What’s so special about Ranbir? - Page 3


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Grumpydwarf24 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 days ago

Originally posted by: blue-ice.1

Personally for me.....when people date for any other reason other than....that they are genuinely attracted to each other....and want to find out more about the other person...of their likes/dislikes....compatibility etc.....fall under the category of gold digging and I find it extremely distasteful and cheap.

That is why most of us date too. But relationships in Bollywood just work differently. It is a known fact. 

Posted: 9 days ago

Originally posted by: Grumpydwarf24

That is why most of us date too. But relationships in Bollywood just work differently. It is a known fact. 

Gold diggers....

IAmLuvBolly thumbnail
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Posted: 9 days ago

Originally posted by: Grumpydwarf24

What is exactly so charming about him? From what I have seen his sense of humor is not amazing. He does not come across as smart. He does not come across as mature. Has he had any instance that has gone viral just for how much humor and intelligence he handled it with? To me people like Diljit have far more underrated charm. His cooking videos go viral for his humor. The way he handled the situation with Kangana went viral for how much entertainment it provided. And he is far more successful then Ranbir if you judge from the global stage. The issue is he is not a casanova chasing after every beautiful woman he can find. 

It was revealed to Neeru in an interview how beautiful Diljit finds her, by the person interviewing them. He had done five movies with her but never revealed it to her due to the fact he did not want to make her feel uncomfortable. 

I meant he’s charming towards the girl when he’s first pursuing them.  I’m not denying that his last name was a big factor as well.  But I’m sure he was also kind and gentlemanly and funny until they fell for him and then the facade came off.  Being charming and being a red flag are not mutually exclusive.  

No I don’t believe he generally has a charming personality smiley36.   

fazgostoso thumbnail
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Posted: 9 days ago

His body is delicious.  🤤 

I would shag him.  You are shallow. smiley28

Shaitan-Haiwan thumbnail
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Critique Crusaders

Posted: 9 days ago

Originally posted by: fazgostoso

His body is delicious.  🤤 

I would shag him.  You are shallow. smiley28

Oh me too, but not relationship type material. I would maybe entertain him for like 15 mins  and after that … he gotta go. 

The_Best thumbnail
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Posted: 9 days ago

Didn’t you yourself have a crush on him during Animal time and when he became a father? 

Shaitan-Haiwan thumbnail
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Critique Crusaders

Posted: 9 days ago

Originally posted by: The_Best

Didn’t you yourself have a crush on him during Animal time and when he became a father? 

Oh, I love toxic men. It’s why I’m still hyperventilating over Shahid since Kabir Singh. However with Ranbir, I feel like his toxicity is kind of put on. Almost like a facade if you will. My problem with him in real life, based on what I’ve seems is that he’s not toxic enough for me to like him. 

And yes being a dad helps. It’s so hot. I love daddys 

The_Best thumbnail
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Posted: 9 days ago

Originally posted by: IAmLuvBolly

I meant he’s charming towards the girl when he’s first pursuing them.  I’m not denying that his last name was a big factor as well.  But I’m sure he was also kind and gentlemanly and funny until they fell for him and then the facade came off.  Being charming and being a red flag are not mutually exclusive.  

No I don’t believe he generally has a charming personality smiley36.   

Yeah that’s what I have heard too that he’s very charming irl and makes the girl feel like she is the entire world for him. So I think that’s how girls get trapped. 

Edited by The_Best - 9 days ago
Grumpydwarf24 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 days ago

Ranbir also dated most of them when their was maximum buzz around them. Deepika started with bang. Then she went through a low career-wise. Then she rose again. Meanwhile, Sawariya was a flop. If the news of Ranbir and Deepika did not come out. Was Ranbir going to get the buzz he did? Sonam went unnoticed almost. Then Deepika started going through a low. He went to Katrina when she was a the peak of her career. She had a little bit of a downfall he went to Aloo. It is all mutually beneficial. 

Grumpydwarf24 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 days ago

Originally posted by: The_Best

Yeah that’s what I have heard too that he’s very charming irl and makes the girl feel like she is the entire world for him. So I think that’s how girls get trapped. 

I have yet to witness his charm. smiley36
