Boo! Boo! Boo!
And before we know it, it's Halloween again!
Remember all those times when we were kids, in rain, snow, blackouts or those coveted sleepovers, our love for horror would rise to the occasion.
How we would kill for a ghost story.
Now if you still have a passion for those times,
if you end up searching horror stories on YouTube in the middle of the night (only to regret it later)
or watch scary movies in afternoons because watching at night is too much but never miss it.
Or if you are simply the daredevil who's got all chill for horror,
this contest is definitely for you.
Now we can't awake spirits, or do a Celtic dance around virtual bonfires but
what we can do is bring some spunk and spook into your Halloween with;
*Drum roles*
Easy right?!
But not so much, we won't make it that easy for you.
Without further ado,
This is a micro tale writing contest . The word limit for you is 100 words.
your entries must have some Gothic elements. You have to scare us. Give the readers a bone chilling experience.
You have to give a Title for your micro tale.
It can be suspense , thriller , horror as long as it is spooky. After all it is a Halloween contest.
No adult/graphic content and offensive language is allowed.
All Your entries must be in English.
You can send up to 3 Entries
All entries must be sent by 25th October 2020
PM Title: Spooktacular Entry
Remember the scarier the better and
the scariest will be the winner.
If you have any queries regarding this contest feel free ask away in this thread.
U n t i l t h e a r r i v a l o f y o u r
h o r r o r t a l e s,
Writeup: Sonatia
Tags: 18shabbo