Jhanak Chat Club #4 - Page 147


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MMR2810 thumbnail
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Posted: 4 days ago

Originally posted by: MayaFruitbae


Paneer uncle 


rysohini thumbnail
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Posted: 4 days ago

Maya, there were too many emotions at play, in the entire sequence and it culminated beautifully, with that one helpless but whole-hearted smile from Ani to J and J reciprocating it with a half smile and nod ! 

As if, both have not just resigned to fate, both have acknowledged with eo mann hi mann, that we are doing this, coz this is the right thing to do !

This time, there were no complaints ! Just acceptance, that this is the 'right' way forward ! 

Of all other reasons, the MOST important one, why J should move out of BH, is it would give them both a neutral ground (Minu's home), where they would be able to communicate freely and with a clear head ! 

Ab tak toh pakde jane ke darr darr se, kabhi they have not even able to talk or think clearly while talking ! Stop stiffling these two and give their love a chance to bloom and thrive , makers !


Originally posted by: MayaFruitbae

Sohini ,

Did you like the scene yesterday from when he entered to the garland one .

Edited by rysohini - 4 days ago
MayaFruitbae thumbnail
Networker 1 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 days ago

Originally posted by: rysohini

Maya, there were too many emotions at play, in the entire sequence and it culminated beautifully, with that one helpless but whole-hearted smile from Ani to J and J reciprocating it with a half smile and nod ! 

As if, both have not just resigned to fate, both have acknowledged with eo mann hi mann, that we are doing this, coz this is the right thing to do !

This time, there were no complaints ! Just acceptance, that this is the 'right' way forward ! 

Of all other reasons, the MOST important one, why J should move out of BH, is it would give them both a neutral ground (Minu's home), where they would be able to communicate freely and with a clear head ! 

Ab tak toh pakde jane ke darr darr se, kabhi they have not even able to talk or think clearly while talking ! Stop stiffling these two and give their love a chance to bloom and thrive , makers !


I so loved it ..

All his anger disappeared and the eyes has such warmth for her ..and his monologue ...with the garland in his hand ...

She who spoke volumes , her smile ...the eyes ...

As if no one existed between them ...

In that crowded venue they were  alone...speaking to each other ...

They were capturing each other to their hearts ..

I so loved it ...I dont know how to express it ..🤔🤔🥰💕🤗

Yes , Minu and her moving is all good only thing is Arshi marriage should be gone for ever and let ither new characters and sub stories take the screen..

From your epiosde update I felt for you it was ok , not great... 

MayaFruitbae thumbnail
Networker 1 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 days ago

Originally posted by: xnbstar

I have been a silent reader since day 1, but I started writing in April.

Thanks for letting me know 😎

Oh , is it ...

I so hope you had read my posts too....🤗🤝🏻🤝🏼

piapriya thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Easter Egg Contest Winner (2023) 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 days ago

Kindly spray this on sasti auntysmiley37

Originally posted by: MayaFruitbae



rysohini thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 days ago

Bold - We have seen these two dwell , in their own world, where their eyes speak a thousand words. Where none else matters ! But maybe now is not the time, or is it? Coz they are running out of time! 

Or not even, coz they both decided to just give in ! Have they thought what the future would bring, due to this inaction, they both have chosen to take?

Where is this eye connection taking them? And from tomorrow? How will they avoid this eye connection?

It breaks my heart to see this version of Ani really and I don't agree it to, as this is not how he innately is !

I want the "I don't give a f***" Ani back pretty please, coz only that Ani, can fetch what this Ani truly wants and deserves ! Plus BH deserves no mahaanta !

NOT ONE of THEM, has an inkling of fikr or love for Ani! They deserve to rot in hell ! So #badass Ani is what they deserve ! This was makers way of bringing this shaadi to the mandap. But they should have executed it in a much better way, keeping the characters true to their actual characters!

I have realised that Ani will tread the path from 'pacifist' to 'rebel', only when he gets a green signal from J. Else he will go with the flow-which is harakiri. Unfortunately, J expects him to be a rebel, irrespective ! This kashmakash mein, Arshi is scoring , coz her sole agenda now is to bichhdo these two and win Ani as a trophy! THE BIG QUESTION is - Aisa kab tak chalta rahega?

Originally posted by: MayaFruitbae

I so loved it ..

All his anger disappeared and the eyes has such warmth for her ..and his monologue ...with the garland in his hand ...

She who spoke volumes , her smile ...the eyes ...

As if no one existed between them ...

In that crowded venue they were  alone...speaking to each other ...

They were capturing each other to their hearts ..

I so loved it ...I dont know how to express it ..🤔🤔🥰💕🤗

Yes , Minu and her moving is all good only thing is Arshi marriage should be gone for ever and let ither new characters and sub stories take the screen..

From your epiosde update I felt for you it was ok , not great... 

xnbstar thumbnail
Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 days ago

Originally posted by: MayaFruitbae

Oh , is it ...

I so hope you had read my posts too....🤗🤝🏻🤝🏼

Yeah, most likely!

Varsha188 thumbnail
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Posted: 4 days ago

Originally posted by: rysohini

Maya, there were too many emotions at play, in the entire sequence and it culminated beautifully, with that one helpless but whole-hearted smile from Ani to J and J reciprocating it with a half smile and nod ! 

As if, both have not just resigned to fate, both have acknowledged with eo mann hi mann, that we are doing this, coz this is the right thing to do !

This time, there were no complaints ! Just acceptance, that this is the 'right' way forward ! 

Of all other reasons, the MOST important one, why J should move out of BH, is it would give them both a neutral ground (Minu's home), where they would be able to communicate freely and with a clear head ! 

Ab tak toh pakde jane ke darr darr se, kabhi they have not even able to talk or think clearly while talking ! Stop stiffling these two and give their love a chance to bloom and thrive , makers !


Why forums friends always talking mature and intelligent things,why we are not understand makers are not showing right things because they are showing track without logic,i know we so much optimistic person let's hope in this time doing right things specially herat to heart communication between leads pl  repay of our patience 😊

MayaFruitbae thumbnail
Networker 1 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 days ago

Originally posted by: rysohini

Bold - We have seen these two dwell , in their own world, where their eyes speak a thousand words. Where none else matters ! But maybe now is not the time, or is it? Coz they are running out of time! 

Or not even, coz they both decided to just give in ! Have they thought what the future would bring, due to this inaction, they both have chosen to take?

Where is this eye connection taking them? And from tomorrow? How will they avoid this eye connection?

It breaks my heart to see this version of Ani really and I don't agree it to, as this is not how he innately is !

I want the "I don't give a f***" Ani back pretty please, coz only that Ani, can fetch what this Ani truly wants and deserves ! Plus BH deserves no mahaanta !

NOT ONE of THEM, has an inkling of fikr or love for Ani! They deserve to rot in hell ! So #badass Ani is what they deserve ! This was makers way of bringing this shaadi to the mandap. But they should have executed it in a much better way, keeping the characters true to their actual characters!

I have realised that Ani will tread the path from 'pacifist' to 'rebel', only when he gets a green signal from J. Else he will go with the flow-which is harakiri. Unfortunately, J expects him to be a rebel, irrespective ! This kashmakash mein, Arshi is scoring , coz her sole agenda now is to bichhdo these two and win Ani as a trophy! THE BIG QUESTION is - Aisa kab tak chalta rahega?

That is all gone for the time being  ...

I am not thinking much about that Anirudh..Rebel Anirudh Is taken a back seat and hurt Anirudh is in picture now...

They are sacrificing their life without thinking...both know Arshi is evil..

If Anirudh wanted to break this marriage he could have done it ...even though he knows Jhanak would be blamed ...

He could have shut them up from insulting her by siting all the crimes which Shristi did in hurting Jhanak from start to this recent Kashmir kidnap .

Arshi too could be easily sealed  with as she has a silent participation in her mom's crime..

Tanuja , Bipasha and Lal have the knowledge of their crime...

So its not a big deak to break the marriage and still protect Jhanak from all the taunts and insults...

But he chose not to ...may be he is too hurt on her not valuing him...not love..she is holding her didi above Anirudh and her ...due to whatever circumstances and promises she has made to herself and her mom....

I am resting that Anirudh in my memory as of now.

May be he will rise again , but this time much late as we see Arshi being wounded or fainting or something and Minu taking the center in helping Jhanak

Its much needed after so much incidents Jhanak staying at asylum is so odd and now she is not related to Anirudh .

I loved that scene so much...their gaze .

The final gaze as he is leaving her forever .

rysohini thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 days ago

Bold - Cling on to it Maya, let it last smiley27

Originally posted by: MayaFruitbae

That is all gone for the time being  ...

I am not thinking much about that Anirudh..Rebel Anirudh Is taken a back seat and hurt Anirudh is in picture now...

They are sacrificing their life without thinking...both know Arshi is evil..

If Anirudh wanted to break this marriage he could have done it ...even though he knows Jhanak would be blamed ...

He could have shut them up from insulting her by siting all the crimes which Shristi did in hurting Jhanak from start to this recent Kashmir kidnap .

Arshi too could be easily sealed  with as she has a silent participation in her mom's crime..

Tanuja , Bipasha and Lal have the knowledge of their crime...

So its not a big deak to break the marriage and still protect Jhanak from all the taunts and insults...

But he chose not to ...may be he is too hurt on her not valuing him...not love..she is holding her didi above Anirudh and her ...due to whatever circumstances and promises she has made to herself and her mom....

I am resting that Anirudh in my memory as of now.

May be he will rise again , but this time much late as we see Arshi being wounded or fainting or something and Minu taking the center in helping Jhanak

Its much needed after so much incidents Jhanak staying at asylum is so odd and now she is not related to Anirudh .

I loved that scene so much...their gaze .

The final gaze as he is leaving her forever .
