*DOTW* Is it a sacrifice?

Posted: 16 years ago

*DOTW* Is it a sacrifice?


Hello Everybody!πŸ€—

I am Payal and this is the first time im doing DOTW for Dil Mil Gaye and it feels really nice to be doing it this week. Hopefully you will give me a chance and like my DOTW. Now lets not waste time and get into the wonderfull DOTW! For this week ive choosen the title Mixed Emotions/Will Things Get Fixed? are. The first part is called is it a sacrifice? Well as we know last week  ridz got the blame and we saw that aarman had seen ridz give the wrong medicien but we always knew that something was fishy! Now it is 50 percent clarified that maybe ridz has given a sacrifice. Aarman has found out that Ridz hasn't really done anything! As per the promo showed aarman will ask ridz why she lied to him.

Is it a sacrifice?

If yes then for whom? 😲

If no then why do you think that ridz is the one who messed up?

 If you think she gave the sacrifice are you happy with it?πŸ˜•



Payal 😳

Edited by *Sunita* - 16 years ago


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Gagan-06 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 16 years ago

Wooww Nice Topic!
It is not Sacrifice at all!!! 😑
First of all, she is not just harming her career, but she is harming Anjali, Sanjeevani and its patients!

First of all, Anjali, how will she learn in the long run, if she is covering up for her mistakes! this is wrong! She needs to take responsibility for her own action

BTW RIDZ What happened to always speaking the TRUTH????

Second of all Sanjeevani! If sanjeevani has such Doctors working for them would it not hurt their Prestige if something definently goes wrong! I would be scared to give patients to such Doctor if i was a board member or someone

Thirdly and the most important!   I would not want a doctor like Anjali handling my case ! in order for that i would want HER to give the Viva test again and not Someone else for her because i am pretty sure she is not always going to Ask Riddhima before giving me a shot! 😑

All in all, Riddhima made the wrong decision
For the first time, I dont see any goodness to this!
She might think she is supporting her sister, but in actuality she is hurting her by not letting her review Viva material 😑 which might help her become a better doctor

Sorry Ridz, but I dont support you here! WRONG DECISION!

I am DISAPPOINTED with her Decision and not happy

Edited by gaganjotsooch - 16 years ago
Ladoo645 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 16 years ago
I compeletly agree w. gagan,
its utterly stupid, on what rids is doin to herself
pixiecuty thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

a fantastic sub. fer discusson ya...

gettin on wid it....
it is a sacrfice to b sure bt one made at gr8 cost not only 2 herself bt also do d detriment of angie nd all her patients!!
its a sacrifice bcuz of d carrer dat she's riskin,nd d humiliation dat she's facin fer it.she nt only sacrificed her career bt also jeoperdiased d value of her opinion wid her colleageus.
as a sister u cn understand her decision....its only natural to wanna shade ur family frm difficulties...d issue dat i feel arises here is d extent to which v cn go for dat!!
ws savin angie fer a gud cause??....by doin dis ridz did do her duty 2 her sis bt she failed misrebaly in her duty as a doc nd as a human being in gen. did she even consider all dose patients angie is treatin and cud mess up wid?
being a doc brings wid it gr8 responsibility....v cannot just allow an incompetent person to attain such a position of power nd dis ridz didn't take into account.By acceptin a blame she risked a lot of other lives which is unpardonable.her judgement ws immature nd shaped by emotions at a time where practicality nd reasonin were called for.
in conclusion...it ws a sacrifice....v cannot deny her actions in dat category just bcuz it ws nt fer d betterment....bt v cn def. question it nd find her decision wanting in a lot of aspects.

Edited by pixiecuty - 16 years ago
MrsKaranGrover thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 16 years ago
Nice DOTW...Agree wiv Gagan πŸ˜› ...but will psot some views of mine later on πŸ˜‰ ...
maha_prakrti thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Is it a sacrifice?

Welll according to Ridz it is...

If yes then for whom? 😲

Of course for her sister Anjali... She loves her sis so much.....

If no then why do you think that ridz is the one who messed up?

Well.. Messed up in what sense? When Dr.Keerti asked the interns for the first time, no one was aware what had happened... So it must be only later when Anji must have told Ridz....

 If you think she gave the sacrifice are you happy with it?πŸ˜•

Yes.... It is so much like Ridz... Not because it is the Gupta family she is helping... She knows her sis and her ambition for getting intern of the month and to prove to her father.... Even if Anji and Ridz were own sisters, Ridz would have done the same😊

Edited by maha_prakrti - 16 years ago
Numera* thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Its definitely not a sacrifice, its complete stupidity! if anjali was willing to take the responsibility then why not let her, after all what happened once can also happen again-- maybe anji should retake the test and freshen up on her stuff because apparently under pressure she can administor drugs causing patients to go into comas!

on top of that anjali has always treated ridz like crap, so why should ridz also take this upon herself. i think its even worse that anjali is only being nice because ridz proved to be an awesome sister by taking the fall. anjali and ridz both made matters worse and we all know its a serial so the truth never remains buried-- it will come out eventually in the most shocking way possible and make poor doctor gupta feel like he has the most idiotic daughters in the world-- one that jeapordizes her career for no reason and another who made dadu go into a coma!!

now poor armaan is stuck in between what's right and what's wrong!!
khrhun_sheen thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Great questions Payal!!πŸ‘

a) Is it a sacrifice?

Yeah according to Ridz!

b) If yes then for whom? 😲

Anju ofcourse!

c) If no then why do you think that ridz is the one who messed up?

The way they have portrayed Ridz's character, it shows her as a very good doctor. Yet she lets her family and work mix. But based on her being a good doc and knowing her stuff, I dont think she committed the mistake!

 d) If you think she gave the sacrifice are you happy with it?πŸ˜•

NO!!! NOOOOOπŸ˜†... Because she protected Anju this time, but how long can she protect her elder sister. Its not ethical. Anju should confess that she made that mistake. But since Ridz is our sacrifice queen, I dont see Anju taking the blame!

As a doc she shouldnt mix her family problems and her work together. In a way thats what I admire about Anju, she is clear about that!!πŸ˜‰



<-*Sandhya*-> thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
nice discussion paayal!!!
I guess from riddhimma's point of view...it is a sacrifice!
but i would agree with numera- if u ask me it is sheer stupidity!!
Why does she want to take the blame for something she did not even do, it was her luck that she wasn't penalized too much...i wonder what she would have done if she was kicked out??? And Anjali who according to ridz is a devi, has never treated riddhimma like a sister. She has always taken advantage of her when she needed her and then she just forgets about her.

When Anjie thought that she was adopted then she needed a shoulder to cry on and used ridz...but when she found out it was ridz then she just sed oh...and then just carried on with her life. Ridz had to go to armaan for consolation(not that its a bad thing πŸ˜‰ ) But back to the point....if she can't lend a hand to her sister then what kind of a sister is she???

And what was the neccasity for taking the blame when anajli was actually ready to take it on herself?? If she thought that she was repaying the the 'ehsaan' the gupta family had bestowed on her by taking care of her as their own....then wow well done riddhimma!! Instead of paying the debt she just made all the apnaapan they had given her go in vain. Ek chutki mein paraya kardiya!!!!
So after all what was the point of being a mahaan devi?? She lied to everyone and she probably never even thought of how hurt the gupta family would be if they found out the truth!!!!
Instead of being the maahaan rani of sacrifice that she proclaims to be...she just made life a lot harder for her!!! Because she didn't gain anything at all...infact just dug her own grave as well one for anjie bcoz if shashaank or ne1 found out about the truth (which is bound to happen) their reaction would be far worse than armaan's. And then Anjali will also be penalized for her mistake. SO WHY NOT LET THAT HAPPEN IN THE BEGINNING ITSELF?? why did she have to go proving her holiness to everyone????
So therefore my verdict----utter stupidity and not neccassary AT ALL...what should have happened sooner would happen sometime or the other...the sooner the better...why go with all the drama????

no offence to ne1
randomness thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
LOL, attack the script writer!!

Remember guys though, Dr. Kirti had overheard about Riddhima from Armaan and Atul and at that time Ridz didn't know it was Anjali who had done it. And we all know when someone is angry with us for something (we haven't done) no matter how much we try to explain they won't believe it.. had Ridz started sayin how she wasn't the one who did it, I doubt very much anyone would've believed her. Although Ridz could have explained the propanolol- just goes to show the "magnanimity" of character. It WAS stupid of her though that she didnt tell the truth- as a doctor she is responsible for the lives of EVERY PATIENT not just her sister!

I don't understand why Anjali, when she KNEW she was at fault didn't speak up, okay she was scared but had her sis do the viva again when she should've been doing it! Even if Ridz had asked Anjali to stay quiet about it, where did HER sense of common sense and feel for others go?? She's a doctor and should ACCEPT it when things go wrong! Anjali could've gone and spoke the truth regardless of how many "kasamein" Ridz gave her!

Stop dissecting Ridz' character people, it's Anjali's fault too !!