Seven Cast Á Crew

The one who can read minds Mastishk is regular college ‘hottie’ with supernatural powers of reading people’s mind. Angelic face, baby-smile, great physique and a mischief maker, Mastishk is very popular among the girls. But his serious undertones complimented by sorted looks, calm face; peaceful appearance makes him a completely mysterious and blessed person.

The one who can see the future Mastishk’s fraternal twin, Drishika is petite looking, vulverable, soft-spoken and very dainty. Highly expressive Drishika is the one can foresee… one who can predict the future. Her eyes are living proof of compassion and consideration. She’s outspoken yet measures her words, dreamy yet rooted… a perfect epitome of being ladylike.

‘The one who can heal herself’ A blend of bold and beautiful, Asmin, is the girl who can never get hurt as she heals herself. Athletic yet gentle, sparkling eyes with immense conviction, Fierce and impatient are some of the quickest words to describe the girl with a distinct style of speaking, and rhythmic sense of combat.

The one who can move at supersonic speeds Meet the boy from the woods, with an impregnable speed that makes him untraceable when he moves. Although shy but easily adaptable; Eklavya sees the world in black and white, and nothing in between. His loyalties run strong and anger cuts deep. His combat skills are the most graceful and his movements endure the fight longer.

The one who can fly Sensitivity has another name, Hriday. Childlike, easily hurt, completely pampered Hriday was overwhelmed to know that he has the superpower to fly. Hriday unlike others is capable of getting influenced, until his stubbornness wraps his logic safely. He loves company, and is quite curious about almost everything around him making him the ‘question thrower’.

The one who can create and throw fire Wise, man of few words, critical, and the oldest of the Seven, Haryaksh is gifted with the power of creating and casting fire anywhere. Though adept and alert, he is unpredictable, and his animosity is evident at times. He is not the one to socialize, discuss, derive a consensus or wait for any unanimous decision. He is the concluder of any fight or battle.

who is an orphan and brought up by a doctor. She has been given a task to look out for people who have special powers and train them.”

The one who can control nature Varya, the most intense, emotionally volatile, having mood swings, puts people before she puts herself. She is blessed with the power of controlling the nature. Unlike Asmin or Drishika, Varya believes in giving people the benefit of doubt. She has patience, and acts as a fair judge. She is mysterious; she is indulgent, but indifferent to wrong-doings.

Helps Shunya.