Pandya Store: Amba fakes illness to trouble her daughters-in-law

In tonight's Pandya Store episode, Amba's deceptive illness keeps the Bahus busy while Natasha gets closer to uncovering the truth behind the Pandya Store model.

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Tonight's Pandya Store episode begins with Amba having a vivid imagination, envisioning the bahus challenging Amrish and herself and even frightening them. This causes Amba to feel faint, but her dream quickly comes to an end. She becomes worried when she sees her bahus, determined to prevent them from uniting. Meanwhile, Dhawal offers Neetu a lift, and she teases her about wanting to meet Natasha, which brings a smile to her face. Amba asks Chabeli about household chores, and an idea begins to form in her mind.

Amba's act to cause trouble:

Natasha arrives at the construction site, and Dhawal drops Neetu off. Natasha suspects Dhawal's intentions and questions him. However, a dangerous moment occurs when a worker drops a wooden log, prompting Dhawal to pull Natasha to safety. They share a brief, intimate moment. As Natasha goes to explore Amrish's office, Hetal looks for Amba, who is outside pretending to do laundry. When Pranali and Dolly arrive, Amba puts on a dramatic act, feigning illness and showing them stained clothes. Natasha encounters Chirag, who is worried about her seeing a Pandya Store flag fallen. Fortunately, she leaves without noticing. Amba continues her act in front of Hetal and the other bahus, making them offer to help with the work. Natasha returns to Amrish, who urges Dhawal to make her sign some important papers that day.

ALSO READ: Pandya Store: Natasha extends her hand to Dhawal to move forward in their relationship

Pandya Store flag mishap:

In the meantime, Chirag deals with a model mishap, but Natasha arrives just in time to help him. She notices the model, recognizing it as the Pandya Store. Neetu expresses her admiration, and Chirag secretly puts the Pandya Store flag back in place, relieved that his secret is safe. Amba continues her pretence of illness, and Hetal and the others agree to do the chores. Paresh is informed of a worker's injury and realizes Amrish's involvement. Determined to seek justice for his daughter, Paresh plans to confront Amrish. Amrish instructs Dhawal to keep Natasha happy and get her signature on the papers as soon as possible.


In the precap of Pandya Store, Dhawal and Natasha have a serious argument, and Natasha is angry with him for breaking her trust and planning their marriage. She threatens to see how his mall project succeeds.

ALSO READ: Pandya Store: Hetal assumes Natasha to be pregnant but is she?

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