After facing BACKLASH, Sharib- Toshi post a "HEARTFELT MESSAGE&am

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Priyanka Chauhan

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After facing backlash from all across, singers Sharib Sabri and Toshi Sabri have released a video wherein they have narrated the whole incident as to why the mother i.e. their sister had to threaten the baby girl Haya, their niece.

According to them, the kid is a stubborn kid and she was not able to learn the concept that her mother was teaching her since past 2-3 days.

And this is the only reason that the mother had to hit her and threaten her to teach her Maths.

Here's what they have said in a "heartfelt video". Watch the video here:
Do you agree with their justification? Do you think that hitting and threatening a child to teach them something is the right way?

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Toshi Sabri Thumbnail

Toshi Sabri

Sharib Sabri Thumbnail

Sharib Sabri

Comments (14)

Plz don't be harsh to the mother...we have all been hit my our parents and they mean well's not justified but they have all the right to do so...

7 years ago

Wth happened to Toshi lol I can't even recognize him

7 years ago

let me ask many of you have never gone through parents fake threats, little spanking, some harsh words...well my mom did this and thank her bcoz it was for my better future and success. I am not psychological affected by that at all neither my cousins and friends..then why are we making it a issue..parents have the right to teach kids even in harsh manner. they are parents they know their kids better. sitting home and criticizing and commenting is unnecessary. I live in America and believe me even Americans spank their kids I have seen it with my own eyes. let it be just chill.

7 years ago

You have zero parenting skills if you have to threaten and abuse your child...over learning numbers or anything else...that too when she is only 3. All kids can be stubborn over one thing or the other. That does not mean they should be abused. No justification what so ever over what was done to this little girl. And how can someone record this entire session and post it as if it was something the entire world should see? Shame...shame...shame on all those involved!

7 years ago

They don't stop now do they? Hitting and abusing the child and yes threatening the child is not the way to teach them anything. This is the point!! She is just 3 years old and kids do that. They are stubborn and it is the part of being kids. No justification can take away the horror I witnessed on that child's face. She was tormented by her mother for learning something as stupid as numbers even when she SAID IT RIGHT over 2-3 times. Is the mom being held accountable or not? Come one you morons she is a kid. You guys would have not given this justifications had the video not gone viral.

7 years ago

just disgusting no justification, you cannot teach if you are abusing, what you are teaching is how to abuse. it does not take 2 or three day to teach it take time and patience.

7 years ago

Disgusting ! Heartfelt justification my ass. I am sure every abuser, rapist, terrorist and criminal has heartfelt justification for sure.

A concept the kid was not getting for 2/3 days ? Are you freaking kidding me lady ? This is not justification, this is a proof of the inability and lack of skills required for motherhood.

Leave the kid alone !

7 years ago

Disgusting. Now u remember that she is 3 years old. She was saying them right but the mom was confusing her. So now that people are getting mad at the mom and your popularity as singers might go down you remember that she is 3. Wow. I have twins (that are 23 years old now) and they are both in the medical profession. Yes I would get upset if they did not do their homework but never ever hit them once because of it. Make learning fun, make it a game and they will grasp it. Just admit that mother made a mistake and own up to it. Rather than blaming a 3 year old. If you own up to it maybe people would respect u more.

7 years ago

Heelo everyone! I remembered when I was in the senior kg class, my mom once threatened me in the same way. She literally threatened to nip off a piece of my ear with a paper puncher that my dad used to keep in the study at home. All because I was unable to draw the picture of the cat with a pencil. And, I was dead terrified at that time. I was barely 4 then. But the same mom when I was injured by the dining chair a few weeks later, took me in her arms and ran all the way to the nursing home for my treatment one rainy evening. And moreover, she was barefooted that time. My mom was crying like hell. I agree that hitting and threatening kids is not right. But more than that, it is the education system in India that is to blame. Last but not the least, for Haya's Mom. Please madam, don't be so rough with the child. She's just three. Please let her be a child. Gentle behavior and patience can work wonders even with a stubborn kid. Has anyone of you watched the anil kapoor and rekha starrer bulandi? Just remember raveena's character and initial behavior in the movie. Then watch the family's reciprocation. Then you all shall understand everything. Have a lovely life ahead. Thanks a lot.

7 years ago

so NOW they remembered that the child is just 3 years old kid. Just day before they were shamelessly defending their sister and justifying the video and blaming others for over-reacting and declaring the child a tantrum throwing brat. so much for loving their niece! don't approve of people intruding the child's privacy but this entire family needs counseling. tough love, disciplining, being strict for the wellbeing of the child is not the issue. the issue is being sadistic and cruel and abusing the child. and the video falls in latter category.

7 years ago

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