I wasn't getting much opportunity to shine: Megha Sharma on quitting Pandya Store

Megha Sharma recently left her role on the show "Pandya Store" due to limited screen time and few opportunities for character development

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Megha Sharma
Megha Sharma on quitting Pandya Store

Megha Sharma recently left her role on the show "Pandya Store" due to limited screen time and few opportunities for character development. Previously seen in shows like "Baal Krishna" and "Mahakali—Anth Hi Aarambh Hai," Sharma expressed that her departure was necessary for her growth as an actor.

Sharma explained that she initially enjoyed her role during the first four months on "Pandya Store." However, as time progressed, her character ceased evolving, and her screen presence significantly diminished. "My character wasn't developing, and I was barely visible or given lines," she said. Realizing she wasn't being given a chance to showcase her talents, Sharma left the show to seek better opportunities.

"It was a hard decision because I loved working with the team, and they were wonderful. But, as an actor, I need to perform, and I wasn't getting that chance," she remarked. Sharma is now optimistic about her future and is open to exploring various types of acting roles, emphasizing the importance of performance in any work she undertakes.

Megha Sharma, a firm believer in the resilience of actors, shared her perspective on the industry. 'Struggles are an integral part of our journey,' she said. 'But it's how we choose to handle them that defines us. Some might give up, but I choose to face them positively and keep moving forward.' Currently, she is actively seeking new projects to fully engage her acting skills, highlighting that any role is an opportunity to perform.

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