I dnt think its going to be easy this time.....After the cvs worked hard😆 to create such a massive and illogical MU and dragging it to an extent that Mishti is questioning her sanity on how she ever loved such a person, they are going to milk this separation to what its worth.
If Mishti hadn't said yes to this relationship then there were chances of mishbir getting back together easily.....now mish has to consider her family and nish too. Abir will not be her priority.
Abir has to work on the redemption...warna itna usse giraane ka kya matlab thaa....??I mean for this track they sacrificed Abir.....tho usse redeem bhi tho karna hain ..........😆
Warna nishmish ki hi shaadi karaado.......😆
Mini🤗 Tumne bataya nahi kya kaand kiya usne aaj?