Posted: 13 days ago

This thread is here to address member's non technical issues . 

Edited by Sutapasima - 3 days ago


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Posted: 11 days ago

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Posted: 11 days ago


Edited by Sutapasima - 11 days ago
Posted: 11 days ago

Originally posted by: Morpankh

 Unlimited powers de rakhe hai without any checks and its being misused to further one's own political and religious agendas or in favor of ones own biases.

Nobody is answersble to anybody and they can all act as per their own whims n fancies raising wanrnings unnecessarily restricting members whom they dont like to 15posts a day and then ultimately banning them randomly without providing any explanations. 

All we get in mail is your warning has been raised. There is absolutely no explanation given asto how n why. Members arent given a chance to explain themselves. There is avsolutely no communication happening before raising warning with atleast regular members. 

The godly powers given to some moderators needs some serious rethinking. 

@bold's actually quite opposite. The voices are being muzzeled using the unlimited power they have. Members are being punished selectively based on ones own personal biases.

You have had so many complains about mods exercising their powers unnecessarily and you keep looking the other way instead of taking it up with them atleast in private. 

Like the poster above said away with overzelous moderattoin team and let people be. Allow everyone to express themselves freely unless they are crossing certain line with gaali galoch there is no need for any mod to interfere. 

Put some restrictions on mods raising warnings or banning members or closing active threads just to show off their powers. Not done.

Make them answerable for ygeir inappropriate actions...if you can. Plz

Hi Morpankh,

Thank you for sharing your concerns. Our moderation team, made up of dedicated volunteers, works hard to maintain a safe and enjoyable community. We are currently reviewing our policies to ensure fair checks and balances and improve transparency.

Moving forward, we aim to provide clearer explanations for any actions taken. If you feel any moderator is acting inappropriately, please report it directly to us via PM, and we will investigate.

We appreciate your feedback and are committed to making our community better for everyone.

Best regards,

Phir_Mohabbat thumbnail
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Posted: 8 days ago

There are so many forums, why can't we have warning level discussion forum where all people who got pm and mods are there and we can discuss? It has been always a concern how mods just drop a pm and we have no other option to explain ourselves or even talk. 

Not like getting warning is a secret. I think a forum where mods are answerable to us will be good for healthy discussion. Sometimes we get warnings for very silly stuffs that can be avoided. 



Posted: 8 days ago

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Posted: 8 days ago

Originally posted by: Morpankh

I did PM you for one such issue nnclosing of an active thread in bwf only due to your assurance here that you will endure transparency n look into unfair moderation practices. 

Its been two days since and i am still waiting for the response...kindly look into it.

Hi Morpankh,

Thank you for your patience and for bringing this matter to my attention again. As I mentioned earlier, our moderation team is working hard to maintain a fair and enjoyable community. Addressing concerns about moderation practices and ensuring transparency is very important to us.

Regarding the closing of certain threads, please understand that topics may sometimes be closed if they deviate significantly from the main discussion or if they escalate into sensitive issues such as Hindu-Muslim debates. Our goal is to maintain a respectful and focused environment for all members.

These matters often require thorough discussions and planning to address properly. I assure you that we are actively looking into the issue and will respond to your PM as soon as we have more information.

Your understanding and patience are greatly appreciated as we work towards improving our community.

Best regards,



Posted: 8 days ago

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Posted: 8 days ago

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CuckooCutter7 thumbnail
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Posted: 7 days ago

Originally posted by: vijay

Hi Morpankh,

Thank you for sharing your concerns. Our moderation team, made up of dedicated volunteers, works hard to maintain a safe and enjoyable community. We are currently reviewing our policies to ensure fair checks and balances and improve transparency.

Moving forward, we aim to provide clearer explanations for any actions taken. If you feel any moderator is acting inappropriately, please report it directly to us via PM, and we will investigate.

We appreciate your feedback and are committed to making our community better for everyone.

Best regards,

Vijay bhai, my 2-cents here. Choti mooh, badi baat, so please pardon me if my comments below are unreasonable:

is there any training for moderators? Seems to me that certain forums need that. In my mind, moderators should ideally "moderate" the discussions ie. lead the way. So they should post stickies letting people know how the discussion should carry on.

For what it's worth, I have learned to limit my time on certain forums because it is easy to get branded there as a MID, bigot, bhakt, misogynist, racist or xenophobe at the drop of a hat. Tolerance for diverse viewpoints sems to be very low there. Somewhere, I think the quality of moderation is an issue...

I have also seen people attacking Hindus, Modi, BJP easily, but turning around and calling us names when we defend or take the discussion to their politics.

Also, my observation has been that if one stands alone with a certain viewpoint, there will be people from the other side who will band together to get that person a warning.

So all that brings me back to the need for training. In the ideal world, we shouldn't be appointing people who were just good posters and who had lots of friends because the job of a moderator, even if voluntary, calls for more than that.

Edited by CuckooCutter7 - 7 days ago