Anupamaa's Rohit Bakshi on his return to the show for a limited run of episodes

In an exclusive conversation with India Forums, Rohit Bakshi discusses his re-entry in Anupamaa, and his latest stint on the show.

Rohit Bakshi reveals brief return to Anupama for a limited number of episodes
Rohit Bakshi, known for his role as Ankush in Anupamaa

Rohit Bakshi, renowned for his role as Ankush in the beloved Star Plus show Anupama, has recently rejoined the cast after a few months' hiatus. He was last seen on the show before it took a leap, and now he's back in action. In an exclusive conversation with India Forums, Rohit discusses his return and his latest stint on the show.

Did you miss being on the set of Anupamaa? Did you experience any FOMO while you were on a break?

I definitely missed being a part of Anupama. It was a wonderful experience working on the show for 1.5 years with such a great team, including my co-actors, the crew, and Rajan Shahi ji. When the show took its initial five-year leap, we anticipated a break of about 1 to 1.5 months, but it turned out to be a bit longer. However, the team was very considerate and encouraged us to take on other work during this period, as they were uncertain about the exact return.

So it was a pleasant surprise recently when I received a call about a new track they were planning and was asked if I was available. I was eager to return, as I'm ever ready for Anupamaa, and fortunately, the shoot began soon after. While my involvement will be for a limited number of episodes and not on a continuous basis. They even mentioned that they were uncertain about how they would progress in the storyline.

As an audience, we've seen your character evolve significantly, moving from a negative to a positive role. Now, with your re-entry, what can we expect from Ankush? Will he support Anuj and Anupama, help bring about a reunion, or reveal the truth about Adiya?

If I reveal everything now, the story will be spoiled, and there won't be any surprises left. But I can definitely say that what the makers are bringing, including Ankush's return, will be exciting for the audience. Ankush's love for Anuj remains strong, and I believe viewers will appreciate the track. However, you'll have to wait a bit to see what changes and developments occur. It's not right for me to disclose too much when everything will be telecast in just 2-3 days.

My involvement will be for a limited number of episodes and not on a continuous basis. They even mentioned that they were uncertain about how they would progress in the storyline

- Rohit Bakshi

How challenging was your character transformation?

My character's transformation from a negative to a positive role has been quite intricate. Ankush's role was challenging because he had to navigate complex relationships. On one hand, he deeply loves his brother Anuj, and on the other, he's married to a wife who is more concerned with property and material matters. This often put him in difficult situations where he had to choose between maintaining harmony at home and standing up for what's right.

Ankush initially found himself misled by his wife's demands, trying to balance her expectations with his loyalty to his brother. Over time, Ankush realises that staying true to his principles is more important than placating his wife. He decides to support Anuj and Anupama, which represents his shift toward doing what he believes is right. This internal conflict was a significant challenge for me as an actor, as it required portraying the emotional struggle of choosing between family obligations and moral integrity. This decision wasn't easy, and it's reflective of the struggles many face in balancing family dynamics.

I really want to do good work, regardless of the medium—be it TV, OTT, or movies. I'm open to any opportunity that challenges and excites me. The role should push me and make me eager to perform

- Rohit Bakshi

It was very complicated. It doesn't look complicated, but while performing, the emotions get a little complicated. Because in your mind, it keeps going on: What should I do? I have to balance here too. And this is the story of every house. There are husbands who come in all situations, caught between their mother and their wife. So how do they balance? Ankush was trying to balance both.

But then, with the way his wife was acting, he realised it was better to be on the right side, which is obviously his brother's side. Then there's the issue with his son, Romil, which his wife, Barkha, knew about. Despite staying in the same house, Ankush began to take a stand. How much could he tolerate? How much should he listen? He became more open about the situation. It was like a slap, acknowledging the reality: this is the situation. He didn't justify that what he did was right. Ankush never justified that what he did was right—whether it involved his wife or something else. It was wrong, but even the wife knew it.

You’ve been in the industry for over 22 years. What changes have you observed over the years?

In recent years, producers have been experimenting with various new concepts on television, aiming to bring fresh content to audiences. Despite these efforts, the industry is heavily influenced by TRP ratings. If new concepts don't perform well in terms of TRPs, the focus often shifts back to familiar themes, such as the traditional mother-in-law and daughter-in-law dramas, which have a proven track record with viewers.

The television landscape has become quite challenging. While earlier shows were meticulously planned with complete scripts before filming began, today's production process is more fast-paced. Scripts are often developed on the go, and actors receive scenes to perform with little advance notice.

Moreover, if you are doing a show for a certain channel, the channel wants you to be exclusive to them. You can't be on any other channel. So these minor things are there, basically. It has become a little more hectic now. An actor needs to be, you know, on top of his game and get the work done. Because there is no time. There is no time to correct mistakes. You need to get the work done. There is obviously a director and producer to guide you on how to portray the character and what to do but you need to be smart enough to just understand the character and move on.

Are you considering making your debut on OTT platforms?

Who wouldn't want to? Of course, I have the thought of getting into OTT. The appeal of OTT is that you work on a show for 2-3 months, which is a very different concept that is well received by the audience. The OTT audience is different from the TV audience, and the film audience is universal.

I really want to do good work, regardless of the medium—be it TV, OTT, or movies. I'm open to any opportunity that challenges and excites me. The role should push me and make me eager to perform. I constantly think about doing OTT, and I've started meeting with casting directors and others to express my interest in OTT series. If the right opportunity comes along, they will definitely get back to me.

Are there any upcoming projects lined up?

Nothing specific as of now. There's nothing concrete on paper yet, but there are ongoing talks. Once something is finalised, that will be the right time to discuss it. I'll definitely let you know when there's something concrete happening.

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Comments (1)

Arrey wah.. Ankush Barkha, Adhik and Aadya all returning to the show

1 months ago

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