Pandya Store: Pranali aids Bhavin, helping him regain consciousness

Pandya Store written update, 13 March 2024: Pranali administers medication to Bhavin, inducing him to vomit the phenyl and regain consciousness.

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Pandya Store: Pranali aids Bhavin, helping him regain consciousness
Pranali and Bhavin from Pandya Store. Image Courtesy: Star Plus

Tonight's Pandya Store episode commences with Chiku (Sahil Uppal) contacting Sesh and expressing concern about ghosts in the Makwana house. Sesh, feeling frightened, urges Chiku to come outside with Isha. Chiku suspects Amrish's involvement, fearing a plot to steal important papers. Meanwhile, Natasha (Priyanshi Yadav) and Dhawal (Rohit Chandel) search for the papers covertly. Aware of the impending deadline, Chiku alerts Isha about the significance of the papers, prompting them to join forces with a flashlight to apprehend the thief.

Chirag, growing anxious, knocks on the bathroom door and finds Bhavin inside, having consumed a dangerous amount of phenyl. The family rushes to Bhavin's aid as he faints, foaming at the mouth, shocking everyone. Natasha deduces the papers' whereabouts, hidden by Chiku in the kitchen. Upon hearing Chiku's approach, they hastily attempt to conceal themselves, but Chiku spots Dhawal.

Discovering the empty phenyl bottle, the family becomes alarmed while Pranali administers treatment to Bhavin, saving his life. Pranali administers medication to Bhavin, inducing him to vomit the phenyl and regain consciousness. Meanwhile, Dhawal and Natasha conceal themselves, but Chiku alerts Isha, stating he spotted Dhawal and emphasising the need for heightened security.

Amrish consoles Bhavin:

Amrish consoles Bhavin:
Bhavin and Amrish from Pandya Store. Image Courtesy: Star Plus

As Bhavin recovers, Amrish consoles him, urging him not to repeat such actions. Touched by the family's support, Bhavin apologises and shares a heartfelt moment. Meanwhile, Natasha stumbles upon a box containing old love letters and roses, pondering its significance. Dhawal and Natasha search for the box's owner, leading Natasha to suspect Dhawal. Dhawal defends himself, stating he only fell in love once, leaving Natasha stunned. Dhawal reassures Natasha, emphasising their ability to retrieve the papers within two days despite Chiku's heightened vigilance.

Natasha grapples with conflicting emotions, torn between her love for her brother and loyalty to her family. Seeking solace from Suman, Natasha reminisces about her bond with the Makwanas, lamenting the painful choice she must make. In a poignant moment, Suman consoles Natasha, reminding her that their ties with the Makwanas run deep, even in separation.

Precap for the next episode:

In the upcoming episode of Pandya Store, Natasha confides in Dhawal about her decision to marry Shashank, hoping it will convince Chiku to relinquish the Makwana property. Prepared to make the sacrifice, Natasha resolves to demonstrate her commitment to moving forward despite the emotional turmoil it brings.

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