asha rani.B.S



Wahi and d trio were welcomedinto d house by Amar, d trustworthy labor in his mid 40’s. The mansion washuge. In d drawing house, there was a double opposite stair case connected to dfirst floor in d centre. The yellow walls were oil painted. The purple curtainswere draped at d window panels. French cultural portraits were hung in drenaissance order. A multiple set of vases placed in seldom corners. D floorsof d house were well polished. At d centre, a set of black leather sofassedated directing d way towards a mini theatre LCD. Down d stairs on left, arow of fewer books were arranged in a shelf. A red chaise was sprawled in frontof d fire mantle beside d right stairs.

“Where are others in d home?”Vrush ogled. “Alisha had gone with her friends. Mom n dad had gone for a date.Probably they’ll be here soon” He answered. “By d way, why don’t 3 0f you restfor a while” He suggested. “Thank Goodness, Wahi. I do need some hot shower”Rey sighed. He smiled. At d same time, his cell buzzed. He looked at d trio,particularly avoiding Vrush. “GF ka call hai, then u shouldn’t make her wait”Shaan smirked. He blushed awkwardly. “Amar…” He called out. “Don’t worry hero,we will go into our rooms safely. U carry on” Rey teased mockingly. “I’ll see usoon, guys” He trotted little away from them. Then, he attended d call.

“Hey,kaha ho?”

“I’m ond way with Taani, Wahi. But pehle hum ARYAN ko pick karke aate hai”

“Oops!no Sneha. I promised him to pick today. I’ll go n get ARYAN. U both straightlyhead to d house”

“Well, kthen. Are ur friends home?”

“Yeah,try to take good care of them. I’ll be back soon. Hopefully, everyone will behome by d time of dinner.”


“Huh…..That’s cool, sweetheart. Bye, then”

Heclicked off. He swaggered outside in a swift move.


Amar ushered trio into theirrespective sequential rooms in d attic. Shaan n Vrush went into d balconyembracing d mild snow falling. However, Rey dragged his foot into his room. Helaid on his back on d double bed set covered in light green quilt and pillows.A set of LCD, DVD player and a large radio system was inscribed in one corner.A large wall sized photo frame of MONALISA by LEONARDO DA VINCI was hungnarrowly to d bed. He smiled since he crushed on d art of Monalisa, which isknown only to Wahi: deadly secret. D luminous golden light poured d exotic artof brandished tiles. He leapt up unpacking d luggage. He tossed a pair of trousersand towel on his shoulder and moved to d bathroom.


“Hi Amar” Sneha greeted him. Shewore a green wrap skirt, navy pin-tucked blouse with d same mixed colored jellysandals. “Hello, Miss. Kapoor. Welcome Mrs. Shergil” He respondedautomatically. Taani smiled genuinely. “Guests are up in d attic rooms, if incase u wish to meet them” He informed before evading to his work. “Huh… Come onTannu, let’s have some fun” She winked. “Oh no, I’m not going to accompany u inany crazy stuff. They r Wahi’s friends, u better behave” She warned. Taani wasvery well aware of her BFF’s antics. Since d day she met her at a fashion week,life had been something precious to dwell upon. She’s such a full of fun girl. Shewas d one to accompany her journey in PARIS, meanwhile beckoning their bondinto something much more than friendship. “Huh…” Sneha sniffed. “I’ll go getsome hot chocolate by Rinny” She left to kitchen. “I’m going up. If u change urmind, u know where to find me” She shouted.


The bathroom was well luxuriousin a royal way. The white tiles were smoothly cold. The big grey bath tubevacuated in d corner contained fragrance of odonil water. A big mirror wasintricate in d wall in which Rey’s reflection stood still consuming d exotichealthy beauty of d room. He tapped open d hot steam. It covered d glassybathroom like a thick mist. After drowning his muscular skin poles to open up,he slid into d tub easing in d hot water. He closed his eyes cooling off dchill encountered in Paris city. His mind was refreshed. After half n hour ofdeep bathing in all d essential toiletries, he dried d dampened body and put ond khaki pant, placing sanitary towel across his neck.


“Here” Rinny handed d hotchocolate to Taani grinning with a look of ‘I-Know-U-R-Craving-For-It’. Rinnyis d constant cook from d early days of Mr n Mrs. Wahi. She looked admirable inher long creamy robe n white shoes. Her hairs were always tied in a bun. Herears radiated brilliantly in diamond studs. Her skin gleamed American whitish.She was a sweet woman divorced long before 10 years. Never d less of problemsin her life, she definitely was master in cooking. She prepared delicious food.“Thanks, Rinny” She took d cup and sat on a chair. She silently sipped dbeverage while Rinny cooked variety of food for dinner. 

“How is it going with Amar?” Taanibroke d silence. Rinny jumped in surprise. Taani was well aware of d buddingromance between d two servants. Amar being alone in his age cared extremely forRinny. “He doesn’t open up frankly. I don’t want to pressure him with overexpectations” She blushed. Taani moved beside her. “Well, take d things slowthen. If he doesn’t open up, u should. Eventually he’ll come across” Taanipatted her back fondly. “What about u?” She retorted in a concern of a motherlytone. Taani was startled. “I know I don’t have any right to tell this. But….Lookat u Taani, u r still very young” She paused. “U have bright future girl” Shewas carefully aware of her words. “You know I can’t….” Taani shut her eyes fora brief moment. “Think about Aryan. He needs a father, dear. How long will upunish him? Also, how long will u leave in a solitude life? Someday u shouldmove on.” Her large honey balls fluttered with so much of care. Taani’s facesulked. She knew from d very moment of Aryan’s birth, it would be difficult toraise him without a father’s shadow. But she did. It was not like she willinglybarricaded his inner turmoil but she couldn’t stand d idea of other men in herlife. If Aryan really missed his dad, he made no attempt to bother her. He maybe just 6 year old kid, but he smeared d determination of young army. Severalminutes passed in silence. Sensing d seriousness in Taani’s face, Rinny lashedher humor trick. “I guess u should check on one of Wahi’s friend. One tall guygot GF, good looking though. But d other one is deadly delicious, u may enjoyhim.” She winked. “Really… How do you know that?” Taani raised an eyebrowwashing away d sorrow for a moment. “Don’t u forget that I’m very experiencedin reading men” She proudly fell back to stir d chopped vegetables in pan. “Isee” Both cackled up.


“Hello guys. Hope I’m notdisturbing u both” Sneha found VruShaan cuddling closely. They were befuddled.“Oh, cozy haan” She withdrew d urge to chuckle on their faces. “I’m Sneha, Wahi’sGF” She extended a hand. “Nice to meet u” Shaan shook her hand. Vrush scannedher. She looked extremely gorgeous. No doubt, Wahi had fallen for her, shethought. As if reading her mind Swayam complimented “Oh man, do not mind when Isay this but u really look very gorgeous. No doubt Wahi is crazy over u”. Snehawent red. Vrush snorted in d back of her throat. Disapproval wrote on everymuscle of her red face. “U r flirting in front of ur GF?” She managed to arc aneyebrow. “Oops, I didn’t see that” He bit a tongue side glancing at his GF. Shedidn’t look him back. “If I’m not exaggerating I must say, u both sets off aswonderful couple” She smiled at Vrush. “Oh, thanks” Vrush said hastily. She waskind a moody.


Taani finished her cup of hotchocolate and came back to drawing hall. With d thought of Sneha, she thoughtto check on her. She clambered d steps n immediately froze. The power was gonefilling d mansion in complete darkness. She had to wait for Amar to find out dproblem and fix it since UPS system was on some problem. But she couldn’t standidle there all alone like a lingering ghost. So, she walked desperately atleast to find Sneha in one of d guest’s room. D rooms were closely neighboredin a line. She tapped on d first door. But none did respond. D door was quietopened. She peeked gingerly looking for Sneha. None were present. Somethinginvisible attracted her. Inevitably, her legs prodded into d room. She slowlyentered in closing d door behind. Nothing was visible. Yet something yankedher. There was a feeling of sweetness aroused in d air. Feeling restless in ddark, she dared to open d window on d left of d bed. The cool breeze brushedher skin. The sky stretched in cloudless black ink. The freezing snow travelingin d wailing wind stuck to her face.

“Who’s that?” A sudden voice toreher out of her ethereal love for nature. She spun. There stood someone, halfnaked. His hands clutched d edges of towel on his neck. The crescent moonlightshined his dark wet hair in silver. His almond dark eyes bored into her. Hestared her in amazement. She was iced. Her breathe was gradually heavy, oglingd Godly guy in front of her. In these 7 years, she wasn’t attracted even tosingle men. But looking at him made her shiver. She couldn’t bare d thought ofd guilt to look at someone like this other than Lavin. She blinked her gazeaway from him. Never d less, he studied her with a hint of flabbergasted mind.For d first time in his life, he didn’t look at d women as if she was sexy orhot or sensuous. She looked beautiful to him. Beauty in d way one could neverdescribe. To add d sugar to his sweetness, he could graze so many emotionspassing across her face. Astonished, Anxiety, Intense, Passion, Worry, Guilty,Shrug, he was overall wanted to learn all d reasons behind them. “Who are you?”He stepped forward. “Sorry” Was all that she could muster to answer him. Shedodged by his side for door. But he was quick. “Wait a second, love. I’m notover with u yet” He held her wrist as she crossed him. Her mouth went dry. Hisslender bony fingers were warm on her wrist. It kind of irritated her to feelit, mainly because of d awkwardness of an anonymous guy holding her handwithout permission. Anger overtook her pleasant mood. How dare he even toattempt of touching her? She thought in frustration. The lights burst on in droom in an opaque radiance. She whirled smearing a dangerous outragedexpression. His mouth quirked into a small unnoticeable smile!


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Comments (5)

I enjoyed the story so much. It's written completed but feels like there are more chapters. Hope you could update soon.

3 years ago

I was enjoying it so much that I couldn't stop wondering where is the rest

3 years ago

It's written that it's complete but where is the rest

3 years ago
