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Posted: 1 months ago

Parvathi questions Mishri, who lies and says she has urgent work and needs to leave. Parvathi insists she stays, but Mishri tries to leave again. Then, Parvathi reveals that she knows about Mishri’s marriage to Raghav, leaving Mishri shocked. Mishri tries to deny it, suggesting that Parvathi must have misunderstood, but Parvathi tells her that she overheard their conversation and knows she is lying.

Meanwhile, Chithra bribes an electrician, instructing him to supply power to the stage when Raghav steps onto it. She then slyly asks Vaani to take a couple’s picture so they can post it on social media with a hashtag. Vaani, excited, pulls Raghav to the stage for the photo.

As the family gathers for the photo, Chithra secretly thinks about the danger Vaani is unknowingly putting Raghav in. She asks the photographer to take pictures of the couple, while Parvathi, in a private conversation with Mishri, tells her that she cannot allow Mishri to claim the rights of Raghav’s wife. Parvathi confesses that although she might seem selfish, she has no other choice. She then reveals that Raghav’s life is in danger and that Mishri is his protection, something the priest had warned her about. Parvathi explains what the priest said, but Mishri already knows the truth. Mishri, however, refuses to stay, insisting that her presence will only create problems for Vaani and Raghav. She believes Vaani might actually be the one who can protect Raghav, so she walks away.

Chithra signals the electrician, and Raghav notices the electric circuit. Sensing something wrong, he sends Vaani away and starts checking it himself. Suddenly, he gets electrocuted and falls, causing a fire to break out. Vaani screams for him, but Kalpana stops her from going near the flames. Sulekha and Parvathi are worried, while Mishri, seeing the fire, rushes to help. Gopal tries to put out the fire, and Mishri, covering herself with a curtain, jumps into the flames and rescues Raghav. They roll on the floor together, sharing a brief, intense moment of eye contact before Mishri gets up.

The family checks on Raghav, and Vaani, overjoyed, hugs Mishri, thanking her for saving him. Sulekha and others also express their gratitude. Meanwhile, Chithra realizes that Mishri has become Raghav’s protector. Despite this, Raghav bitterly remarks that none of this would have happened if Mishri hadn’t been there. Vaani defends Mishri, pointing out that she risked her life to save him, but Raghav dismisses it as foolishness and criticizes his family for not trying to save him.

Vaani argues with him, but Raghav harshly says that Mishri is nothing more than a liar and a servant in their house. This angers Parvathi, who slaps Raghav and declares that Mishri is not just a servant but someone with a significant relationship to the family. Mishri supports Parvathi’s statement, agreeing that it’s true.

zajedno thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Mishri tells Raghav’s family that she isn’t just a servant; she has a deeper connection with them. She explains that Vaani, their daughter-in-law, considers her a sister, making her part of the family too. Parvathi tried to convey this earlier, and both Sulekha and Parvati appreciate Mishri’s response. However, Raghav tells Vaani not to trust Mishri. Vaani defends her, pointing out that Mishri saved his life, and asks why he can’t see that. Parvathi apologizes to Vaani on Raghav’s behalf and insists that Mishri should stay. Sulekha agrees, saying Mishri can help with the many tasks that still need to be done.

Raghav accuses Mishri of casting a spell on his family, making them fall for her act. He calls her a betrayer, hiding her true nature behind an innocent face. Vaani intervenes, saying that Mishri shouldn’t stay in the house, and when Sulekha asks why, Vaani explains that it’s because of Raghav. She’s concerned about how badly he treats Mishri in front of her and wonders how he might behave when she’s not around.

Vaani confronts Mishri, asking why she tolerates Raghav’s behavior without speaking up. She questions whether this is really Mishri’s in-laws’ house and if Raghav is her husband, wondering why she stays silent. Vaani then asks Parvathi to explain the situation to Raghav and takes Mishri away.

Later, as Vaani packs her things, Kalpana asks if she’s ready and then throws Mishri’s bag on the floor. Kalpana insists that Mishri should stay in the house to keep an eye on Raghav, who has been acting strangely lately. She believes that Mishri can help figure out what’s going on with him. Although Vaani is concerned that Mishri might feel hurt, Kalpana emphasizes the importance of uncovering Raghav’s problem.

Meanwhile, Mishri reflects on how Raghav humiliated her. Parvathi decides she must stop Mishri from leaving the house and calls out to her. Mishri catches a box of vermillion, and Parvathi remarks that just as she saved the vermillion, she should also want to save her husband. Parvathi reminds her that vermillion is sacred to a married woman, but Mishri insists she isn’t Raghav’s wife—Vaani is the one who deserves the vermillion. Mishri then adds that she will stay in the house only until Vaani’s wedding is over, after which no one can stop her from leaving.

As Vaani prepares to leave, Mishri asks for permission to stay, and Vaani agrees, warning Raghav to treat Mishri well. Chithra, however, silently vows that she won’t let Mishri harm Raghav, even if she stays.

Later, as Mishri thinks about Vaani, Raghav drags her to his room, accusing her of being cunning. He claims she has managed to win over Vaani and the rest of the family and now wants to enter his room. Mishri tells him to watch his words, but Raghav accuses her of being shameless for staying in the house. He isn’t ashamed to say it, either. Mishri then explains that his mother stopped her from leaving because she believes Mishri is his protection. Raghav retorts that he has fooled his mother, calling her innocent.

He angrily breaks the door and hands Mishri a cheque, demanding that she leave the house immediately and never return to his and Vaani’s life.

zajedno thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Raghav tells Mishri that she should never come between him and Vaani. He demands that she leave the house. Mishri becomes emotional and remembers how Parvathi begged her to stay for Raghav’s safety. She realizes she must decide whether to stay or go. Suddenly, she shouts for help, causing Raghav to rush over. Mishri intentionally pushes a ladder down and hangs onto the railing. Raghav is shocked and asks what she’s doing. Mishri tells him the ladder fell and asks him to help her. He remains silent as Mishri continues to shout for help. Eventually, everyone arrives, and Sulekha and Parvathi plead with Raghav to help her. Despite his reluctance, Raghav finally assists her. Mishri then asks to come inside, but Raghav glares at her, saying he’ll bring her inside for now but will throw her out of the house as soon as possible. Sulekha urges them to come down quickly.

Sulekha questions Mishri about why she went to Raghav’s room at that time. Mishri asks Raghav for permission to explain, but Sulekha insists on an answer immediately. Raghav hesitates, and Mishri assures Sulekha that she won’t lie. Raghav thinks Mishri isn’t a good servant and complains that she wasn’t cleaning the window properly, which led to her losing her balance. Sulekha tells Raghav to speak directly to her if he knows how to do household chores, sarcastically asking if he’s teaching her how to run the family. Sulekha then expresses frustration, saying she wanted to wake up early to worship God, but their noise disturbed her sleep. She warns that if they cause more commotion, she’ll kick them both out. They leave, and Parvathi scolds Raghav for the way he’s treating Mishri. She reminds him that she asked Mishri to stay in the house and tells him that if he tries to send her away, it means he doesn’t consider Parvathi his mother. Raghav feels upset.

Mishri smirks at Raghav, telling him that similar incidents will happen again. Raghav sternly reminds her that she is just a servant and should know her place. Mishri agrees, saying she’s not trying to secure a place in his family or his heart and that he needs to understand that. She warns him not to try kicking her out again. Raghav asks her what she’ll do if he does. Mishri responds by shouting for Dadi, and Raghav quickly covers her mouth. She then threatens him and walks away.

Later, Vaani calls Mishri and apologizes for leaving her at Raghav’s house, explaining that she had no other choice. Vaani asks Mishri to keep an eye on Raghav, suspecting that he might be involved with another woman because of his strange behavior. Mishri assures her that she’s mistaken and that Raghav loves her a lot. Kalpana jumps in, asking if Mishri is the other woman and demands that she watch Raghav closely. Mishri wonders why Vaani is suspicious now and feels she must take action.

Later, Mishri gets drenched in the rain and enjoys dancing in it, much to Parvathi’s concern. Mishri reassures her, saying she loves dancing in the rain. Meanwhile, Ranjith secretly records a video of Mishri on his phone, which Supriya notices. Mishri accidentally bumps into Raghav. Mishri apologises and leaves but Raghav pulls her.

zajedno thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

Mishri apologies to Raghav and about to walk away. Raghav pulls her close and says I will show you your right place and unbuttons his shirt. Mishri closes her eyes and says I am not that kind of girl. Raghav gives shirt in her hand and asks her to wash it and press it and get back in 5 min. Mishri says that how is this possible. Raghav says you have no focus on your studies atleast have some focus in your work, you have 5 min and remember this shirt belongs to the owner of this house and you are the maid here and leaves. Mishri thinks that for the first time Raghav has given me work I will impress him.

Supriya Bua asks her husband not to have his evil eyes on Mishri she is a small kid. He assaults her and says a woman like you who couldn’t give me a child has no right to speak. Supriya says because of your nature God has not blessed us with a kid.

Mishri ironing Raghav’s shirt says Raghav just doesn’t believe that I have full focus on studies, he is so rude even his shirt faces the problem and I promise I will straighten him. Mishri hears someone shout and goes check and figures the voice is coming from Supriya Bua’s room and goes to check. Supriya asks Mishri whats wrong. Mishri says I heard you shout and sees injury on her hand and says Bua you are injured what’s wrong tell me. Supriya says Mishri go complete your work. Her husband diverts attention by calling Vaani. Vaani says she is here to see photos.

Mishri hugs Vaani. Vaani asks Mishri where is Raghav’s phone. Mishri tells her she is thinking wrong about Raghav. Vaani says I have to find out you give me his phone. Mishri gives mobile to Vaani and says can’t you see this love between you two and the love for you in his eyes. Mishri says to Vaani that she is lucky to have a love in her life like Raghav and her suspicion will ruin everything. Vaani says that she love Raghav but if she is suspicious she has to clear it out. Vaani feels dizzy and about to faint.

Doctor checks Vaani and says she has high fever and looks like she is stressed. Sulekha says must be marriage stress and asks Mishri to bring cold water and cloth for Vaani and all leave. Mishri asks Vaani to relax and leaves.

Vaani sees Raghav’s phone beside her and starts going through it. She thinks of checking deleted folder. Vaani opens Mishri and Raghav’s photo but Mishri walks in and Vaani hides the phone. Mishri starts taking care of Vaani and sneezes. Raghav asks Mishri to stay away from Vaani she will infect Vaani as well. Vaani asks Raghav to not treat Mishri this way. Raghav takes Vaani away with him and asks Mishri to stay away.

Raghav gets Kadha for Vaani and hears Mishri sneeze continuously. Raghav asks Gopal to get an empty bowl and adds half kadha to it. Raghav goes to Mishri to give Kadha and sees her wearing raincoat, mask and gloves and asks have you gone nuts. Mishri says I did this to keep everyone away from infection. Raghav asks her to drink the kadha. Mishri tries to drink with gloves on and spills some. Raghav calls her stupid and helps her drink it.

Chithra sees Raghav and Mishri together and says I will take advantage of this and fees Vaani’s brain and it would be a fun drama to watch.

Raghav goes to get hanky for Mishri and sees his phone in the box and sees his and Mishri’s photo and thinks Mishri is trying to send them to Vaani to break his relationship and asks her that is she here to ruin his and Vaani’s relationship.

zajedno thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

aghav asks Mishri, “Are you saving my relationship with Vaani or trying to destroy it?” Mishri, confused, asks what he means. Raghav shows her a photo of their marriage on his phone, accusing her of trying to ruin his relationship with Vaani. Mishri responds with a sharp comment.

Raghav then drags Mishri into the hall and calls everyone, saying he caught a thief. The family gathers and asks what happened. Raghav accuses Mishri of stealing his phone and hands her money, attempting to throw her out of the house. However, Vaani intervenes and confesses that she took his phone because she suspected he was hiding something from her. The family is shocked.

Sulekha scolds Mishri for doubting Raghav, but Kalpana supports Vaani. Vaani then asks Raghav to hand over his phone to clear the air between them. Raghav, feeling cornered, asks if she’s doubting him. Kalpana confirms that Vaani indeed has doubts. Sulekha insists that Raghav give his phone to Vaani. Vaani firmly states that she won’t marry him if he refuses to show her the phone. Supriya advises Vaani not to make hasty decisions, and Parvati suggests ending the matter, but Vaani remains resolute.

Raghav glances at Mishri, who subtly signals him to hand over the phone. Realizing he doesn’t want to lose Vaani, Raghav hesitates but ultimately decides to break his phone. He tells Vaani that he has repeatedly professed his love, and if she can’t trust him, that’s her problem. Vaani, now more suspicious, questions what he was hiding on the phone that made him break it. Raghav coldly tells her she can end their relationship if she doesn’t trust him and storms out. Mishri tries to console Vaani, but Kalpana intervenes and takes Vaani away. Mishri then resolves to reunite Raghav and Vaani.

Later, in the rain, Raghav works out, trying to release his frustration. Mishri approaches him, urging him to come inside. Raghav stubbornly refuses. Mishri reminds him that this situation could have been avoided if he had been honest with Vaani about their marriage, as she had advised. Raghav, dismissive, tells her he doesn’t need her advice and accuses her of wanting to ruin his relationship with Vaani. Mishri insists that he’s misunderstanding her intentions and clarifies that she didn’t come to the house to interfere in his relationship. Frustrated, she tells him she won’t follow his orders and leaves him to deal with his own health.

In response, Raghav pins her against the wall, asserting that she must listen to him. He then orders her to hold an umbrella over him so he doesn’t get drenched while exercising. Reluctantly, Mishri holds the umbrella for him as he continues his workout in the rain.

zajedno thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

Raghav instructs Mishri to hold an umbrella for him so that he does not get drenched in the rain while exercising. Mishri carries the umbrella for him. He continues to exercise in the rain. After some time, he instructs Mishri to cover his workout equipment. Mishri grudgingly wraps his equipment in cover. Sulekha tells Chitra that she does not understand why Vaani is doubting their Raghav. Chithra claims Vaani and Raghav aren’t compatible. Mishri arrives and explains to Dadi, using an example, that time will shape Vaani and Raghav’s relationship. Chithra chastises Mishri and directs her messenger to Vaani. Sulekha asks Vaani to do her task.

Kalpana asks Vaani to eat something. Vaani considers Raghav’s conduct. She refuses to eat. Kalpana encourages Vaani to cease caring for Raghav, reminding her that Raghav does not care for her. Vaani departs from there. Mishri visits Supriya’s room. She asks her if she can clean the room. Supriya agrees. She notices Mishri’s feet are wounded. She administers ointment to her. Mishri provides ointment to Supriya’s wounds. She asks Supriya to share her suffering. Supriya urges Mishri to go. Mishri reassures Supriya that she would always be there for her. Ranjith overhears the talk. He decides to impart a lesson to Mishri.

Vaani destroys stuff in her room. Kalpana tries to console her, but Vaani does not listen. Kalpana calls Raghav. She informs Raghav that his activities have raised more suspicions, and that until he admits the truth, the wedding will be cancelled. Raghav recalls Mishri’s remarks as he prepares to reveal the truth to Vaani. Mishri implicitly threatens Ranjith that he will be punished if he damages his wife. Supriya interrupts Mishri and directs her to do her tasks. Mishri departs. Ranjith chastises her for disclosing their personal information to servants. Supriya admits to him that she did not tell anyone. Ranjith threatens to hurt her if she goes over the limit. He resolves to teach Mishri a lesson.

Raghav informs family members that he has decided to confess the truth to Vaani. He assures them that they will meet Vaani in the restaurant. Parvati wonders what truth Raghav plans to reveal Vaani. Raghav begs family members to accompany him. He asks for Mishri. Sulekha claims Mishri is in her room. Raghav claims Mishri will join them. According to Chithra, workers do not have work in the area where family members are migrating. Raghav claims he knows what he’s doing.

Ranjhit intends to use chloroform to render Mishri unconscious, but when Raghav enters Mishri’s chamber, he backs out and leaves. Raghav enters Mishri’s room and informs her that they must tell Vaani the truth in order for her to be comfortable. Mishri gives Raghav her locket, telling him that it will give her strength. Raghav returns the locket to her. He informs Mishri that he is telling Vaani the truth in order to resolve their issues, and that he would also get rid of Mishri. Later, Raghav, his family, and Mishri meet Vaani and her mother in the restaurant. Kalpana asks Raghav to tell the truth.

zajedno thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

Raghav apologizes to his family, explaining that he received an important phone call and needs to leave. Kalpana stops him and asks what he wanted to share with them. Raghav says that Vaani wants to hear the truth. Parvathi gets nervous, fearing that Raghav might reveal his marriage to Mishri. Just as Raghav is about to speak, Mala enters and greets him. She introduces herself, reminding him that they studied together. She jokes that he wasn’t always as innocent as he appears now. Mala asks if he’s married, and Raghav responds that he is already in love with someone. Mala insists on taking a selfie with him.

Vaani, annoyed, interrupts Mala and tells her she’s being disruptive. She introduces herself as Raghav’s soon-to-be wife. Mala advises Raghav not to marry Vaani, which makes Vaani furious, leading to an argument. Sulekha tries to explain that Mala is just a friend, but Mala dismissively calls Vaani “mental.” This enrages Vaani, who angrily breaks some plates, accidentally injuring Mishri. Raghav scolds Vaani and rushes to take care of Mishri. Sulekha then reprimands Vaani for her behavior.

Vaani argues that if she were talking to another man, the family would react the same way. To prove her point, she starts flirting with a waiter, which further annoys Sulekha. Meanwhile, Raghav confides in Mishri, regretting that he listened to her advice. He blames Vaani for overreacting to a simple interaction with his friend, believing she’s trying to create problems between them. Mishri tries to explain that she had no bad intentions and reminds him that hiding the truth will only cause more pain.

Sulekha, frustrated with Vaani’s behavior, brings up the past, mentioning Meenu’s death and implying that Vaani is unstable. Vaani, feeling cornered, admits that she is “mental” and begins to act out. She throws bottles in anger and, in a moment of desperation, grabs a broken bottle, threatening to harm herself. Mishri, horrified, pleads with Vaani to stop, reminding her that she once considered her a younger sister. Eventually, Mishri calms Vaani down and carefully leads her away from the situation, urging her never to act like that again.

Despite Mishri’s efforts, Raghav feels heartbroken and asks Mishri to stop interfering in his relationship with Vaani. Raghav then turns to Vaani and, in front of the whole family, swears that he truly wants to marry her and that she is the only woman in his life. Vaani, however, demands that Raghav promise he won’t think of any other woman but her. Raghav hesitates and glances at Mishri, causing Chithra to grow suspicious. Vaani presses Raghav to answer, while Kalpana questions if he would abandon his daughter if he found someone better. Raghav denies it and counters that Vaani should also promise not to talk to any other men. He acknowledges that his thoughts might seem old-fashioned, but he stands by them. If she can’t make that promise, he asks, how can he do the same?

Vaani, feeling overwhelmed, suggests they take a break from each other and meet again when their love has grown stronger. Chithra tells Sulekha that Vaani wants to distance herself from Raghav for a while. Raghav, frustrated, blames Mishri for everything and warns her to stay away from him.

zajedno thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

Raghav tells his mother, Parvathi, that he has tried hard to convince Vaani, but she is acting like he doesn’t matter to her. Despite his efforts, she remains distant. Parvathi reflects that Mishri had made her promise to keep a secret from Raghav, otherwise, she would have spoken to him directly. Parvathi advises Raghav that true love is strong and will not separate them. She reminds him that marriage is a commitment and that he must take responsibility, whether he likes it or not. She encourages him to reach out to Vaani with genuine love, believing that she will eventually listen to him.

Later, Mishri notices that Vaani is upset and recalls Raghav’s words. Mishri tells Vaani that she can’t be happy if Vaani is upset, but Vaani dismisses her concern, saying Raghav hasn’t even tried to convince her yet. Mishri realizes that Vaani won’t listen to her, so she decides to try a different approach. Mishri suggests to Vaani that Raghav isn’t loyal and that they should find another groom for her. Raghav overhears this and concludes that Mishri is trying to create misunderstandings between him and Vaani. He leaves, believing Mishri is trying to separate them.

Vaani, however, insists to Mishri that Raghav loves her and won’t marry another girl, and she herself won’t marry anyone but him. Mishri then points out that if Vaani trusts Raghav so much, why is she punishing him over a third party’s actions? Mishri acknowledges that Vaani made the right decision in not marrying Raghav until he confesses the truth, but also highlights that someone else interfered when Raghav was about to confess.

In another scene, Mishri is working on a school project involving creating electricity with a potato when Raghav interrupts and throws the project down, insisting she work on a volcano project instead. Mishri informs him that he assigned her the original project, but Raghav indirectly warns her that he won’t let her succeed in whatever she wants to do and demands she complete the volcano project, threatening to expel her from class for a month if she doesn’t comply. Mishri apologizes, but Raghav dismisses her and tells her to leave. Determined, Mishri finishes her project anyway, proving to Raghav that she won’t be looked down upon.

Later, during dinner with his family, Raghav learns that Vaani’s family hasn’t contacted them, and Sulekha suggests finding another bride for him. Raghav asks them to drop the subject and becomes concerned when he realizes that Mishri hasn’t returned home. Parvati mentions it’s unsafe for her to be at school so late, but Raghav dismisses the concern, saying she’s not his responsibility and criticizes them for giving too much importance to a servant. Sulekha provokes Raghav further, but he remains worried about Mishri.

Meanwhile, Mishri continues working on her project late into the evening. She starts to feel uneasy, sensing someone is watching her. At the same time, Raghav, feeling uneasy about Mishri’s safety, checks his car keys, only to realize they’ve been stolen by a masked man. Mishri is shocked when she encounters the masked man in the lab.

zajedno thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

A masked man tried to attack Mishri, but she fought back, kicking him down and locking him inside the lab. Mishri accused him of trying to take advantage of her because she was alone and vowed not to let him escape. She demanded he show his face, then removed a tube light and hit him on the head with it. She continued to defend herself, striking him with a rod until he collapsed on the floor. As she attempted to remove his mask, he regained consciousness and attacked her, breaking a glass jar over her head. Dizzy from the blow, Mishri struggled as he strangled her with her dupatta. She managed to remove it and tried to escape, but he blocked her with a rod. In desperation, she hit him with her volcano project, causing him to fall out of the window, shattering glass all over the floor.

As Mishri rushed to open the door, she saw someone standing outside and became terrified, pleading for mercy and asking why she was being tormented. She was relieved when she realized it was Raghav and ran to him, hugging him tightly. Raghav, confused by the situation, consoled her and asked what had happened. Noticing her torn dress, he took off his jacket and covered her with it. Mishri remained silent, struggling to hold back her tears. Raghav surveyed the scene, noticing her dupatta on the floor, blood on the table, and shattered glass everywhere. He could piece together what had occurred and found a torn piece of the attacker’s shirt. He asked Mishri if she had seen the attacker’s face, but she fainted in his arms. Meanwhile, Ranjith, the masked man, removed his mask, worried that Mishri might have recognized him. Raghav, determined to find the attacker, vowed to make him pay.

Raghav took Mishri home and gave her water. Noticing a wound on her leg, he brought out the first aid kit and treated her injury. He asked if she was in pain, and Mishri replied that her heart hurt more than her physical wounds. Raghav expressed his understanding of her feelings, and Mishri vowed not to let the attacker go unpunished. She hadn’t seen his face, but she was determined to bring him to justice. Raghav assured her that he was with her and that monsters like the attacker shouldn’t be allowed to get away. He supported her decision to file a police report and felt proud of her courage.

Raghav also mentioned that he knew higher officials who could help find the culprit. He apologized to her on behalf of all men, expressing his commitment to ensuring that no one hurts women. Mishri said she trusted in God to help her find the attacker, and Raghav continued to console her as she hugged him tightly.

zajedno thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

A person who attacks a girl cannot say that he is a man. And that person is still wearing a mask. So if you're a man, show your face. Big coward. He is afraid that Mishri did not recognize him. Shame on him.
