Pandya Store: Amrish orders Rocky to kidnap Dhawal and Natasha; Chiku falls unconscious

In the upcoming episode of Star Plus' show Pandya Store, Amrish instructs Rocky to kidnap Dhawal and Natasha and move them to another location safely.

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Pandya Store

Tonight's Pandya Store episode commences with Dhawal (Rohit Chandel) raising the question to Natasha (Priyanshi Yadav) about advancing their relationship akin to that of a married couple. Natasha, misinterpreting his intent, perceives it as a physical advancement and hastily expresses her discomfort. Dhawal clarifies that he was referring to building trust and respect, prompting Natasha to feel embarrassed. As she stands up, she inadvertently steps on a balloon, tumbling into a pool. Natasha, struggling in the water, reveals she can't swim. She was initially dismissed by Dhawal as a prank until he realized her genuine distress.

Meanwhile, Chiku, contemplating Natasha's decision to demolish the Pandya Store, attempts to contact her, perplexed by her unilateral choice. Chirag interrupts the date with a lunchbox and a gift, leading to Dolly's annoyance. Chiku arrives at the Makwana mansion, seeking Natasha. Chiku rings the doorbell late at night, and Isha, concerned, questions his visit.

Chiku discloses his urgency to talk to Natasha, but she is unreachable. Chiku started yelling Natasha's name, attracting Amrish's attention. Isha informs him that Natasha is with Dhawal. Dolly grows more frustrated with Chirag's gestures. Ish calls Chirag, and he shares that Natasha and Dhawal are at a farmhouse. Isha relays this information to Chiku. Dhawal rescues Natasha from the pool, leading to a romantic moment. Chiku tries to contact Natasha, but fails. Isha tries to stop Chiku from disturbing Natasha and Dhwal's date. He remains firm and leaves from there. Meanwhile, Amrish overhears Chiku and Isha's conversation, sparking his interest.

Concerned about Pandya Store, Amrish instructs Rocky to kidnap Dhawal and Natasha and move them to another location safely. Dhawal helps Natasha with her saree, and they hear a commotion outside. Chiku arrives at the farmhouse, and Natasha notices him from the window. Rocky's goons attack Chiku, who manages to fend them off but is eventually overpowered and rendered unconscious. Realizing their mistake, the goons throw Chiku out of the van. The episode concludes with Natasha being shocked at seeing Chiku lying unconscious.

Precap: Natasha confronts Dhawal about deceiving her into signing papers and accuses him of betraying her and breaking not only Pandya Store but also their trust.

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