Making the kissing scenes look convincing was a challenge: Tahir Bhasin

The Force 2 actor talks about his role on TIme-Out...

Tanzim Pardiwalla Thumbnail

Tanzim Pardiwalla

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Web-series is adding a now feather to it's genre cap and with each passing day, new and well-known actors join the web space, reaching out to the audiences more directly. Time-Out is a Voot original web-series that stars Tahir Bhasin and Sarah Jane Dias, two critically acclaimed Bollywood names. We wondered if the digital space is prepared to see some serious content as Time-Out promises to be a revealing look into the life of an ordinary person going trough a quarter-life crisis and it turns out to be a an intricate web of plot and performance. We got into a chat with Tahir Bhasin, the lead actor of the series to find out more about his character. 

Tahir is popular for his role in Force 2 and his shift to the web is rather radical. When asked what the transition is like he said "The kind of content we have can be played out only on the web as the digital space helps by offering a ground to experiment. In films, the commitment is huge while a web series can be shot in a month, so the transition was smooth.

The actor is known for playing the anti-hero, but this series will show his vulnerable, romantic side. About the switch in character portrayals the actor said "Rahul, my character is the typical guy-next-door, his life is going well and he has a family, a career but there's a layer of frustration. The character is as close to real life as it gets, my director's background in getting his actors to bring that out is a plus point." Speaking of the challenges, the actor admitted that this role comes as a distinct shade as he states, "Things like making the kissing scenes look realistic was challenging, it's very different from having John Abraham chase you in an action sequence."

We asked if the actor is selective about the roles he picks and he said, "The choices you make in terms of roles and mediums speak for you and define you. I like picking characters that have a certain dimension rather than white or black characters. Rahul is conventional but he's growing up, it is a coming of age story as he goes through quarter-life crisis and explores what "happy" really means."

We found that Tahir is averse to acting in a TV show and his reason was that the digital space Internationally and in India adheres to the standards of films while TV doesn't and so he doesn't see TV happening for him. 

That was quite a revealing look into the character, what do you think of Rahul from Time-Out? 

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John Abraham Thumbnail

John Abraham

Sarah Jane Dias Thumbnail

Sarah Jane Dias

Tahir Bhasin Thumbnail

Tahir Bhasin

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