Gangaa Cast Á Crew

Gangaa is a fiery feisty girl with a heightened sense of self-esteem. Gangaa is a motherless child brought up by her loving Bappa. Her ‘never-say-die’ approach and a survivor instinct makes her a synonymous with River Ganga which flows no matter what and this is her very attitude towards life.

Madhavi Chaturvedi, is a typical housewife and a loving mother. She often finds herself torn between the two extreme polarities of her mother in law’s traditional views and her husband’s progressive views. She is a silent spectator in most decisions of the house and she speaks her mind only behind the closed doors of her bedroom to her husband. She is the kind of a woman who would rather sacrifice her opinions if need be in order to maintain peace in the house and work in tandem with the norms set up by her mother-in-law.

Prabha Mami is a bitter and dissatisfied person whose dreams and aspirations have suffered post her marriage due to her husband’s meagre earnings. She wants her son to have a luxurious life and tends to do get all this by doing the most selfish, scheming and negative things. She is overprotective about her son who she feels is “wronged” by his own father’s contrived morality. She is a strong believer of caste and ritualistic traditions.

Niranjan or Neeru Babu is the patriarch in the Chatruvedi family. He is a Barrister in Benaras sessions court. Neeru Babu is known for his acute sense of justice and a balanced view of the world. On one hand he co-exists peacefully with his mother’s world of rituals and traditions without getting attached to it. On the other hand he promotes a progressive thinking and modern approach towards life.

Kanta Dadi is the definition of the age old customs and its diminishing aura in today’s perspective. She is a widow belonging to the family of yesteryears landlords. Being from the old school of thought, she holds traditional values very dear to her heart and gets upset when someone tries to break them.