What’s so special about Ranbir?

Shaitan-Haiwan thumbnail
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Critique Crusaders

Posted: 10 days ago

From Sonam to Deepu, Kat, and now his wife. Why were these women interested in him? What’s his appeal ? I don’t see it. Even Alia can do better I feel 


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Briaahna thumbnail
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Posted: 10 days ago

Oops you forgot Shradha 

Grumpydwarf24 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 days ago

His last name and lineage!  Be prepared for love letters from FOD! 

Edited by Grumpydwarf24 - 9 days ago
mintyblue thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 days ago

I dunno, really.

If I had to choose between marrying Ranbir or Hrithik, I would pick Hrithiku. He's far more perfect than Biru.

Shaitan-Haiwan thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 7

Critique Crusaders

Posted: 9 days ago

Originally posted by: Briaahna

Oops you forgot Shradha 

More like he was interested in Shraddha. Gotta get that kabab. 

prerna4rishav thumbnail
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Posted: 9 days ago

A project to fix. 


Only to realize later that #ChallengeFailed. smiley44

Briaahna thumbnail
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Posted: 9 days ago

Originally posted by: Shaitan-Haiwan

More like he was interested in Shraddha. Gotta get that kabab. 

oops you also forgot Malika and Anushka 

Clochette thumbnail
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Posted: 9 days ago

Did none of the respective women give some information about this subject?

Edited by Clochette - 9 days ago
Bekind thumbnail
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Posted: 9 days ago

I was disappointed how Kat fell for him. His family never accepted her and I believe that was a big red flag. Still she stayed with him being disrespected. She wasted 6 years to be with him and the humiliation she went through was painful to watch. I don’t think Shraddha Ranbir was ever a thing. Yes they promoted the movie separately but it could be Alia insecurity. Anushka did mentioned he is her best friend but she was steady dating Virat and was loyal to Virat.

 It was Ranbir who said many time that he would love to date Anushka. Varun was not in favor Alia and Ranbir as a couple. And the list will go on. Tripti to be added and I really hope and pray she makes better choices. 

Posted: 9 days ago

Originally posted by: Shaitan-Haiwan

From Sonam to Deepu, Kat, and now his wife. Why were these women interested in him? What’s his appeal ? I don’t see it. Even Alia can do better I feel 

Ranbir+ all the above actresses  all are normal people,so I guess they did what they did.All are normal,none of them are special.

Edited by Newbird - 9 days ago