Abhishek Kapur on Janmashtami: Be it dressing up as Krishna or breaking the matki, I’ve done it all!

Abhishek Kapur a.k.a Sameer from Zee TV's Kundali Bhagya shared a picture of himself dressed as Krishna on Janmashtami as a kid.

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Abhishek Kapur a.k.a Sameer from Zee TV's Kundali Bhagya shared a picture of himself dressed as Krishna on Janmashtami as a kid

Abhishek Kapur who plays the role of Sameer in Zee TV’s Kundali Bhagya revealed, “Janmashtami has always been one of my favorite festivals. In fact, since my childhood, I’ve celebrated the festival and I’ve enjoyed every bit of it. Be it dressing up as Krishna or breaking the matki, I’ve done it all. I remember I’ve dressed up as Lord Krishna twice, once in my childhood and once for an advertisement."

He added, "Actually, my parents, family and friends also call me Kanhaiya because I’m surrounded by a lot of female friends. Anyway, coming back to Janmashtami, it’s a wonderful feeling to celebrate it as I love this festival. Jai Shri Krishna to all.”

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