Plz Read About Zana & Nadia Muhsen

biatchali thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago

hey peeps

i wanted 2 make a post on something i feel very strongly about but i wnted 2 go out 2 a lot of people rather then just those who i interact with regularly on the forum...pardon my spellings throughout i cn not help but get addicted 2 what is knwn as sms writing😊 so sorry for those who will find it difficult 2 understand.. and im sorry if the story is not very detailed if it recivesmany questions i will try 2 upd8 the post regulararly 2 answer all of yours questions...plz do take tyme out 2 read this😊 and ask as many questions as u wish...and leave comments also..thank you

many of you here may not know of Zana and Nadia Muhsen...they where two young sisters who thier father sold of to yemini men ( thier mom was white father a yemini citezen)..they where of quite a young age..zana being the eldest at 15 ...they where told they where goin on holiday 2 visit thier native..but instead those who they where goin with where to marry them of to thier young sons aged onli 13...they where not asked wether they wnted 2 marry them as in islam you should ask a girl 2 accept..instead theywhere just TOLD...they where then RAPED every night..Islam does not permit rape in marriage yes a women should never say no 2 her husband but thats onli if she considers him a husband...they had no means of contact with thier mother who realised they where never to come bck 2 her ( two of her other childern with the same man had been taken in the same manner) ..they where both in isolated villages...where there was no electricty let alone phone lines..the letters they wrote to thier mother never got to her as they wheer stoped midway by men who assumed they had CONTROL over these young girls...

Nadia the youngest of the sisters was first to give birth in this village..her birth luckily went quite smoothly for her yet had it not there would have not been no medical assistance for her or her child... Zana i dnt knw if it woz lucky or not but her 'husband' woz a ill boy so therefore it took her some tyme 2 concieve ..when she did her sister was also carrying her second child...but for nadia the birth didnt go as smoothly as the first...her child a girl this time was far to big to be delivered naturally they had 2 cut her open wid a BLADE that had NOT been STERALISED...this was the same blade they used to CIRCUMCISE both male & FEMALE babies..Zanas baby was born a boy with a cord wraped around his neck...luckily the women must have been used to this sort of problems during birth they took care of it..ofcourse no medical assitance was considered required...itd b FAR to EMBARSSING having a MALE docter check up on THIER women..ofcourse thier are no females docs around and evn if they are they are prob in major cities..and these girls where far away from one..

After a few years thier mother managed to get to them..ofcourse it wasnt easy....Yemen Men are really protective of thier women....and they where trying to hide this...thier mother met them and with her also came her young son....Who zana and nadia hadnt seen since they left..they no longer recognised thier younger bro....thier mother told them to b hopeful and she will take them out of this oc**try away frm thier unhappy marriages and close to slave lives...she would make sure they gt rescued but it would take TIME....and boy oh boy it did..they had a reporter come out to talk 2 them..they hadnt realised thier lives where in the middle of such a media storm in the uk (they where originally from birmingham).... there yemeni families noticed the attention they where causing and got them dwn to the goverments office where they where told they where allowed to go back to uk but on ONE CONDITION : they had to leave THEIR evry mothers now how awful it is for 1 women to leave her child...and thse men knew this very to well to...thus why they made sure these gyals had as many kids as posible...the onli reason why they prob hadnt managed to have as many kids was because thier husbands would go out of country for a long tyme 2 work...

Zana managed to go but she left her son marcus behind..knwing he is a boy and that for him life would b alot more easier then if he woz a girl...nadia though was far more i dnt knw wot the word would b but i supoz i would say emotionally weaker then zana...and she was unable to escape... since zana has come bck in 1988..she had tried her best to get nadia out of the country with her children...but the authorities are not helping nor is the goverments of either countries..she has writen about her ordeal in a book called Sold...very emotional book...i have2 admit it bought many tears 2 ma eyes...

andyways bck to the story zana and her mother have not given up trying 2 get freedom for nadia...but by now nadia has 6 kids ..evn after the terible birth of her second child...she had lost any happiness in her wotso ever...but if you type her name in google you will find a artcile in which she says she is happy...this is a LIE...there are men telling her what to say what not 2 say...some may consider it to late to get her out from there but i dont think so...zana has gone bck 2 yemen once and she was told she would b able 2 c her son but the goverment LIED to her ...she has not seen her son since the day she left...

i am hoping by bringing this story to your attention that i would recive some responses...and that we can do something to help Zana Muhsen and her mother and show our suppport and in some way mayb send out a petition 2 get her out....evry response plz do respond ..THANK YOU

Edited by biatchali - 17 years ago


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mimarain thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
my name is marium and i think both sisters should stand up to the goverment by fighting for their freedom and this story really moved my support is with them 😊
butterfly04 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
OMG that is a horrible story, how can a father sell his own daughters.

My support is with the 2 sisters.
Felsbar20 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
OMG, this is soo sad! i seriously hope that dad was punished by the gov't. And i support these sisters and pray to God that Nadia can get out of that country safely with her kids.