Harsh Chhaya to recite Gulzar's poems

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Posted: 17 years ago
Harsh Chhaya to recite Gulzar's poems

By: Goher Iqbal Punn (Bollywood & TV Analyst)
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Harsh Chhaya, famous TV star, who has off late begun his foray into the big screen is eagerly looking forward to recite a poem in an event to be held at NCPA on 8th of February. What makes it more exciting for the actor is the fact that the poem has been written by Gulzar ji, the legendary poet-lyricist-story teller and renowned Bollywood filmmaker. Harsh has every reason to be proud of, as it is always a matter of great honour for anyone to recite a work of a genius such as Gulzar ji. Famous stars Kiran Karmarkar and Atul Kulkarni will also be reading out the poems of Gulzar Sahib on the occasion.

On being asked what he thought about Gulzar's poems, Harsh said, "I cannot say what I feel. Infact it's upon him to say how he found us reciting his poems, and if we even did justice to it. I feel honoured to recite the poems written by such a renowned poet. I have always been his fan. It's a great opportunity and I just hope everything goes fine".

Meanwhile, the talented and classy actor is also extremely busy with works from the television and film industry. Harsh is doing a show 'Ghar Ek Sapna' on Sahara One, apart from practicing for his play 'Kachche Lamhe' that will hit the Mumbai Festival on February 28th.