Pandya Store: Natasha urges Pranali to aid Chiku

In the upcoming episode of Star Plus' show Pandya Store, Pranali faces Bhavin's interference while giving Dhawal an injection, but Natasha trusts her and urges assistance for Chiku.

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Pandya Store: Natasha urges Pranali to aid Chiku

Tonight's Pandya Store episode begins with Makwanas panicking upon discovering Dhawal (Rohit Chandel) missing, while Chiku (Sahil Uppal) searches for Natasha (Priyanshi Yadav). Pranali instructs everyone to cover their noses to avoid inhaling smoke. Natasha reassures Chiku that she's fine, climbing out the window to seek help and urging him to break the door. Grabbing a garden hose, Natasha tells Dhawal to catch it while she starts the water. Chiku jumps outside but finds the gate locked, discovering Amba unconscious.

Natasha throws a pipe at Dhawal, asking him to manage the water. Amrish aids Dhawal, urging him to be careful as he uses the hose to extinguish the fire. Natasha and Chiku break the lock, opening the gate for evacuation. Natasha helps Dhawal out, leaving the Makwanas coughing due to smoke inhalation.

Natasha arrives with Dhawal, and concern grows for his deteriorating health. Even Natasha starts feeling suffocated. Hetal is shocked to find Amrish missing, and Isha realizes Chiku is absent too. Amrish, unaware of Chiku inside, locks the gate while leaving. Chiku, suffocating, shouts for Amrish, but he doesn't hear. Chirag discovers Amrish and informs Isha about Chiku. Amrish says he locked the gate to contain the fire.

Isha wants to search for Chiku, but Chirag and Amrish stop her. Chiku manages to stand up and come downstairs. Chiku finds it hard to breathe, and Dhawal's health worsens. Amba urges them to call a doctor, and soon both Chiku and Dhawal faint. Natasha attempts CPR, urging Pranali, a doctor, to assist. Amrish seeks help but learns of a rally causing a jam. Pranali attempts to administer an injection, but Bhavin intervenes, berating her. Natasha trusts Pranali, who tends to Chiku while praying for her help with Dhawal. 

Precap: Natasha encourages Pranali to administer CPR to save Dhawal.

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