My Character & I: Harsh Chhaya-MIDDAY

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Posted: 17 years ago
My Character & I: Harsh Chhaya
   By: Shaheen Parkar
   February 6, 2007

Harsh Chhaya
Rishabh is the do-gooder older brother.
Yes. As Rishabh is the eldest sibling in a family of three brothers and three sisters, he dotes on everyone. The well-being of the family is extremely important to him; he is one of those caring-sharing type of brothers. 

You are the only one concerned about Kakul's plight in the show.
At the moment, Rishabh and his grandmother are the only ones on her side. Kakul (Sayanti Ghosh) is Samman's (Ujwal Rana) wife. Though she is the daughter-in-law of the house, she is made to feel unwelcome by the rest of the household. Samman was forced to marry her due to certain circumstances of his own doing. Caught in an unhappy marriage, Kakul looks up to Rishabh for solace.

How successful is Rishabh in taking up Kakul's case?
Rishabh is a cool guy who tries to knock sense into the minds of the other family members. He is trying hard to strike peace at home. He wants the family to be open to situations and not act unrealistic, as they are in taking up Kakul's case.

How believable is Rishabh's character?
It is very believable. In several families there is that one member who always strives for peace. He believes that the family should live as a happy unit and all members should co-exist.


