Critical Review of Reality Shows!

With an increase in the number of reality shows, the viewers for these shows are equally increasing and to maintain this viewer base, the shows are trying their best to provide all the entertainment required.

This week in all the three shows, the common factor happened to be the quality of singing. May it be Poonam, Amanat or Mussarat’s performance in SRGMP or Emon and Amit’s performance in Indian Idol or Abbhas, Abhilasha, Harshid and other wonderful performances in SVOI, the contestants in all the three shows left such an impact on the viewers that they will remember these performances for days to come.

SVOI with its vague and unknown format is leaving viewers with too many questions unanswered. With some contestants singing solo while others duets, now the viewers are confused if they need to judge them based on their solo performance in the duet song or the contestants as a pair. With the format of “Satta Bazaar” they selected the two teams Agni and Prithvi but leaving the question in viewers mind as to how they would now follow up. They even started public voting without any proper information as to the day the voting ends. The show seems to be having everything that’s needed for a Suspense Thriller Bollywood Movie - music, dance, celebrity guests, catchy dialogues and added to it, the suspense. This show has lost lot of viewer’s interest not because of the performance but because of this weird confusing format. Sometimes they are seen adopting Indian Idol format and sometimes we see the gharana format of SRGMP. So, is SVOI = Srgmp + VOice + Indian Idol!!

Hug-O-mania has caught all the three reality shows where we can find the contestants hugging either the judges or the celebrities. The shows are not only bringing out the talented singers, but also talented shayars and especially in SVOI, the judges' comments are everytime in some sher format. If in SRGMP and SVOI, the judges are only praising or creating hype for the contestants, Indian Idol saw Annu Malek criticising contestants and ofcourse his main target Alisha too - even getting personal. The comment for Deepali “Your crush is crushing your singing” was totally uncalled for, as it more targeted her on personal level rather than on her singing. Hope his arrogant and superior-to-all attitudes does not affect the voting pattern!!

SRGMP had some really nice performances. Looks like Salman Khan left the show charged and the charge is still carrying on. Barring couple of contestants, everyone is performing really well. But the biggest question mark is the Gurugraph being used by the Gurus. Just as kids love playing video games and go on pressing the buttons, the Gurus here are doing the same too. Mauli, Aneek and Musarrat getting all 10’s on Saturday is something beyond logic. Do we take it that Musarrat’s brilliant performance and Mauli’s performance, which was more of shouting rather than singing, was at par!! And Vishal and his Versatility issue is becoming a regular feature now. He is making this Versatility issue into a “Very-Satiric” issue for every other contestant. So how about his own gharana contestant Raja!! Poonam and her life’s story was something that touched everyone, but could have been avoided being aired. SaReGaMaPa is turning more into Sha-Re-Pra-Bla-Ma show. But hats off to this brave girl!! By the way, why does Vishal have to stand up after/during every good performance and whistle!!

The time when people used to spend boring weekends has certainly now been replaced by music and masti, by these reality shows and thus the expectations of the people are also high. The bonding between the contestants and people is now so high that when one gets eliminated, there are tears in the eyes of the viewers. And if these shows want the people to remain hooked, these small aspects should be taken care of so that in the future we get to watch some more music and more masti.

Author: Barnali

P.S. The opinions expressed in here is strictly those of the author. So for more information please contact the author only.

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Comments (15) for the gr8 article

17 years ago

Actually...these shows are completely cooked up!!!

I feel..when Anu Malik shouts at those contestants it is actually told him by the producers n directors so dat ppl watch it more..and result higher TRP's...

These shows r so boring dude...its completely a waste of time and a mere waste of money too..stupid are those ppl who vote 100's n 1000's of times wasting atleast 6 or 5 Rs..or may b even more dan dat per vote..!!!!

Even greatest of singers are taking part in this stupidity... wat shame man!!!

For ppl watching these shows..Stop watching these shows dude!!Watch sumthing productive..dun waste your time!!!

Those 'K' serials are much better..coz atleast they confess that these shows are unethical and fictitious and unreal..buh these shows..they are not real and they pose as if there are no other more real shows than these..!!!!

17 years ago

Mauli is another Qazi Tauqeer of Fame Gurukul.

Doe anyone knwo where is Ruprekha and Qazi? They actaully wasted that position .. someone else could have made their lives out of that.

Mauli is inconsistent, hyped and very limited Zonre singer.

Aneek is singer of today...

For Raja I think I will repeat Sonu's comment given to a participant of
Indian Idol-1
Raja is not a Gayak .. he is a Gawaiyaa.. i..e he has music in his blood and has deep sense of it.

17 years ago

Mauli roxx whatever her haters say; judges are not fools to give her 10 continuously second time infront of audience there...

17 years ago

this week indian idol was bad when parleen had to leave after singin so well:((((

17 years ago

I stopped watching Indian Idol when I saw that a contestant who forgot the whole song and couldn't sing a single line and cried....selected..

I watched a couple of Voice of India.. but couldn't do it regularly due to lack of time..

I watch only the Zee Saregama regularly and you are right.. Mauli and Musarraf getting 10?? I didn't watch Aneek perform but listened to him on tv in my living room from my bedroom.I thought of getting my ears checked... but I think it is working fine..

Mauli definitely did not deserve the 10 marks. She was better than her last few let-down performances and she sang the No Entry song better but Kambakht Ishq??? oh puhleeeeeeeeeez!!

I really wait to watch only Poonam, Aneek and Amanat.

17 years ago

I don't think Mauli deserved those points, she doesn't sing that good. Her voice only suits some songs, and yet it doesn't come out that well. All the judges are still looking at her first performance Maaya Maaya...I don't think she has sang any other song good expect that one.

17 years ago

srgmp is reallly awesome...but agree wid u on this...mouli sang good but dint deserve the 10 she got that mussarat got...mussarat sang the song incredibly while mouli was fairly good so she did NOT deserve it...the judges r just playin with the gurugraph

17 years ago

Only because she got good marks does not mean that she sang well. It was just a hype by the mentors. Does that mean both Mussarat and Mauli were on par in singing? Then what about Sumedha - one who sang really well got only 29 and she was definitely better than Mauli. The guru graph does not make any significance. Its just a play tool for the mentors. :P

17 years ago

c'mon...that was too harsh on Mauli. She wouldn't have got such good marks if she was considered to be 'shouting'???

17 years ago

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