All i can say is Navi, made me a fan of this show. I started watching this show for Aparna, cause I like her character in PR. This is role is showing another range to her talent.
Purvi, thou do protest too much, cause every time she feels her defenses for Arjun, is going away she has to act, like a self righteous know it all, who is better then Arjun. But our hero know she's just playing hard to get and do share some of relationship, it may not be love on her part, but is something and she rather remain, stubborn then acknowledge it cause she'll feels it will some how betraying Gauri or hypocrite to herself.
You nailed the analysis on the 8th episode, so I have nothing add, except if this is any indication in the future, that Arjun, will never be there and allow Purvi, to be mistreated. So the other brother saying, we won't let anything or one to get between them, is a fore warning of things to come
I can't wait till tomorrow, cause the tides have turn, and Purvi, isn't in control.
I finally caught up with all the episodes, will I look forward to participating in discussions about the show.
btw i'm Rani
Edited by pyar-ishk - 10 years ago