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DT WARNING 30/08/2024
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So Hiba is expecting😍😍. Nadia confirmed it on todays episode. I though had doubt about it since months even in some scenes today on JN I thought so. Remember max😂😂
Really happy for her😍😍. Though I will miss her for a while😭😭🤧🤧
So Hiba is expecting😍😍. Nadia confirmed it on todays episode. I though had doubt about it since months even in some scenes today on JN I thought so. Remember max😂😂
Really happy for her😍😍. Though I will miss her for a while😭😭🤧🤧
Is Hiba is going to be Mother ??
I hope its not whole year. How long do actors take a break?
What will I watch till then🤧🤧? I wish JN and Radd wasn't running parallely so I could have watch her shows for a while.
Apparantly yes. I will miss her 🤧🤧😭😭
Apparantly she shooted many scenes while pregnant both for Radd and JN.
Me too i hope she doesn't take long breaks like Minal Khan
Here is the link if anyone is interested. She says in first few minutes.
Yeah. I will miss her😭🤧