Pandya Store: Natasha accuses Rohan of involvement in Dhawal's shooting with the hunters

In the upcoming episode of Star Plus' show Pandya Store, Natasha accuses Rohan of being with the hunters and possibly involved in Dhawal's shooting, but Amba and Suhani defend him.

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Tonight's episode of Pandya Store unfolds with Amba expressing her concern to Amrish about the potential cancellation of Dhawal's (Rohit Chandel) marriage to Suhani, affecting Isha and Rohan's relationship. Amrish assures her that everything will work out. Dolly informs Dhawal about Suhani's arrival and suggests making an excuse for him not to join, but Dhawal decides to meet Suhani. Dolly advises him to change his separation dates, and he agrees. Downstairs, Suhani offers Dhawal his favourite chocolates, and he expresses his desire to talk to her.

Amba interrupts, calling Isha to distract Dhawal. Suhani introduces Rohan to Isha, who notices a hand injury but receives a vague explanation from Rohan. Dhawal attempts to talk to Suhani, but Amba keeps intervening. Suhani is asked to provide a list of her favourite items, and Amba hopes Dhawal doesn't change his mind. Natasha (Priyanshi Yadav) arrives, stating they need to talk. Natasha mentions something important about hunters in the jungle.

Natasha explains that she tried to reach Dhawal but couldn't, so she came in person. Amba thanks her for saving Dhawal's life but advises her to let the police handle the investigation. Amba reveals Dhawal's engagement to Suhani and introduces them. Dhawal suggests talking outside, but Amba refuses. Rohan informs Isha that he has no issues progressing with the marriage proposal and mentions his missing lighter. Natasha shows the found lighter, which Suhani recognizes as Rohan's.

Rohan questions Natasha about how she obtained it, and she accuses him of being with the hunters and possibly involved in Dhawal's shooting. Rohan denies owning the lighter, and Amba scolds Natasha, defending Rohan. Suhani blames Natasha for trying to sabotage her relationship with Dhawal, suggesting jealousy. Amba warns Natasha about the potential consequences if Isha's marriage is affected. Natasha leaves disappointed, and Dhawal remains silent. 

Rohan emotionally manipulates Amba, expressing concern about Isha's readiness for the relationship. Dhawal questions Rohan about proof of being in Mumbai, but Amba and Suhani defend him. The episode concludes with Dhawal stating his trust in Natasha.

Precap: Chiku fills Isha's hairline with vermillion, and Dhawal accuses Natasha of orchestrating their marriage, with Natasha accepting the allegation. Dhawal announces his haldi ritual with Suhani.

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