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Palak2812 thumbnail
Posted: 25 days ago

Hope Modi and BJP actually was against so called Minority when they aren't 

In a village in UP there are 5k+ voters all from the same so called minority and they got 500+ houses from PM schemes still he got 0 votes.

In Varansi too he barely got votes from them.

It simply shows it isn't the so called fascist govt which is against the so minority, rather it is them who will use all the schemes and development but won't vote him in name of religion. 

RockingSunny thumbnail
Anniversary 3 Thumbnail IPL 2023 Match Winner Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 25 days ago

I am happy that bjp didn't win all seats as it broke their arrogance. But I am happy that Narendra Modi won because if I compare then he is better than everyonesmiley27. Currently no one else deserves to be the prime minister other than Modismiley27. But since bjp had developed an arrogance I am glad the arrogance is broken hence bjp will learn from their mistakes and become bettersmiley4

kchaims thumbnail
Posted: 25 days ago

[Quote]Someone please tag Vijay on this topic. 

he is speaking of better moderation. 

The world’s largest democracy has voted. Elections concluded. Results announced. Even opposition was rejoicing despite losing. So elections have been termed fair. 

And now this topic is a poll on what ? To call a democratically elected government fascist ? Hateful ? Etc. what kind of nonsense is being tolerated here in the name of free speech as the goal of TM is clearly hatred and wow even a channel moderator is chiming in with open hate towards the worlds largest democratically elected govt. 

Congrats ! You all can keep on hating. 

NDA won :). Yes 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 has the worlds largest and well functioning democracy. 

Solve the women apartheid issue (real issues) vs hating on democratically elected governments. 

Keep on hating. Congrats IF 🎉🎉🎉. Yet another milestone on allowing hate on here by same set of people engaged in hate .. 

As if  these polls matter. 🤣🤣🤣 (or their blatant hatred)

India has moved to 5th largest economy in world and moving to 3rd. GLORIOUS INDIA RISING 🇮🇳🇮🇳 under the current govt and will moving with that trajectory :). 

he is speaking of better moderation. [/Quote]

I do not understand the correlation between moderation and my opinion. I have not attacked any member of their opinion. I just stated my opinion. NDA won and that is why I answered the question are you happy with the polls. You are entitled to your opinion. 

Edited by kchaims - 25 days ago
kchaims thumbnail
Posted: 25 days ago

Originally posted by: Palak2812

Congress and other parties has made Hindus villan without even their fault. They were called terrorists without even doing shit.

There was literal book launch by them after 26/11 terror attacks.

Always will be greatful to sub-inspector Tukaram Omble for catching Kasab alive otherwise Congress and their alliance along with their group of journalists have left no stones to proof and blame Hindus and RSS for terror attack. 

Also people's minority category really needs to broaden rather than calling just 1 as minority when they aren't in many places.

Sikhs Santa Banta joke aren't there which was so much 10 yrs back. 

 I can show you several speeches by BJP ministers where they have openly talked about minority groups in bad light. Can you tell me how Hindus are made villain? Santa Banta jokes have reduced but people have started to abuse minority groups, which is sad. The minority community is decided compared to the majority. The minority to majority ratio would be around 2:10 still.

Moonks thumbnail
Posted: 24 days ago

Originally posted by: kchaims

 I do agree that they all have flaws but it is like choosing the lesser evil. None of the parties have villainised minorities openly as BJP has done it. I would like to believe that someday it will change. It will take time but eventually it will. 

yeah no party has done that cause they have openly villainised the majority, BJP has only done one thing and that is to show Hindus are not illiterate, their culture is not a joke, that we deserved the respect, that we don't have to be apologetic about our identity, our religion and before them majority was suppressed systematically through the scam of secularism. The only thing BJP has done is to make Hindus aware of the atrocities they are subjected to and it’s being termed as hate politics cause love used to exist in this world when we were taking all the shits.

There was no genocide in kashmir, it was an exodus, their truth was suppressed, labeled as fake story and you are asking how they villainised majority, this is how they did it, by spreading fake narratives (happened in the case of Ram Mandir too), police, during congress rule, has orders from top position to arrest only Hindus during riots and don’t touch the other party even if they are the one who starts the riot, don't stop the other party if they are doing more harm but stop the majority if they are defending themselves, have you been to universities where you can proudly say you belong to a certain community but you can never say you are proud Hindu, the system was designed in a way to eradicate, to destroy our culture and you won't even realise it’s happening. 

Politicians in south can say Santan is like dengue, malaria and we need to eradicate it and they can won election with this agenda but it's BJP who is doing division politics, just go and check their schemes and beneficiaries and you will realised the so called minority who is in majority at most of the places is the number one beneficiary of those schemes and welfare policies and then compare to it the so called secularism party's schemes.

The hate for BJP and Modi is so irrational, people just hate him for being unapologetic about his identity, they hate him cause he did not suppressed the majority like others were doing, if he had done that then he would have been a great leader. He really should do what people accuses him of doing, then may be all this hatred can be justified to some extent 

Edited by Moonks - 24 days ago
Palak2812 thumbnail
Posted: 24 days ago

Originally posted by: kchaims

 I can show you several speeches by BJP ministers where they have openly talked about minority groups in bad light. Can you tell me how Hindus are made villain? Santa Banta jokes have reduced but people have started to abuse minority groups, which is sad. The minority community is decided compared to the majority. The minority to majority ratio would be around 2:10 still.

I literally wrote how they villainised Hindus.

But u ignored as usual. 

x.D.U.L.C.E.T.x thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 24 days ago

Tbh, lets forget majority or minority for once. That's always debatable. 

My main problem with BJP is the very existence of Bharat Janta Party was based on religion and division. I don't think it has changed even today.

Not satisfied with Modi as a PM, but again I have been saying this is NDA sarkaar so I am laughing as well. The BJP'S arrogance has been destroyed and they are humbled by the people of India. So for that I am happy.

One of the reason is that Since they are in power there has been such an increase in intolerance for opposite views of public and it is looked upon as an anti national sentiments.

All of this has started at such big scale is because of BJP in power.

The god like worshipping of this government should be stopped. Its unhealthy and dangerous for a country like India. Also it applies to any other government. No government should be idolized or praised unnecessarily.

Edited by Minionite - 24 days ago
NathuPaapi thumbnail
Voice of India 2024 Participant 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 24 days ago


Edited by NathuPaapi - 24 days ago
kchaims thumbnail
Posted: 24 days ago

Originally posted by: Moonks

yeah no party has done that cause they have openly villainised the majority, BJP has only done one thing and that is to show Hindus are not illiterate, their culture is not a joke, that we deserved the respect, that we don't have to be apologetic about our identity, our religion and before them majority was suppressed systematically through the scam of secularism. The only thing BJP has done is to make Hindus aware of the atrocities they are subjected to and it’s being termed as hate politics cause love used to exist in this world when we were taking all the shits.

There was no genocide in kashmir, it was an exodus, their truth was suppressed, labeled as fake story and you are asking how they villainised majority, this is how they did it, by spreading fake narratives (happened in the case of Ram Mandir too), police, during congress rule, has orders from top position to arrest only Hindus during riots and don’t touch the other party even if they are the one who starts the riot, don't stop the other party if they are doing more harm but stop the majority if they are defending themselves, have you been to universities where you can proudly say you belong to a certain community but you can never say you are proud Hindu, the system was designed in a way to eradicate, to destroy our culture and you won't even realise it’s happening. 

Politicians in south can say Santan is like dengue, malaria and we need to eradicate it and they can won election with this agenda but it's BJP who is doing division politics, just go and check their schemes and beneficiaries and you will realised the so called minority who is in majority at most of the places is the number one beneficiary of those schemes and welfare policies and then compare to it the so called secularism party's schemes.

The hate for BJP and Modi is so irrational, people just hate him for being unapologetic about his identity, they hate him cause he did not suppressed the majority like others were doing, if he had done that then he would have been a great leader. He really should do what people accuses him of doing, then may be all this hatred can be justified to some extent 


I am responding late because I just got back home. 

So what I am understanding is your problem is with secularism? If you consider secularism a scam then I do not think any of the things I say will matter and sadly this is what I was mentioning about.  This is how divide and rule works. If you check any examples from history, you will see that how history is repeating itself. We all have studied it too so I am not going to mention specific examples here. 

How is minority a majority at a most of places? Are you talking about India or specific states?  We have entirely different belief on how the govt should function. I am left leaning and I want what is best for us as a community. I do not believe in segregating people based on religion. Irrespective of religion, people who are marginalised deserves to be uplifted so the future India is an India where people do not struggle for food or water or education or any basic human rights. You 

Coming to other parties suppressing Hindus, when India is a country with majority Hindu voters why are Hindu voters then voting for any other party if you think they are suppressing Hindus. That too several poor people vote for other parties. Why would South Indian Hindus vote for any party in south if the other parties are suppressing them as you mentioned? 

Modi and BJP are criticised because of their hate politics. It is something you can fact check. If you think his politics is amazing, you are free to vote for him and also celebrate his victory. I just do not agree BJP's divide and rule which is why even though I am left leaning, I prefer congress over BJP. I hope that in future we have more left leaning parties.  

Moonks thumbnail
Posted: 24 days ago

Originally posted by: kchaims


I am responding late because I just got back home. 

So what I am understanding is your problem is with secularism? If you consider secularism a scam then I do not think any of the things I say will matter and sadly this is what I was mentioning about.  This is how divide and rule works. If you check any examples from history, you will see that how history is repeating itself. We all have studied it too so I am not going to mention specific examples here. 

How is minority a majority at a most of places? Are you talking about India or specific states?  We have entirely different belief on how the govt should function. I am left leaning and I want what is best for us as a community. I do not believe in segregating people based on religion. Irrespective of religion, people who are marginalised deserves to be uplifted so the future India is an India where people do not struggle for food or water or education or any basic human rights. You 

Coming to other parties suppressing Hindus, when India is a country with majority Hindu voters why are Hindu voters then voting for any other party if you think they are suppressing Hindus. That too several poor people vote for other parties. Why would South Indian Hindus vote for any party in south if the other parties are suppressing them as you mentioned? 

Modi and BJP are criticised because of their hate politics. It is something you can fact check. If you think his politics is amazing, you are free to vote for him and also celebrate his victory. I just do not agree BJP's divide and rule which is why even though I am left leaning, I prefer congress over BJP. I hope that in future we have more left leaning parties.  

It is clear how different political ideologies we have, I don't belive in left wing parties, I never will and you won't ever believe in right wing so there is no use of wasting each other's time, you can't see how secularism is a scam, Hindus were suppressed in this country and if you don't accept it then also it won't change the fact, Left wing does hate politics and you can clearly see the hate and crime against Hindus in the state they rules, you can't find one example where the so called minority is killed in BJP ruled state but in every state where so called leftist rules people from majority are killed, they are stopped from doing prayers, from paying respect to their God (Karnataka and Bengal are the two such examples) but it's clear no one will say that's because of hate politics cause here the victims don't belong to the minority community.

Congress is the party which divided India and this is the fact which will never change, BJP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Congress doesn't deserve to compared with BJP

Edited by Moonks - 24 days ago