Nivedita Basu: The problem in our industry is that we keep feeling bad

Nivedita Basu, VP of Content and Business Alliance, Atrangii TV and OTT, says that it is very important to be mentally strong when you are part of showbiz.

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Nivedita Basu

Producer Nivedita Basu, VP of Content and Business Alliance, Atrangii TV and OTT, says that it is very important to be mentally strong when you are part of showbiz. The producer adds that it is very important to understand that success depends on various factors, and things work out when they have to.

“I think our industry is all about networking today. If you can make a feature versus somebody who can't, it's all because of your network and relationship with an actor or producer or funder. So yes, your opportunities differ in terms of your relationships with other people. Merit does have its value but luck and destiny also matter. I mean we've seen so many acclaimed actors and their kids not getting their dues. It's also because of one’s merit being low and second, sometimes their timing is also wrong. I know so many people who are super talented but have not got their due and they can also be star kids. So, it works both ways,” she says.

She adds, “Hero becomes zero and zero becomes the hero. Like I said, it's destiny. If at that point something has to fall right in the jigsaw puzzle, it will. You cannot ever pinpoint and say that this was wrong or this was right or this worked in their favour. It is all written out there. If your karma has shown results today, it will even show hail, come storm. So, you have to live with it and move on. You can't keep sulking. The problem in our industry is that we keep feeling bad, we feel miserable about ourselves and we go to extremes and do stupid things and that's where we have to put a full stop. You have to take it in your stride and move on. Move on, move on, move on. I mean there's so much and so many places to move on to so just keep moving.”

Talking about nepotism, she says, “I think nepotism does exist and more so in the film industry. The only plus they get is that yes, they get opportunity after opportunity, even after failures. But I think the audience is now quite blunt about who they will make successful and who they won't. If they don't find merit in the talent, they will just reject it. The only plus of nepotism is that after maybe five, seven rejects also you will get a 7th opportunity but an awkward common man might not. So yes, I am of the opinion that it does exist.”

She adds, “Not getting the right opportunity or losing the opportunity can be frustrating. Oh yes, don't even talk about it. I think to distract yourself is a big thing. So, if you have good friends, if you have a good support system, if you have ways of entertaining yourself and keeping yourself positive, things will feel a lot better. Whether it is meditation or exercising, you need to keep yourself occupied. You have to have fodder for your brain. You can't let it just lie and feel negative and bad about the setbacks because they will happen everywhere. It's not just in the entertainment industry.”

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