#Review: 'The Test Case' passes the TEST of time-delay by topping it with full marks

After a long delay, the rest of the 9 episodes of the first season are now available..

Kunal Nirmal Kothari Thumbnail

Kunal Nirmal Kothari

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Ekta Kapoor's The Test Case was not only one of the most awaited shows back in April 2017, but also had the most prolific cast come together.

However, with As and Bs and other reasons, the show got delayed. Nevertheless, The Test Case is back with a bang on the eve of Republic Day and the rest of the 9 episodes went live.

With a glimpse at the first episode and an overview of a couple of other episodes that followed, I review The Test Case.

Here's where we left off..

Capt. Shikha Sharma's (Nimrat Kaur) welcome in the training centre pretty much did go as expected. Of course, her ode with a commando who is about to commit suicide and how she reminisces her flashback wasn't a part of the plan for sure.

But, overall, some misogynists, some chivalrous; Shikha's encounter with the people at the centre was a ride in itself.

And then..

The toughest journey of Shikha's life has only begun, where she is not able to finish a difficult obstacle course under 7 minutes. However, with persistence and determination, she does it on her second attempt. She is finally getting accepted by her coursemates, except Captain Rohan Rathore. Meanwhile, Captain Avinash is fired from the academy on account of the police case he is involved in and thus enters the dormitory, Shikha Sharma. This happens because she asked for no special privileges and thus, the bathroom scene that follows is hilarious and enlightening too.

Shikha teaches Rohan a little lesson after the drinking game, while Bilal is growing close to her. The crew has a night off and they enjoy themselves at a hotel, where we meet Shikha's supportive and loving boyfriend, Shivi (Samir Kochhar).

After a relaxed and fun-filled day, the crew is back at the academy and has fallen asleep, when a troupe of masked people attack the dorm and start firing.

Is this a part of the drill that the course students have to follow or is an unanticipated and unknown attack? Also, remember how Shikha is actually on some secret mission here apparently, so is it related to that? Only time will tell.

The Highs

Everything aside, there couldn't have been a better actress to play the role Capt. Shikha Sharma than Nimrat Kaur. With the correct attitude, poise, demanding presence and needed smile (at times), she just doesn't act as Shikha Sharma, but you actually believe that you are watching a real-life documentary of a person who is the Test Case in the regiment. In every sequence that she appears, she nails it with perfect conviction, thus becoming a high for the show in itself.

One of the biggest apprehensions one would have had is how would they manage to have the same flavour and impact that the first episode left after the unanticipated break that came in. But, with crisp storyline, dedicated performances by the actors, The Test Case not only maintains, but betters the impact it created.

The biggest high-point here is the sense of realistic situations that the show exhibits. Even though Shikha Sharma is a special case, they haven't been unrealistic about how she can nail it all right away. That's what we usually see happening otherwise. Her struggle and failures are real and the treatment she gets from her batchmates and the peers is also real as it can get.

The performances of the ensemble cast is one to remember. The faces you see are some of the best actors in Indian entertainment industry and every person does complete justice to their characters. From the brilliant Atul Kulkarni and Rahul Dev to the Bhuvan Arora and Akshay Oberoi, it's an absolute treat.

The Lows

The love angle introduced between Shikha and Shivi seemed forced when presented. There wasn't anything wrong with it per se, but the fact that Bilal has started liking Shikha and the latter already has a boyfriend is too predictable and cliche. Is there any twist to it in the rest of the episodes? If there is, we hope it's a good one.

The Verdict

With Nimrat's commendable performance, succinct writing and genuine comic reliefs, The Test Case should be on your must-watch list as soon as possible.

It isn't the cliched patriotic drama or forced-upon feminism; it is a saga of struggle, survival and pride.

Rating - **** (4/5)

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Rahul Dev Thumbnail

Rahul Dev

Atul Kulkarni Thumbnail

Atul Kulkarni

Samir Kochhar Thumbnail

Samir Kochhar

Nimrat Kaur Thumbnail

Nimrat Kaur

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