Chapter 3

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asha rani.B.S


Chapter 3:

Rey arched an eyebrow touching his forehead. Her acridness hardened. "Leave my hand" Her pupils bulged in dangerous glint. Her dark brown eyes danced in red fury. But her voice, damn God! Her voice was soothing playback music to him. His heart fluttered wanting to hear it once more, no rather until his heart savored it wholly. His lips quirked, almost forming dimples on his cheek. In d tiniest moment, her gaze lingered occupying his facial features. His sloppy cheek bones formed thin perfect lines. His jaw set postured in his smile. There was something powerful in his almond brown eyes, which she instantly liked upon one strike. It reminded her d color of coffee. His lips.... "You do like something, u r looking at? Love" He smirked mischievously. She was snapped. Her cheeks flared like someone slapped her. What was she even gazing at? She was staring at this man like she never had? Her heart nicked in shame. LAVIN? How on d earth can she even take a chance? Suddenly, her ears buzzed. Her ego outshined. "I said leave my hand" Her voice stiffened. There was an edge into it. He slowly loosened his grip, straightly staring at her. He was bewildered. He didn't like her audacity. But he willed not to push it. "Ok then, who are you? Love! Why are you in my room?" He crossed his hands across his bare chest. "Firstly, don't call me that" She sounded pretty pissed off. "What?" He pouted in such an innocent look that anyone could be flunked to notice smug look on his face. But she was no fool. "Taani. My name is Taani. So don't call me that." She warned not so gently. "I'm sorry for coming here. I was just lost in d dark" She added defending her actions. She turned to leave. "Taani" He called out. She stopped. She twitched her head in sideway, browsing him through her shoulder. "Nice name, love" He grinned. She shut her eyes, gritting her teeth. Her palms curled into fists. She wanted to knock out d smile on his face. But she knew better. She simply stomped off.


Taani hurled furiously descending d stairs. 'Taani' His voice loitered like a stalking psycho. Him calling her 'LOVE', Gods! It so annoyed her. Son of a..... Her swearing trolled off nearly when Wahi blocked her absent minded bump. "Whoa...Easy" He held her shoulders. "What's wrong?" His concern lifted as soon as he looked her in face. He never saw her in so much of mixed dilemma. She was his ever beautiful friend from d day he mutually met through Sneha. He cared for her like his own sister. Seeing his ocean blue eyes rippling in d waves of confusion, terror, muscles of her face relaxed. "It's nothing" She shrugged. "Are you sure?" He doubted. "Yeah" She beamed little. "Good" He grinned. Though her worried face nagged under his pit, he didn't push forward her to sputter. It was one very kind thing of him. He always gave space to d people when needed. "Where is Aryan?" Her gaze immediately wandered clumsily. "He's actually asleep. You know, he had smacked his guitarist" He put his hand on her shoulder. "What?" Her shock was unsurprised to him. "Oh my Gods, Is Bharath k?" For d whole new moment, she forgot everything just happened with d anonymous guy. She bit her lip upon her son's ridiculous affair of torturing his teachers. "Don't worry. His nose is going to be ok within 2 days, I guess" He snickered. "Not funny" She glared. "I know, I know. But u should understand his kiddy feelings, k" He suggested. "Shut it. He had broken his teacher nose! One day he's seriously going to get in trouble" She growled. Incredulity was written all over her face. "Relax. He's going to learn. Don't be hard on him for simple broken nose" He was trying hard to shut d hell up of his laughter. "You r turning him into brat" She scoffed dodging out of his hand. She traded upstairs. "Where r u...... Oh no, don't scold him" He pleaded in a way it made her to simply smile. "I won't. Anyway u said he's asleep. So I have no choice." Her voice muffled as she turned up.


The dinner table was occupied by several desserts, cuisines, main meal. It was a wooden designed table coated in bright spring brown. A set of more than 10 chairs surrounded, pink napkin draped on d hem of it. Rinny arranged d plates, forks, spoons on each table, all of china ware. "Hmmmmmmm........It smells..." Sneha inhaled d scent of hotly prepared food, coming still beside Rinny. "Hungry" Swayam ruined her compliment. He looked funnily stylish in his brown cardigan, black casual t-shirt n brown ankle booties. "Hugh....It's not what I was going to say" She snorted. "But he's hungry, I guess" a voice startled her. The familiar feel of his presence tickled her. Wahi! Her Wahi, he looked breath taking every time she saw him. He was changed into grey full sleeved t-shirt, bright red slacks n red shoes. "That's right, dude" Without inviting anyone, Swayam grabbed a seat on d table. "Stop staring at me" Wahi's lips edged, standing beside his GF. "Oh..." She snapped out of it. "I'm not staring at u" Her cheeks flushed. "Really?" He shot up his brows. "Look at the love birds" Rey entered freshly in his khakis and maroon knit sweater n maroon shoes. Vrush was along with him in her denims tucked, enclosed winter jacket n black flat heels. Immediately, Wahi n Sneha parted awkwardly. Wahi caught Vrush's eye. She immediately tore off. She joined Swayam on d table without a word. "U look smacking sexy" Rey stood in front of Wahi n Sneha. She dropped off a fork dancing in her fingers. She took a minute to consume his words. "Gods, did I just say anything wrong?" Rey looked befuddled by her reaction. "Absolutely no" Wahi commented with a sheepish grin on his face. She glared him. "That was so out of line to call me SUPER SEXY in front of my BF" She chided Rey. "U r wrong..... I called u smacking sexy" He sniggered. She flushed. "He's just messing around" Swayam yelled as if it struck him to defend his BFF's flirtatious actions. "Damn! I don't like him" She turned to Wahi. "Thank u" Rey kept that smile intact. "He's bit crazy but not that bad" Vrush whispered like a hum, without turning at them. She faced her back to Wahi. "Whatever" Sneha muttered, not convinced. "It's ok. He's just flirty" Wahi squeezed her palm. She nodded, adding a seducing smile. He smirked putting his hand across her waist.


Taani entered quietly into a dimly lit room. There he was. Her son, cuddling in d warmth of HARRY POTTER poster blankets n quilts. The cartoon channel in TV was on mute. The bed light lamp beside d bed was off. The book case was scattered in a mess. Those were all SUPERNATURAL genres since Aryan was a freak of fantasy. Sure, Alisha was going to whack her little kid's butt if she didn't take care of it. It was her room. She loved him so much, that she undauntedly shared d room with Aryan whenever he stayed here unlike her strict rules for others including family members to not enter d room. Twiddling her head, she cleared d mess of d books placing them back in d shelf. She sat on d edge of d bed. His peaceful sleep was wonder to her. He looked exactly a carbon copy of his father, LAVIN except for those magnificent dark brown eyes inherited by her. She stroked his hairs for several moments watching him until there was a knock on d door. Amar was peeking slightly to gesture her. "Dinner is ready. Every one r waiting" He whispered slowly, hoping he didn't wake Aryan. "Coming" She nodded. She brushed her lips on Aryan's forehead before leaving d room.


"Oh man, I'm going to gallop all these food insanely today, Rinny" Taani joined d dining table. Everyone on d table turned to her. Surprisingly, her gaze fell on Swayam. In fact, he was staring right at her in utter astonishment. "Taani?" He broke free of d Apple nearing his mouth. 

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