Posted: 16 days ago

The story starts around 3years ago.I moved to college and was almost the end of the year.Things got normal after covid, we were called offline in summers.I was scrolling my id got a girl from my batch but different department.I told my roomie she is cute, he repiled incuriously "isnt that great'.I couldnt follow my thoughts for couple of months(was busy with other exams).

Moved to next year, was seeing her a couple of times but I wasnt couregeous to talk(introvert guy here).I again moved to my friend for help(another introvert).Told him I am stuck with that same girl, his answer this time wasnt pleasing"I know her nature, isnt good for you".I wasnt ready to accept but felt bit bad at that moment.Unfortunetly another year passed, without talking to her. Saw her in various occassions, and i thought that was the maximum I can do.

Towards the end of my pre final year, a friend of mine approached him to participate in a competiton.I agreed.Condition required a minimum of a F member.We called to every potential but failed.Then he said something my ears were pleased to hear."We can include her".I was over the moon.She agreed.

We,as team , meet in college a couple of time.The first meeting was quite amazing.Saw her closely, talked to her. Then she told me if I am on insta, Yeahh i said. She took her phone and gave a follow request.I accept there it self.Went through her profile that night(wasnt in state to sleep).I was able to talk to her many a times, but more of competiton related. We, all team mate, went to an ice cream treat(my bday treat to them) talked about various things as well.I tried to enquire my M team mate if she is single. He said"I dont think so". Again back to zero.

During summer this year, spent thinking of her.This is first time my mind is rocking hard on me.I searched her other profile, there i got to know a long term friend whom my team mate would have mistaken as her bf, was her friend,whome she consider as a brother like figure.I got to know about her likes/dislikes.

Now to this date, I am totally out of mind for her. I dont know if she atleast can have me as a good friend.I am totally opposite of her.She is charming, jolly extrovert.While I am unjoyfull,introvert shy.After college I know we would part way and might never she her again.TIll then i want to atleast spend some time with her.Atleast she should know that I exist. The thing is my feelings for her isnt dimishing rather multiplying.dont know whats in my fate.....


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Posted: 2 days ago

Good idea, know her more... you might find many things which will help you in making decision that if you actually want the relationship. It's a good way to know how she feels about you.. I mean you don't want to invest in someone who is a time waster and doesn't value the relationship. 
