March 21st UPDATE-Krishna plays hardball

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Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Engager 4 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 17 years ago

We rejoin the scene where Krishna and Veera are at the warehouse, and Krishna has just hung up from her conversation with Karan Bali. Veera asks her who it was, what did they say, etc, and Krishna says doesn't matter. Veera says but tell me what they said. Krishna says she will tell her later.

The scene shifts to the Neelkanth house where the market businessmen are sitting on the sofa and asking for their money. Nutan says not to worry and to have some tea. the marketpeople are insisting on their money, the recovery of their investment, and then Neelkanth tries to reassure them that his daughters are out making the shipment and they will have the money with them when they get back. then he asks them to have tea. (these ppl are so obnoxious, the local businessmen.) Then Krishna and Veera show up, and Krishna tells her father that the payment isn't here, we don't have it. Then the businessmen are upset, and Krishna tells them that they will get it, that her father knows everything about it, and that they should have faith. One of the businessmen tells her that the market doesn't run on faith, it runs on money. Krishna then says you will get the money, that in 25 hours you will get the money back.

After the men are gone, Nutan asks Krishna how they are going to get the money. then Krishna says that Lord Krishna will do it, and that a way will definitely come for them. she says this with confidence in her voice.

The scene shifts from Neelkanth's traditional haveli to Karan Bali's modern palace, with glass walls everywhere, and Karan Bali watches Krishna from upstairs. He is a man obsessed. Krishna is downstairs waiting for him anxiously. Karan comes down the staircase and says grandly to her, "Welcome Krishna." I knew you would come here to me, crying, begging for a deal. He tells her, "anything for you." And then he compliments her and says that this color is nice on you, referring to her salwar. Which, by the way, exactly matches her lip color. And asks her what do you think. His arrogance in this scene is just so amusing. Of course, Krishna is not amused as her family has just been taken for a ride. She knows that Karan has engineered this entire thing to trick her and then make it look like he is a gentleman coming to her rescue. (haha). Krishna then retorts, I will give you a deal, that will be from me, on my terms. She tells him, your wealth, and money make you think you can own everything, that I am just an uneducated girl with no brains? Then Karan says he doesn't understand what she is getting at. Krishna says that I will take you on, chal se bal. Which basically means I Krishna have strength and tricks up my sleeve. She gives him a taste of his own attitude. In the meantime, Karan is smiling at her, amused by this speech, and then he says, very interesting, in that case, chal aur bal is yours, but you have nothing, "I will get something for you", and gets up to pour her a drink from the bar. Krishna is in no mood to share a drink with him, the enemy, and says that he made a mistake trying to mess with them. She tells him that she is aware of his involvement in the broken deal and their loss of profit, and that he will pay them back with interest. Then of course, the smile from his face disappears and he sits at the bar, and toasts Krishna, saying "cheers." He talks to himself and says that he has found a worthy adversary who will fight him with chal aur bal and that Ms. Chandrana, he is ready for her.

Back at the Neelkanth house, Veera asks her how they will defeat Karan Bali, and Krishna replies, that his weakness will be our strength, that he must have some weakness and we have to find out what it is.

Then the scene shifts to Karan Bali's house, where he is sitting playing chess by himself. He says to her in his head, you know what, all i can see is you, all I think about is you. Then a uniformed servant comes in and says that the time has come and Karan tells him he can go.

Karan then changes into a white suit, and talks to himself again in the mirror. (this guy needs to get some friends.) He looks at his reflection, and says Hey charming, Karan Bali you've got it all, looks, wealth, status. He admires himself and goes on an ego trip.

The scene shifts to the Neelkanth house, where Krishna and Savri are fighting over the tv remote in the bedroom. In the middle of this, they see an interview with Karan where he is saying that without insaan he can't be a good businessman. He said that people need to understand him and his motives. He feels that the city of Rajkot is beautiful, that the people are beautiful. He also says that if people tell him he is a good businessman that it isn't enough, but that if he is a good human being that is more important to him. (what rubbish.)

The scene shifts to a building entrance, where a fancy car pulls up, and the chauffeur gets out to open the door for his passenger. The chauffeur is Nirvaan dressed in white jacket and cap. The man walks up to the building and nirvaan walks with him. He says that the new regulations for employees are strict and asks Nirvaan for identification and residential proof. Then Nirvaan tells him that he has no identification and no address. His boss says, what? Then he says, Sir I have neither surname or residence. I am just Nirvaan. Then his boss says, if you have no surname, what am I going to do with you? then Nirvaan gives him a pitiful look and the boss feels sorry for him and says ok he will think about it.

The scene shifts again to Karan swimming in a large pool with blue water, then he gets onto the deck, dries himself off and sits on a lounge chair, reading a newspaper with articles on him in it. He smiles to himself, at one of the articles, which obviously praised him, then he sees a new article about him that he doesn't recognize. It says that the business tycoon Karan Bali etc says he will help small industries in Rajkot, that Mr. Karan Bali will promote and market products manufactured by women at home. Karan is surprised by reading all of this, because he knows he never said any of it. He calls over his assistant and says, "what is all this yaar?" And asks him to follow up on it for him. The servant goes back.

The scene then shifts to the poolside again, only Karan is now fully dressed in an elegant white suit and gray shirt. There is a manmade waterfall which flows peacefully into the nearby swimming pool. A little farther down, Karan is giving a press conference, and people are writing down his words and taking his picture. It is all a performance. He says to the group, that he has a vision, that there was a lot of business potential in the city, and that there was a lot to be made from small-scale industries. That he wanted to really do some good in these venues. He sounds very pompous and self-inflated. But the people are buying it, and everyone claps at hearing him speak so nobly. Then someone comes from the back of the group, clapping slowly and distinctly, a woman, and it is Krishna! She continues clapping and walks right up to him. She says to him in front of everyone, Mr. Karan Bali, you have said that your order is come. She says she knows that he will give her a check in front of everyone so that everyone will know what a generous and great businessman he really is. Karan looks flustered at the sight of her and hearing her bold words. She has called his bluff, and he knows it. Krishna then asks Sir can you give me the check, and gets it signed from him. Then the whole group is clapping. While they are applauding him, she is talking to him quietly telling him off that when you fight, we fight back, but when we fight, we fight a clean fight we don't get our hands dirty, and when she gets the check in her hands, she thanks him out loud (ha!) for the check in front of all of the cameras clicking. The camera freezes on Karan's stunned expression.

*I still miss Parth and his amazing persona, not to mention Vedant's wild character. But I have to say Krishna has a unique chemistry with Karan's character. And I admired how she took him on and won, I admire her spirit very much, she never stooped to his level. I also feel sorry for Nirvaan, he is really trying to stand on his own feet now. and I hope soon he can come home. I don't miss Jati Bua and her silly games.*

How does Karan respond to this setback by Krishna? what happens with Nishant and Savri, do they meet at the temple? And how does Nirvaan fare in his new life? Find out next week in Paraya Dhan.

I will try to be more regular, it's tough with last-minute schoolwork! Thanks everyone for reading and for your enthusiasm! :)

Edited by trina1 - 17 years ago