nightowl thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
yes along w/ the very obvious (racist), hes also a liar!

how can he say that "indians are not called in pakistan?" ..when the fact is so many indian singers and ators have been graciously welcomed in pakistan....

Wacko is stuck back in time....somebody needs to update him
Edited by atiffan - 15 years ago


Last reply







Frequent Posters

Posted: 15 years ago
Absolutely...He needs a rest..!!! I think he is mentally ILL
ramas thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
I think this post has gone to far as we can not  call judges names like liars and mentally ill and needs to be closed.
zainabay thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
i agre 100 percent
being a paki thats hurtfull
ur just ruininn ur name
Bhaskar.T thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Members are now being warned and take it seriously. You all are repeatedly crossing the line of criticising and making abusive posts. Don't force the Dev Team into taking stringent action which could even be a ban.
