When Aasiya Kazi had a tough time while shooting...

The actress has recently got hurt while shooting for her show in Jodhpur...

The team of Colors' popular show Balika Vadhu was shooting in Jodhpur city, where popular actress Aasiya Kazi (Ganga) on the show, had a tough time shooting.

We hear that, Aasiya got injured while shooting for the show. In a sequence, someone was supposed to pull her by her hand. But unknowingly the actor pulled her hand with a little extra force and that became a problem for her. Her same hand had been already suffering from Tennis Elbow problem from quite a long time. 

Aasiya's Tennis Elbow problem and the incident while shooting made the pain in her hand worst. However, she somehow managed to continue shooting and finished all her scenes. Our source says that, "Aasiya was in extreme pain during the entire shoot because of her Tennis elbow problem but continued to shoot".

When we contacted Aasiya, she confirmed the news!

We wish Aasiya a speedy recovery!

Anwesha Kamal

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Aasiya Kazi

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Balika Vadhu

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Comments (3)

Take care of yourself

God Bless you Aasiya

8 years ago

u rock anushka \m/ :D
just love ur voice.. it is unique..
and Sunburn is gonna b one awesome fest
damn.. can't be der this tym :( </3

11 years ago

I really liked her style of singing I would love to be there.

11 years ago

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