Guys If I would write something it would be removed. .
But you know there is something called woke feminism...
See just being female just doesn't make you always right....
As being male doesn't make anyone superior by default....
There are so many issues we as females are dealing with...
So take an example...
Many of you here must be working in MNCs...
Do you know there was a noise in recent past of making menstrual leaves compulsory in both private and government sector and it was rejected by than MoWCD and draw a lot of backlash both in parliament and outside of it.
This is exactly what happens most of the times with girls...
If you can understand that whether decision was right or wrong would automatically answer the debate going on here..
And answer to jibes like hot and green eyes or ab today's dailogue slap on face...
Becoz if you can interpret the reason of decision as right and wrong would tell taht how you see feminism exactly...
Thats it....😅👍