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Rohit4ever thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Originally posted by: Clochette

The burning incident in the train in Gujarat 2002 which lead to a looooot of violence afterwards...there is a lot of material to read about on the Net smiley1 (also the banned BBC documentary had this as a subject)

intresting! I will try watching the documentary 
Clochette thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Originally posted by: Rohit4ever

intresting! I will try watching the documentary 

But still keep your mind open and look for additional sources... when I have to deal with BBC about Indian things then I always keep the-not-so-far and still-influencing mindset of UK in my mind...I thoroughly dispise what European arrogance did to other populations throughout history...

However, the history about dictators and their kind of politics and psychology also told me that one should look at the upbringing of the involved (powerful or powerhungry) people...and the most involved at that time was Modi (who now - again - 'rules' an India where the opposition still isn't using the  r e a l l y  skilled people at the fullest).

CuckooCutter7 thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Originally posted by: Clochette

You can't display your sarcasm as the movie would give only the 2 options: accident or Muslim terror (masked with the term of "conspiracy"...but there clearly is a 3rd option which involves not-so-vested political interests and personal obsessions... I almost bet, that  t h i s  won't be the focus of the movie smiley2

anything is possible... just like that one in a million sperm making it.smiley2 Just that it has vanishingly low probability. Ditto for your conspiracy theory and the accident theory.smiley2 Talking about conspiracy theory, this reminds of the "osama is still alive" story that was very prevalent among a certain crowd. Just curious, but do you know what happened to that?smiley36

CuckooCutter7 thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Originally posted by: Clochette

But still keep your mind open and look for additional sources... when I have to deal with BBC about Indian things then I always keep the-not-so-far and still-influencing mindset of UK in my mind...I thoroughly dispise what European arrogance did to other populations throughout history...

However, the history about dictators and their kind of politics and psychology also told me that one should look at the upbringing of the involved (powerful or powerhungry) people...and the most involved at that time was Modi (who now - again - 'rules' an India where the opposition still isn't using the  r e a l l y  skilled people at the fullest).

only thing about BBC that remains is the colonial era name. The content is all BS, put together by the usual left-wing wokes who are anti-Hindu, anti-India. Some of these nut jobs are in fact Indians... who act as brown sepoys for their colonial masters. A few of them getting together and putting together a hit piece on Modi has less than 0 credibility... in the face of 10 years of concerted congress effort to nail Modi which they tried very hard to do. Indian courts, with many congress appointed judges, also exonerated him of any wrong-doing. But who will explain all this to the crowd that doesn't want to get educated and for whom all logic is alien?smiley2 

Clochette thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Originally posted by: CuckooCutter7

anything is possible... just like that one in a million sperm making it.smiley2 Just that it has vanishingly low probability. Ditto for your conspiracy theory and the accident theory.smiley2 Talking about conspiracy theory, this reminds of the "osama is still alive" story that was very prevalent among a certain crowd. Just curious, but do you know what happened to that?smiley36

That isn't even intelligent's just a futile try to mock or provocate me ...

There are dozens of 'Osamas' (at least) - not all being Muslims, btw., this catch-phrase will be valuable even in many years to come... smiley16

CuckooCutter7 thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Originally posted by: Clochette

But still keep your mind open and look for additional sources... when I have to deal with BBC about Indian things then I always keep the-not-so-far and still-influencing mindset of UK in my mind...I thoroughly dispise what European arrogance did to other populations throughout history...

However, the history about dictators and their kind of politics and psychology also told me that one should look at the upbringing of the involved (powerful or powerhungry) people...and the most involved at that time was Modi (who now - again - 'rules' an India where the opposition still isn't using the  r e a l l y  skilled people at the fullest).

another thing- Modi had been CM for less than 5 months when Godhra took place. Most people are still finding their way in their job during that period. Yet according to the "osama-is-still-alive" conspiracy crowd, he organized both the godhra train fire that killed sevaks, and the subsequence violence that followed?

Now also think about this one-  how come the same Modi in all the years he has been in power as CM and PM and who has more administrative skills now and more resources has never managed to organize anything like that since?  smiley2

i think Modi should just ignore this crowd and get on with things he needs to do. That community will never support him anyway because they are more interested in appeasement hand-outs, less in the country's development. Forget about sabka saath, sabka vikas. The lesson he should take from the election is to just tend to his own flock first!

CuckooCutter7 thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Originally posted by: Clochette

That isn't even intelligent's just a futile try to mock or provocate me ...

There are dozens of 'Osamas' (at least) - not all being Muslims, btw., this catch-phrase will be valuable even in many years to come... smiley16

have no interest in provoking anyone. But I do like to use humor to make my points. Glad it caught your attention, but just chill. Nothing personal there...

as for intelligence, dont even go there. You wouldn't like it if I stated what I thought of yours.smiley36Anyway, please refrain from characterizing people's intelligence. Not nice.smiley2

Clochette thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Originally posted by: CuckooCutter7

only thing about BBC that remains is the colonial era name. The content is all BS, put together by the usual left-wing wokes who are anti-Hindu, anti-India. Some of these nut jobs are in fact Indians... who act as brown sepoys for their colonial masters. A few of them getting together and putting together a hit piece on Modi has less than 0 credibility... in the face of 10 years of concerted congress effort to nail Modi which they tried very hard to do. Indian courts, with many congress appointed judges, also exonerated him of any wrong-doing. But who will explain all this to the crowd that doesn't want to get educated and for whom all logic is alien?smiley2 

It's something repeated again & nothing new on that matter...and that will remain so, I suppose. History is full of examples where people are/were manipulated into a certain thinking where truth only plays a minuscule role (or none at all)... smiley1

Modi had Mukul Rohatgi as a lawyer (he had been General attorny for 3 years at the beginning of Modi's first 'round') during a trial in 2021 dealing with Modi's involvement me, it says a lot that SRK adressed him to put an end to the judicial farce law did with his son...and that Rohatgi declined Modi's offer to retake the job of attorny general during Modi's second 'round' (after that trial) is interesting, too.

Edit: not responding to the two other posts...we both know our position, don't we?

Edited by Clochette - 3 days ago
CuckooCutter7 thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Originally posted by: Clochette

It's something repeated again & nothing new on that matter...and that will remain so, I suppose. History is full of examples where people are/were manipulated into a certain thinking where truth only plays a minuscule role (or none at all)... smiley1

Modi had Mukul Rohatgi as a lawyer (he had been General attorny for 3 years at the beginning of Modi's first 'round') during a trial in 2021 dealing with Modi's involvement me, it says a lot that SRK adressed him to put an end to the judicial farce law did with his son...and that Rohatgi declined Modi's offer to retake the job of attorny general during Modi's second 'round' (after that trial) is interesting, too.

Edit: not responding to the two other posts...we both know our position, don't we?

Rohatgi has a thriving law practice. Most people like to do a term or two, make a name for themselves and then get on with their private practice where they make tons more money.

We have countless examples of people in the US too who do that- make a name in government, then go on to make money with the fame... 

So let's not be cynical about people's motives.

Edited by CuckooCutter7 - 3 days ago