Pandya Store: Amrish seeks to end Dhawal's relationship with Natasha

In the upcoming episode of Star Plus' show Pandya Store, Suman encourages Natasha to focus on her marriage, while Amrish seeks to end Dhawal's relationship with Natasha.

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In tonight's Pandya Store, Suman advises Natasha not to worry about her and suggests that she should focus on her marriage and husband, emphasizing the importance of cherishing the initial phase. She then encourages Natasha to go home. Natasha questions her place at the Pandya house, and Suman offers to have Natasha drop her at home before heading to her own. Amrish informs Amba that he has resolved their issues and made a deal with Chiku, rendering Natasha's presence unnecessary. Amba points out a potential complication.

Meanwhile, Chiku contacts a lawyer regarding some important work. Amba cautions Amrish to be careful, and Amrish maintains that he doesn't want Natasha in their home. He believes Dhawal will agree to leave Natasha, given the chance to start anew. A doctor arrives, and Suman requests to go home, but the doctor suggests keeping her under observation. Dhawal arrives and has a serious conversation with Amrish.

The following morning, Suman talks to Natasha on the phone and suggests that Dhawal come and take Natasha home. Natasha mentions that Dhawal has to attend college. After Natasha leaves to deposit some money, Amrish and the family discuss their plans involving Chiku. Dhawal, however, seems disinterested. Natasha brings Suman to the table, but Suman insists that she's fine and encourages Natasha to go home, raising concerns about what her in-laws might think. Natasha hints at a surprise. As the family discusses Dhawal's attachment to Natasha, Shesh works on a kite-themed collage, and Natasha assists him. She also contacts Chiku, expressing her concerns about his behaviour and indicating they are planning a surprise for Suman. Shesh speculates about Chiku's level of affection for them.

Amrish meets with a lawyer, and Chiku unexpectedly appears. They discuss property matters, and Chiku assures Amrish that he has taken care of the store. Amrish realizes they no longer need Natasha's involvement.

Precap: Natasha arrives at the Makhwana house and confronts Amrish, revealing that the store is registered in her name and declaring her intention to hand it over to him.

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