Youtuber Nikhil Sharma aka Mumbiker Nikhil reveals his baby's face in adorable photo

Youtuber Nikhil Sharma aka Mumbiker Nikhil revealed his baby Sky's face on social media.

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Nikhil Sharma and Shaince Shrestha

Famous and renowned Youtuber Nikhil Sharma and his wife are hitting the headlines after becoming proud parents to their newly born baby girl. The couple named their baby girl Sky.

And after 50 days of the baby being born, the couple revealed the face of their baby girl on social media. The two posted a picture and captioned it, "So finally my mumma dadda decided to show my face to the world today!A big hie to all of you from a 1 week old Skyu #1WeekOldSky. 

Have a look at the post:

Nikhil got married to Shanice Shrestha, who is also a lifestyle and fashion Youtube vlogger. The couple made an announcement on their Youtube channel and other social media platforms that they welcomed their first child on 13th December.

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