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Posted: 1 months ago

Parvati pleads with Sulekha and Kalpana to stop arguing, concerned that they are jeopardizing Raghav and Vaani’s relationship. Sulekha insists she cares for them, while Vaani accuses her of having an ego problem and disrespecting their family. Kalpana reminds Sulekha that she promised to arrange Raghav and Vaani’s wedding and can’t go back on her word. Raghav defends Dadi, telling Kalpana not to insult her. He questions Sulekha’s anger, clarifying that Vaani didn’t intentionally break the fast. Vaani, feeling hurt, asks if their relationship would end if she had broken the fast on purpose, accusing Raghav of having old-fashioned beliefs. Sulekha claims Raghav could easily find another woman, while Kalpana argues that Vaani would also have no trouble finding a new suitor. Chithra criticizes Vaani as irresponsible, suggesting she’s only after their money and won Raghav’s love with sweet words. Raghav defends his genuine love for Vaani.

Vaani, feeling insulted and betrayed, returns her engagement ring to Raghav, saying she can’t stay in the house any longer. Raghav is emotional as Mishri enters and asks Vaani what’s wrong. Vaani leaves without answering, and when Mishri tries to follow, Kalpana stops her. Kalpana slaps Mishri, claiming she’s not family but a servant. She blames Mishri for all the recent problems, calling her a bad omen and accusing her of causing Vaani’s relationship issues. Kalpana harshly criticizes Mishri’s character, saying her husband left her because of it and accusing her of bringing misfortune to the family.

Kalpana demands that Mishri leave the house, but Mishri stands her ground, saying Vaani brought her there and will only leave if Vaani asks her to. She challenges Kalpana to insult her in front of Vaani, knowing she won’t. Kalpana, angry, orders Mishri to clean the house.

Later, Mishri finds Sulekha doing a puja and begs her to give Vaani another chance, insisting Vaani is a good person. Mishri suggests that only a diamond can recognize another diamond, and Sulekha seems intrigued. Kalpana warns Mishri not to meddle in Vaani’s life or she’ll be kicked out. Despite Kalpana’s warnings, Vaani likes the idea and tells Raghav. Chithra questions Sulekha’s agreement, but Sulekha plans to show Vaani her place. Raghav appreciates the idea and Vaani credits Mishri for it. When Vaani asks Mishri to come with her to Raghav’s house, Mishri hesitates but Vaani pleads with her.

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Posted: 1 months ago

Mishri tries to convince Vaani to prepare ghee, but Vaani says she hates the smell and can’t do it. Mishri insists that Vaani needs to make a good impression on everyone and that staying in her room won’t help. Vaani remains reluctant but shows Mishri around Raghav’s room. Meanwhile, Gopal has removed Raghav’s photo from the room, trying to hide the truth from Mishri.

Vaani suggests that Mishri stay with her and even sleep in her bed, but Mishri declines, saying she shouldn’t sleep in Vaani’s husband’s bed. Vaani then talks about their “love box,” which contains their cherished memories and photos. Gopal, worried, quickly hides the box in Mishri’s belongings and lies, saying that Sulekha is calling Vaani. Mishri takes Vaani to the hall.

Vaani is surprised to see the equipment set up for making butter and ghee. Mishri explains that these items are for preparing the ghee, which the priest will arrive for in two hours. Sulekha sternly tells Vaani that the ghee must taste good and that she expects excellent results. Mishri reassures Sulekha that Vaani can do it. Sulekha gives Vaani a warning, noting her reluctance. Mishri tries to make Vaani smile, but Sulekha insists she is there to make ghee, not smile. Mishri offers to teach Vaani, but Sulekha says Mishri, as a servant, should clean the house, while she teaches Vaani.

Vaani is unsure how to start, and Sulekha glares at her. Mishri signals to Vaani to help, making her laugh. Sulekha scolds her, but Vaani follows Mishri’s instructions through signals. Sulekha is surprised by Vaani’s progress, and Parvati praises her. Vaani comments that she can learn quickly with a good teacher, and Mishri appreciates her. However, Sulekha is angry.

Later, Mishri smells something burning and realizes the ghee is burnt. Vaani suggests buying ghee from outside, but Mishri begins to prepare it herself. Chithra notices this and plans to use it against Vaani. When the priest arrives, Sulekha calls Vaani, and Mishri brings the food. Chithra asks Vaani to explain how she made the ghee, and Mishri covers for her. Sulekha warns Mishri that if the ghee isn’t good, she will be kicked out.

The priest is impressed with Mishri’s behavior and gives her a gift. Chithra remarks that Mishri is just a servant, while Vaani is in her room. Mishri returns the gift, saying Vaani deserves it, but the priest insists Mishri should keep it, mentioning that he sensed negative energy in the house, which changed when she arrived. Chithra tries to provoke Sulekha against Vaani.

Vaani scolds a delivery boy for delivering a package to the wrong address. Chithra retrieves the package and brings it to Vaani, while Sulekha scolds Vaani.

zajedno thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

Chithra tells Vaani that her parcel has arrived and asks if she ordered anything. Chithra recalls bribing the delivery boy to take the food delivery. Sulekha then questions Vaani if she ordered food. Vaani admits that she did, wanting good food for the Guruji. Sulekha chastises Vaani for making Mishri cook food when she ordered some and criticizes her for not coming down to serve the food to the Guruji. She accuses Vaani of disrespect and lying, adding that she must not have been raised properly. Upset, Vaani leaves in anger.

Meanwhile, Mishri serves food to the Guruji. Vaani angrily confronts her, accusing Mishri of lying about the food. Mishri denies lying, explaining she feared Sulekha’s anger. Vaani argues that, unlike Mishri, she isn’t hiding her true feelings and always speaks her mind.

Sulekha interrupts, demanding Vaani show respect to the Guruji. Vaani retorts that Sulekha doesn’t want a daughter-in-law but someone perfect, like Mishri. She insists she won’t change herself for anyone and criticizes Sulekha’s attitude. Sulekha, insulted, wonders aloud how Raghav could have fallen in love with Vaani and continues to berate her. In frustration, Vaani breaks the food plates, shocking everyone. The Guruji, feeling disrespected, leaves. Sulekha then orders Mishri to clean up, warning her not to help Vaani again. Chithra, watching, thinks that if Vaani leaves, she can see Raghav heartbroken.

Mishri pleads with Vaani through a closed door to eat, refusing to leave until Vaani does. Ranjith tries to intervene, but Parvathi arrives. Mishri explains that Vaani is still upset. Parvathi reassures her, mentioning the blessings and gift from the Guruji, suggesting they can be used for good. Mishri expresses a desire to enroll in a nearby school, and Parvathi provides her with a contact number, praising her. Later, Vaani calls Raghav, expressing her frustration with Sulekha’s lack of understanding and hangs up angrily. Kalpana suggests to Raghav that they start a new life in Delhi. Raghav, however, insists that while he will take care of Vaani, he cannot leave his family. Kalpana grows suspicious, noting that Raghav is already hiding things from Vaani.

Later, Sulekha hides some jewellery from Mishri, who innocently asks if they are for Vaani. Sulekha remarks that Vaani hasn’t woken up yet. When Vaani arrives and tends to a hurt Mishri, Sulekha demands an apology. Mishri apologizes, but Vaani, standing her ground, refuses, insisting she wasn’t wrong and therefore has nothing to apologize for.

zajedno thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Mishri is excited to join her new school. The receptionist informs her that she can start attending classes from tomorrow and hands her a tablet, saying it contains all her study materials. The receptionist then asks for a payment of 17,000 rupees. Mishri hesitates and says she will pay in installments, but the receptionist insists on full payment. Raghav steps in and offers his card to cover the cost, but Mishri refuses, saying she doesn’t expect anything from him. He argues that it’s an educational loan, but she still declines, stating that she doesn’t understand why he insists on making things complicated.

Raghav tells Mishri that as a teacher, she must follow his instructions, or face punishment. She responds that she already feels punished. Suddenly, Raghav experiences pain and collapses. Mishri becomes worried and rushes to help him.

Kalpana, meanwhile, is snooping through Raghav’s belongings, suspecting he’s hiding something from Vaani. She finds a certificate on the floor, which turns out to be Mishri’s marriage certificate. Dadi is surprised, realizing that the marriage is now officially registered. Mishri continues to help Raghav, who complains of stomach pain. The receptionist suggests that he may not have eaten. Mishri checks on him and scolds him for not taking care of himself, jokingly accusing him of taking advantage of the situation. Raghav reminds her of their teacher-student relationship. Mishri insists that sometimes teachers can learn from students too. She offers him some kheer, saying it’s a form of love, but Raghav refuses, stating he already has love. Mishri persists, offering the kheer as a gesture. Raghav finally accepts it but insists that she must accept the fees in return. He jokingly punishes her by making her stand on the bench for five minutes. Meanwhile, he asks the receptionist to pay her fees with his card. Kalpana almost finds the marriage certificate but is interrupted by Vaani’s father. He chastises her for meddling in Vaani and Raghav’s relationship.

At home, the students laugh at Mishri as she stands on the bench. Sulekha accuses someone of stealing the family jewels, with Chithra pointing fingers at Mishri since she was present when the jewels were checked. Vaani defends Mishri, insisting they need evidence before accusing anyone. Gopal says Mishri isn’t home, but Parvati believes they shouldn’t suspect her. Gopal argues that he’s not a suspect because Mishri was seen leaving the house. Chithra claims to have seen her go out.

Mishri then returns home, proudly showing her admission card. Chithra grabs it and Sulekha finds the tablet in her bag, accusing her of using stolen jewels to buy it. Raghav arrives home and tries to clean a tiffin box, arousing Kalpana’s suspicion since he left without one. Sulekha threatens to call the police. Vaani, however, stands by Mishri, insisting she didn’t steal the jewels. Mishri worries about proving her innocence, knowing that Raghav gave her the tablet.

zajedno thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

Sulekha tells Chithra to call the police. Vaani urges Mishri to tell the truth, assuring her she doesn’t need to be scared of anyone. Mishri, thinking she can’t reveal that Raghav bought her the tablet, acts like a robot. Chithra complains Mishri is wasting their time and threatens to call the police. Mishri stops her and takes Sulekha to the storeroom, where she finds the jewels in the cupboard. Sulekha is happy. Mishri asks Vaani to teach her how to use the tablet, and Vaani agrees. Sulekha asks Mishri who placed the jewels there. Mishri recalls seeing someone place the jewels but couldn’t see their face clearly.

Parvathi explains she placed the jewels in the locker with the others. Chithra accuses Parvathi of being careless, and Sulekha slaps Chithra, accusing her of lying and causing trouble. Sulekha reprimands Chithra for not behaving like a family member and trying to create problems. Vaani reminds Sulekha that she should apologize to Mishri for falsely accusing her. Sulekha leaves angrily.

Later, Kalpana questions Raghav about the tiffin box, suspecting he received it from a girl. Raghav hesitates to answer, and her husband defends him. Kalpana insists on checking Raghav’s background, claiming she needs to know everything before giving her daughter to him. Raghav, fed up, decides it’s time to reveal the truth. He accuses Kalpana of trying to drive him away from his family and doubting his character. He leaves, stating he won’t tolerate her insulting his family anymore.

Vaani demands Sulekha apologize to Mishri, refusing to let the matter go. Sulekha gives Mishri money insultingly. Vaani offers to give Sulekha 1000 rupees if money will make her apologize. Mishri says elders should bless rather than apologize. Vaani accuses Sulekha of only advising others without following traditions herself. Sulekha, enraged, says Vaani can’t marry her grandson and storms off. Chithra, hallucinating, imagines Mishri mocking her. Ranjith mocks Chithra, revealing he knew she stole the jewels. He gives her fake jewels, saying she deserves them. Chithra vows revenge.

Raghav, angry, packs his things and contemplates tearing the marriage certificate but changes his mind. Vaani also packs, and Mishri tries to convince her to stay by showing her memories. Vaani tears up the pictures, and Mishri promises to apologize to Sulekha, determined not to let anyone separate Raghav and Vaani.

zajedno thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Mishri is searching for Sulekha, thinking she should apologize and ask her to forget everything. Meanwhile, Sulekha remembers Vaani demanding she apologize to Mishri and refuses to let it go. Hearing that the priest is going to conduct a puja at the temple, Sulekha decides to meet him and thinks about taking her blood pressure tablets. Chithra, however, has secretly swapped the tablets. After taking them, Sulekha begins to choke. Chithra quickly leaves the scene. Sulekha tries to call Raghav for help, and he rushes to her aid. Mishri notices Sulekha struggling to breathe and splashes water on her face, asking what’s wrong. Sulekha signals that a tablet is stuck in her throat. Mishri helps dislodge it and tells Sulekha to wait while she gets help. She spots Raghav and pleads for his assistance, but he brushes her off, saying he has more important things to do. Mishri, hurt, asks a rickshaw driver to take them home.

Once home, Mishri asks Vaani to help Sulekha and calls for everyone’s assistance. Chithra scolds Vaani, accusing her of fake concern. Mishri insists that instead of arguing, they should pray for Sulekha’s recovery. Chithra harshly reminds Mishri of her status as just a servant. Raghav calls Parvathi to check on Sulekha, who tells him that Sulekha returned home safely, thanks to Mishri’s timely help. However, the poor signal prevents Raghav from hearing this clearly. Sulekha, feeling grateful, wants to thank Mishri, but Mishri lies, saying it was Vaani who saved her. Sulekha praises Vaani, who then excuses herself. Parvathi tries to explain that Mishri is trying to mend the relationship between Vaani and Sulekha, but Vaani dismisses it, saying she prefers honesty.

As Sulekha, tired, rests, Mishri massages her legs. Sulekha acknowledges that she’s aware it was actually Mishri who saved her life and that Mishri selflessly gave the credit to Vaani. She asks Mishri what she wants in return—money, clothes, or jewels. Mishri says she wants something precious.

Later, Sulekha gathers the family and announces that she promised Mishri anything she wanted, and as a result, she is agreeing to Vaani and Raghav’s marriage. She explains that she realized today the importance of forgiving mistakes for the sake of relationships. Mishri is overjoyed, and Sulekha hugs her. Vaani takes Mishri aside, where Mishri apologizes, explaining that she wasn’t trying to be a saint but just wanted to see Vaani happy and marry the man she loves. Vaani thanks her, full of joy, and excuses herself to prepare sweets.

Vaani later meets Sulekha, hugs her, and resolves their issues, much to Chithra’s displeasure. Meanwhile, Mishri fails to notice Raghav’s presence. Raghav hugs Sulekha, expressing his fears. Gopal stops Sulekha from mentioning Mishri’s role to Raghav and shares the happy news with him. Vaani confronts Raghav about his sadness. He explains that he feels like he hasn’t won her parents’ hearts. They begin to argue, and Mishri, wanting to resolve their issues, is distracted by Gopal, who asks her to cook. Vaani’s father advises Raghav not to take Kalpana’s words to heart and insists he stay at their house, as tradition dictates that the groom shouldn’t meet the bride until the wedding. Raghav agrees, and Mishri brings them tea.

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Posted: 1 months ago

Vaani’s father tells Raghav that he can stay at their house today but shouldn’t meet Vaani before the engagement. After they leave, Mishri misses seeing him and thinks she’ll see him at the engagement later.

In class, Ritu introduces herself to Mishri and asks if she completed her homework. When Mishri says she hasn’t, Ritu warns her that Raghav, who has been teaching them for three years, will be upset. Raghav enters, and everyone greets him. He notices Mishri standing and asks her to sit. When he inquires if she completed her homework, she admits she didn’t. Angry, Raghav tells her to leave the class. A classmate urges Mishri to explain, so she reads something from her book. Raghav scolds her further, asking why she came to class if she was busy with her sister’s wedding preparations. He harshly tells her that she should just focus on getting married and leave her dreams of a government job behind. He then forces her to write that she wants to marry and doesn’t want to become a government officer. Afterward, he makes her stand on the bench holding her notes, causing her great embarrassment.

As the class ends and the students leave, Mishri glares at Raghav, who glares back. He hands her his handkerchief, telling her to wipe her tears. She refuses, and when he insists, she explains that she can’t lower her eyes since she’s standing on the bench. He wipes her tears himself, which Kalpana observes from outside, though she doesn’t see Mishri’s face. Kalpana suspects something is going on between Raghav and a student and makes a video call to Vaani, showing her the scene. Vaani, however, trusts Raghav and dismisses Kalpana’s concerns, saying he’s working at the school for charity and wouldn’t do anything wrong. Vaani warns Kalpana that Raghav will be hurt if he finds out she suspects him.

Kalpana insists that one day Raghav will betray Vaani, but Vaani ends the call. Raghav, still holding the handkerchief, tells Mishri to keep it since it holds her tears, and he doesn’t want anything of hers. Mishri retorts that she’s shed too many tears because of him, and the handkerchief isn’t enough. Frustrated, Raghav insists she take it, but when she tries to bite it, she loses her balance and falls into him. They share an awkward moment before she apologizes, explaining that she lost her balance. As Raghav walks away, Mishri follows, saying her dupatta is caught on his watch. He untangles it and leaves.

Mishri decides to forget everything and focus on the engagement. Meanwhile, Vaani waits for her, but Gopal makes Mishri faint and rolls her in a mat, paying a driver to take her far away. Gopal believes that Mishri’s presence will ruin Raghav and Vaani’s happiness, and he won’t let that happen. Raghav arrives at the scene, and Kalpana asks if he’s missing someone. He remembers his marriage with Mishri and decides to move on. Raghav tells Kalpana he’s looking for Vaani, as he’s been waiting for this day. When Vaani arrives, he compliments her beauty. Meanwhile, Mishri regains consciousness and senses Raghav’s presence.

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Posted: 1 months ago

Gopal has abducted Mishri and locked her in a room. Meanwhile, Vaani asks Raghav if she looks beautiful, but he hears Mishri shouting. Confused, he wonders whose voice it is. Vaani mentions that Mishri hasn’t arrived yet and that her engagement ring is still with her. Mishri, locked away, realizes that Vaani’s ring is with her, and if she doesn’t make it to the engagement on time, it will cause chaos. Vaani asks Rithi to find Mishri, but she can’t. Sulekha reassures everyone that Mishri will come and is probably getting ready, urging them to exchange the rings quickly as the auspicious time is passing.

Just as Raghav is about to put the ring on Vaani’s finger, the power goes out. Parvati and Ranjith check the reason for the outage, while Vaani prays that Mishri arrives in time. Parvati hears a noise and informs Ranjith. Mishri is desperately knocking on the wall, and when Parvati opens the door, she’s shocked to see Mishri in such a state. Parvati asks who did this to her, but Mishri insists that Vaani must be worried and asks her not to tell Vaani what happened.

Meanwhile, Sulekha wonders where Parvati is. Supriya remarks that Raghav and Vaani’s match is made in heaven, so they shouldn’t wait for the power to come back. Raghav is about to place the ring on Vaani’s finger when he suddenly notices Mishri. Shocked, he drops the ring. Vaani asks what happened, and Sulekha wonders where the ring went. Raghav says he’ll search for it and uses his flashlight to look. Mishri accidentally bumps into Raghav, causing his phone to fall. She picks up the ring and phone, shocked to see Raghav there. In the darkness, he can’t see her face, but she recalls their wedding and his words about not accepting her as his wife, only taking responsibility for her. She remembers how Vaani has always supported her and becomes emotional. Mishri hands Raghav the ring, but when he asks who she is, she turns away and leaves.

Raghav watches her as the power comes back on. Mishri quickly runs to her room, closes the door, and breaks down in tears, unable to believe that Raghav is going to marry Vaani. She recalls Vaani telling her about a “love box” where she kept all their memories. Mishri looks through the box and finds photos of Vaani and Raghav, love letters, and beautiful memories. Heartbroken, she asks God why this is happening to her. She feels that her destiny has betrayed her, and she has never known happiness since childhood. She wonders why she is being punished like this, despite trying so hard to stay away from Raghav, only to end up in his house, which she realizes is now Vaani’s in-laws’ house, not hers.

Meanwhile, Dadaji urges Raghav to continue with the engagement and place the ring on Vaani’s finger. However, Vaani refuses, insisting she won’t get engaged until her sister arrives. Kalpana remarks that Mishri isn’t really her sister, but Vaani stands firm, explaining that Mishri saved her life and convinced her to go through with the engagement. Dadaji then asks Chithra to bring Mishri, but Chithra refuses, saying she won’t call a servant. Vaani declares that Mishri is her sister. Raghav decides to go and find Mishri himself, making Gopal nervous. Later, Mishri reflects that Raghav can’t live without Vaani and resolves to leave their lives for good

zajedno thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Raghav knocks on Mishri’s door, asking her to open it. Feeling nervous, Mishri covers her face with a ghunghat (veil). When Raghav sees her like this, he’s surprised. Mishri is trying to hide her identity from him, so when he asks why she’s wearing a ghunghat, she tells him that since he’s a stranger, she won’t show him her face. Raghav tells her that he’s not a stranger—he’s about to marry her sister, Vaani. He mentions that everyone is waiting for them, but Mishri insists he go ahead without her and that she’ll join later. Raghav suspects she’s not interested in attending the engagement, but she denies it. He then takes her by the hand and leads her to the hall, which angers Kalpana. Kalpana thinks it’s inappropriate that, even though Vaani is the bride, everyone is waiting for Mishri, who is dressed like a bride with her face covered.

Gopal grows anxious, fearing Raghav might see Mishri’s face. Vaani notices Mishri wearing the ghunghat and asks her why she’s hiding her face. Mishri says she’s feeling shy. Vaani points out that everyone has already seen her face and wonders why she’s hesitating now. Sulekha reminds them that the auspicious time is running out and urges them to exchange rings quickly.

Vaani tells Kalpana that they need to perform a small ceremony first, the “Muh Dikhai” (face-revealing ritual) for her sister. Kalpana asks what that means, and Vaani explains. She then removes the ghunghat from Mishri’s face, revealing her identity. Raghav is shocked to see Mishri standing there. Mishri, now nervous, watches as Sulekha tells Vaani to go ahead with the ring exchange. Vaani places the ring on Raghav’s finger, and everyone applauds. When it’s Raghav’s turn to place the ring, he hesitates, recalling his wedding with Mishri, and accidentally puts the ring on Mishri’s finger instead. Vaani shouts in surprise, and Raghav, realizing his mistake, is stunned. Kalpana angrily removes the ring from Mishri’s hand and warns her to stay away from Vaani. The guests start making fun of the situation, joking that it seems like the groom prefers the bride’s sister over Vaani. Feeling humiliated, Vaani walks away. Mishri tries to follow her, but Raghav stops her and demands she stay.

Vaani retreats to her room, crying. Raghav follows her, and Vaani accuses him of being distracted by someone else during the engagement. Raghav is at a loss for words, making Vaani even more upset. She accuses him of not being interested in their engagement, saying she was foolish to think otherwise. Raghav tries to assure her, saying he was looking forward to this moment, but Vaani is disappointed. She complains that his family is already against her and that she thought he was on her side. She sacrificed so much for him, but he has let her down. Raghav asks Vaani to look into his eyes and tells her that she’s the only one he loves, the only one in his heart and life. Mishri overhears this and is heartbroken. Vaani, reassured, hugs Raghav, and he admits he made a mistake. He asks her to wait for him downstairs and promises to join her soon.

Raghav then takes Mishri aside and confronts her. He reminds her that she once argued with him, insisting she wanted to live a lonely life and demanded he not interfere. Now, he accuses her of entering his family to ruin his life and deliberately getting close to Vaani to sabotage her life as well. He believes Mishri is hiding a cunning nature behind her innocent face. Mishri tries to explain that she didn’t know Raghav was Vaani’s lover. But Raghav lashes out, asking how she could not know while living in his house. He accuses her of recognizing him from photos in the house and deliberately causing trouble. He’s furious, saying she already ruined his life and that he won’t let her ruin Vaani’s life too. Accusing her of doing everything for money, he throws money at her and demands that she leave his life for good.

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Posted: 1 months ago

Mishri feels heartbroken and deeply emotional after Raghav insults her, wrongly accusing her of doing everything for money. She asks him to stop, takes the money, and firmly returns it to him. Mishri tells him that she never claimed her rights as his wife, so there’s no reason for her to accept his money. Raghav, still angry, questions why she entered his house and became close with Vaani. Mishri explains that she had no idea about their relationship and never intended to take away Vaani’s happiness. Raghav demands that she leave his life, saying that her presence has robbed him of his peace, and he cannot afford to lose Vaani. Mishri assures him that she has no intention of taking Vaani’s place in his life, despite being married to him. She reveals that she’s been hiding the truth, but she won’t take away Vaani’s happiness, as she knows Raghav loves Vaani.

Parvati is shocked to learn that Raghav is married to Mishri. Raghav demands that Mishri leave his house immediately, but she tells him she will leave after the engagement. She also reminds him that a door can be locked from both the inside and outside, suggesting that leaving won’t be as simple as he thinks.

Meanwhile, Vaani returns to the engagement venue, where Sulekha happily notes that the photographer will take pictures once Raghav arrives. However, some relatives start making fun of the situation, noting that the groom isn’t there yet, which angers Vaani. Kalpana, frustrated by their comments, defends Raghav, saying he doesn’t have such cheap thoughts. Sulekha tries to calm everyone down and asks Kalpana to go find Raghav.

Raghav, still upset, tells Mishri to leave after the engagement, as he doesn’t want her causing more problems. Vaani, on the other hand, is disappointed and complains that Raghav isn’t by her side when she needs him most. Kalpana reassures Vaani that she will find him, but Parvati reveals that she knows where Raghav is—he’s with Mishri, trying to correct his mistake. Parvati then takes Vaani away.

Mishri prays to God, asking for Vaani and Raghav’s happiness and hoping Vaani never finds out about her marriage to Raghav.

Chithra jokes to Kalpana that the groom has run away, but Kalpana, angry, throws water on her face, warning her to clean up quickly before everyone sees her true colours. Kalpana vows that Vaani will marry into this family and threatens to expose Chithra’s truth first. Chithra is left frustrated.

Sulekha asks Mishri to bring the items needed to ward off the evil eye from the bride and groom. Mishri plans to leave after this task. When Raghav finally returns to the venue, he apologizes to Vaani, assuring her that no one will come between them and that he has fixed everything. He assumes that Mishri has already left the house, but then Mishri appears to perform the ritual of warding off the evil eye. Vaani invites Mishri to dance with her, and they dance together, with Raghav joining Vaani.

As Mishri prepares to leave the house, Parvati stops her. Mishri tries to make an excuse, but Parvati reveals that she knows the secret about Raghav and Mishri’s marriage.
