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Posted: 5 days ago

For Ani 'Haq' over J is an important component of his love. J has blocked Ani from even loving her saying it is immoral and by signing the papers she has taken away the 'haq' he felt over her, almost killing him from inside. What other option Ani has than being cold to her? Ani tried so many times to share his confusion and his second thoughts about marrying Arshi, but Mahan J kept harshly pushing him towards Arshi didi. I loved it when Ani said, J does not even deserve to know his pain. I would love Ani to keep his words on it. Never ever tell your vulnerabilities to J now. I have always felt, Ani, fulfilled the vowes of the marriage he did against his will, whereas J rarely did it, for the marriage, she herself forced on Ani.

Even while signing decree, J did not hesitate much. It was Ani who resisted. It was Ani who was feeling shattered. As I said it before, for J, social acceptance matters much much more than love. Else, what was the need to hurt Ani by saying she had no reason not to sign the papers. In all this Ani was never at fault. And then why feel bad, when Ani denies eating the food she made? She expects Ani to be loyal to Arshi in everywhich way, but in reality expects softness, recognition from him and right to one-sidedly love and care for him. J will block Ani if he gets something of her liking, but she made food of Ani's liking. Why ask for sympathy by making puppy faces and telling people (Ani), you do not have an residential address. If you genuinely want someone to move on, you stop showing love,care for them and your need of them. She herself said to sirji that Arshi should be his Lakshmi and when he said it, she had tears. Ye toh 'Sada kutta tomy..' ho gaya. The writer is trying to show J mahan, but what J doing comes across as hippocracy to me.
