Do you absolutely MISS 'Sadda Haq'? This actor from the show does too!

This was certainly one of the best youth shows to come along..

Kunal Nirmal Kothari Thumbnail

Kunal Nirmal Kothari

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When we talk about youth shows and actually, the best youth shows in our memory, we will certainly not cease to have names like Dil Dosti Dance, Saddam Haq, Jersey No 10 among few others to discuss about.

And talking about Sadda Haq, it certainly is one of the best youth shows to have come on Indian Television. The show tackled several norms and important issues along with a breezy love story as its central point.

The first season was a humongous success, and it was followed by a second season which included a few new cast members which included Ashwini Koul as one of the new leads.

And while you, as fans would never cease to highlight how the show is not only one of their favourite shows, but also how you miss it, Ashwini also relates to that, and couldn't agree more.

He recently posted a video of a scene which stars himself and Harshita Gaur, where he mentioned how much he misses Sadda Haq Season 2-

Feel the same, don't you?

Your reaction

Harshita Gaur Thumbnail

Harshita Gaur

Ashwini Koul Thumbnail

Ashwini Koul

Sadda Haq Season 2 poster

Sadda Haq Season 2

Sadda Haq poster

Sadda Haq

Channel V thumbnail

Channel V

Comments (6)

Okay!! Ahem!! Uhu... Aaa...Yes.Commenting for Harshita Gaur. The stunning beauty

Well to be honest being a selective viewer when comes to content, I beg to disagree with my two fellow members. SH was a beautiful show, with beautiful team and out of the box ideas. The show lacked at one point though, unlimited wins to Sanyukta Agarwal and this doesn't makes her the Dormat. The fact is she was hell strong girl, determined and never giving up before anybody. The word doesn't fits either. Sadda Haq never had regressive contents like treating others good for nothing or promoting stuff like we see in the daily drama. Male lead wasn' the abusive but had varied layers like a normal human being. Glad Randhir's character wasn't shown that of giving up and running after the girl. The only thing i disliked the most about SH was giving unnecessary importance to Dark Shadow. I mean aaj ke zamane mein flawless kaun hau bhai? *Thinks*

@Shekhawat: Oye... Nikal

6 years ago

I wonder did we watch the same show? SH was one of the best youth show with amazing season one cast and awesome love story. I think season 2 was a disaster because of few. Had seen few eps only but can say that very confidently.

6 years ago

Lol.. Poor Kelua fans venting out their frustrations here coz their fav didn't get a chance to stand against The Real Lead.. Koul is nothing but an attention seeker who keeps posting stuffs for attention..

6 years ago

It was the most regressive youth show .. Was supposed to be show about woman empowerment but was typical show with doormat female lead and abusive male lead

6 years ago

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6 years ago

I miss SH too and Parsh the most. Never liked Aryan though.

6 years ago

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