FF||Deceptive Obsessions - Chapter 21 page 20 Updated 11/08 - Page 19

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taahir004 thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Curious Teaser

I really doubt that Geet will tell Maan the truth

Queen0fDarkness thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 7 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 1 months ago


Chapter 19 - Gossip

Maan returned from work and sat in his bedroom, the silence around him a stark contrast to the storm raging in his mind. The questions from the reporter echoed incessantly, gnawing at his thoughts. He had so many questions, questions that needed answers. And Geet was the only one who could provide them. But would she?

Geet entered the house, her steps heavy with the weight of the day. While running the hotel had kept her occupied and busy, it couldn’t drown the guilt that clawed at her insides. She had agreed to be friends with Arjun, but that decision only added to her turmoil.

He was supposed to the man she was going to marry until she had been steered to believe that he would deceive her. And she had fallen into the trap. How could she have not trusted him? How could she have been so blind. She had believed the fabricated ‘evidence’ instead of Arjun’s words. Everything had been orchestrated so perfectly, making it impossible to trust someone when every single piece of evidence pointed against him. How could she trust when Arjun himself had found nothing to refute the charges?

Lost in her thoughts, Geet was startled when she noticed Maan sitting in the corner, his face a canvas of torment. Their eyes met, and a wave of hatred surged through her. Maan had caused all of this with his obsession. She broke their stares, turning away sharply and walking towards the closet to grab her clothes.

“Geet” Maan’s voice cut through the silence, stopping her in her tracks.

She turned slowly and arched her brows, her expression a mix of defiance and weariness. “What do you want?”

Maan hesitated for a moment, the weight of his words heavy on his tongue. “Did you meet Arjun today?”

Geet’s eyes narrowed, a sarcastic smile playing on her lips. “And why does it matter to you?”

“I got a call from the reporters,” he said, his voice strained. “They were asking why you were meeting with your ex-fiancé”.

“Ah I see, and you want to know what happened between us?” she inquired.

“Can you tell me?” he asked.

“You can think whatever you want, Maan. You’re in no position to demand answers from me. Believe whatever rumours the press wants to spread” she responded. “You love the gossip columns, so enjoy it” she added further.

Maan’s fists clenched at his sides, his own guilt and anger bubbling to the surface. “I don’t give fck about what the press writes. I want to understand what’s going on between you and Arjun…” he gritted out.

“I don’t owe you an answer” she countered sharply and stalked to the bathroom. She closed the door and leaned against the door with a heavy sigh.

Geet and Arjun had decided to spend the day outdoors, away from the hustle and bustle of their daily lives. They had packed a picnic, filled with their favourite snacks and a blanket to sit on. Arjun had insisted on carrying the basket, teasing her about her ‘delicate’ nature, while she laughed and playfully swatted his arm.

After they had settled on the blanket catching up with each other, they’d shared their small picnic snacks that they packed and spent the next couple of hours eating, sharing stories and relaxing.

Arjun pulled out a box after a while.

“What is that?” Geet asked curiously as he handed it to her. She opened it up and gasped. “Arjun, this is too much” she started saying and shaking her head.

“Nothing is too much for you” he stopped her from handing back the jewellery piece he had bought her. “Do you like it?” he inquired curiously and waiting with anticipation. It was an emerald necklace with their initials engraved into the back of the diamond.

“It’s so beautiful” she whispered. “It must have been so expensive” she asked with concern.

“Money does not matter, this wouldn’t be anything once we fulfil your dreams of becoming a business woman and running your hotel” he pointed out with a laugh.

Geet chuckled and shifted giving him her back and he smiled sliding her necklace and clasped it into place. Geet looked down admiring the necklace for a moment then turned to Arjun. “I love it”.

“And I love you wearing it” he answered making her chuckle and she closed her eyes when he pressed a kiss to her cheeks. “You look beautiful. I love you so much, Geet” he whispered.

Geet closed her eyes feeling his warmth and his love consume her.

Geet’s eyes glistened with tears as she recollected their old memory and his confession today when she had met him. He still loved her. But nothing could happen now. She was married to the man who destroyed her life, and it was her life’s mission for him to suffer.

Maan wanted her and she was going to be there, every step of the way reminding him of what he had lost because of his obsession. He seemed to think it was so easy to destroy someone’s life and expect that he could live happily ever after. But she wouldn’t allow him to live so peacefully. He was going to burn in this fire that he started.

She straightened, her resolve hardening. Every interaction with Maan would be a reminder of his actions. He needed to understand the depth of the pain he had caused, and she would ensure he felt every ounce of it. The memory of Arjun’s kindness contrasted starkly with Maan’s obsession, fuelling her determination. She had been burnt and she was going to ensure her husband burned in the same pot of turmoil and guilt.

The thought of Arjun and Geet together gnawed at Maan. He was burning within his soul with bitter jealousy. He hated the idea of Geet finding solace in Arjun, of Arjun being the one she confided in. It was a cruel irony that Arjun, who had been so thoroughly discredited, still held a place in Geet’s heart. He had manipulated and schemed, driven by his obsession, and now he was left with the consequences of his actions.

He had destroyed Arjun’s reputation to win Geet, but in doing so, he had only driven her further away. And now, Arjun was back, like a spectre from the past, haunting Maan’s every thought. The jealousy was suffocating, filling Maan with a sense of helplessness and rage.

How could he compete with a ghost? How could he make Geet see that he was the one who truly loved her, despite all the mistakes he had made? He wanted to yell, to punch something, to make the pain stop. But he knew that nothing would change unless he found a way to heal the rift between him and Geet.

But how? How could he make her see that he was sorry, that he was willing to do anything to make things right? Maan’s mind churned with questions and doubts and his jealousy was a constant, burning reminder of the fragile state of his marriage.

He glanced over when the bathroom door opened, and he watched as Geet walked past him.

“Geet” he stood and reached for her hand. He could feel her tense and he clenched his jaw hating himself and the situation they were in.

“Forgive me, please” he whispered.

She pulled her hand away from his grasp and shook her head. “Sorry isn’t enough. Would you do it again? Would you play your manipulative games again to get me?” she questioned.

Maan wanted to lie, but he did not regret his actions. He was only sorry that she had been hurt in the process. If it meant that he had destroy someone else for Geet to be in his life, then he would do it again and again.

Geet smirked, she didn’t need his answer because she could read his eyes very well now. “I thought so” she scoffed and shook her head.

Exclusive: Geet Khurana spotted in lounge with ex-fiancé/lover Arjun Singhania

In an unexpected twist in the lives of high-profile business figures, Geet Khurana was seen sharing an intimate moment with her ex-fiancé, Arjun Singhania, in the hotel’s lounge yesterday morning. This sighting has ignited a flurry of speculation and rumours about the nature of their relationship, and its implications for hotelier Geet’s marriage to entrepreneur Maan Singh Khurana.

Witnesses report that Geet and Arjun appeared to be deeply engrossed in conversation, their body language suggesting a level of comfort and familiarity that raised eyebrows. The two were seen exchanging warm smiles and a tender hug, sparking rumours of a rekindled romance. The encounter, which took place in full view of several hotel guests and staff, has left many wondering about the current state of Geet and Maan’s relationship.

“I can’t believe this!” Pammi exclaimed unable to continue reading further and waved the newspaper in the air. “How could she? And in public, no less!”

Savitri sighed, placing her teacup down with a slight clink. “Pammi, please calm down. Let’s not jump to conclusions” she informed calmly.

“How could you ask me to calm down?” Pammi inquired looking shocked at her mother-in-law. “Maa, she is cheating on my son!”

Geet entered the room, her expression calm and composed, as if unaware of the storm brewing around her. She walked to the table taking her usual seat and grabbed a couple of toast and placed it on her plate.

“Good morning, Dadima” she greeted Savitri, who responded with a hesitant smile and continued to butter her toast. “Good morning” she added briefly glancing at Pammi.

Pammi’s face turned red with anger. “How can you sit there so calmly, Geet? Have you seen this?” she thrust the newspaper towards Geet.

Geet glanced at the headline, her expression remained unchanged, and she looked almost bored. “Yes, I saw it. It’s just gossip. You shouldn’t let it upset you.”

“Just gossip?!” Pammi nearly screamed. “They are saying you’re having an affair with Arjun! This could destroy our family’s reputation!”

Before Geet could respond, Maan descended the stairs, his face tired and drawn. He had barely slept, his mind plagued by the lingering images of Geet and Arjun together, magnified by the lurid headlines. Pammi rushed to him.

“Maan, you have to do something about this. Your wife is cheating on you, and it’s all over the papers!” she cried waving her hands to the papers.

“Mother, calm down. Please” he said with a heavy sigh.

He took the newspaper from her, his eyes scanning the article. His face remained impassive, but inside, his heart ached with a deep, gnawing pain. He read the accusations, the implications, the supposed details of Geet’s meeting with Arjun. After a long moment, he tossed the paper aside.

“It’s just gossip,” he said, echoing Geet’s words. “I’m not going to let it affect us.”

“But Maan!” Pammi protested, her voice desperate. “How can you be so indifferent? Don’t you care about what she’s doing?”

Maan turned to look at Geet, who was calmly sipping her coffee, seemingly unfazed by the chaos around her. He felt a mix of frustration and admiration for her composure. He returned his focus to his mother, “It is just gossip. There is nothing going on” he stated even though his tone lacked conviction and Geet even noted it.

She stared at her husband silently and continued to eat her breakfast. She wondered what he was thinking. It was obvious that he was hesitating to believe that there was nothing going on. His trust and belief were wavering.

Pammi looked incredulous. “You’re just going to accept this? Maan, she is cheating on you!”

“That’s enough, maa” Maan said firmly. “This is between Geet and me. We’ll handle it”.

Pammi’s face twisted with anger and disbelief, but she fell silent, her eyes darting between Maan and Geet.

Geet finished her breakfast and stood up, her movements graceful and unhurried. “I need to get to the hotel. There’s a lot of work to be done” she said, addressing no one in particular. She walked out of the room with her head held high, leaving behind a room full of tension and unresolved emotions.

Maan watched her go, his heart heavy with a mix of love, pain, and confusion. He knew he needed to find a way to reconcile his feelings, to understand the truth, but for now, all he could do was endure the ache and hope that time would bring clarity.

As he turned back to his mother and grandmother, he saw the worry in Savitri’s eyes and the frustration in Pammi’s. “I’ll handle the gossip mongers” he informed.

“What if it isn’t just gossip?” Pammi questioned.

“Geet is my wife. Only mine” he stated firmly before he too walked away.

“Maan” Pammi called out to him. “He hasn’t even eaten breakfast” she said as she turned to Savitri with concern filling her eyes. “Maa, what if…”

“Pammi, you need to first calm down and not believe everything the media portrays. You know this very well” Savitri explained.

“Maa, but…”

“I haven’t finished” Savitri cut interjected and raised her brows. “Don’t pour more oil into the fire, Pammi. You know they’re going through a rough patch, any of us intervening will push them away from each other rather than push them towards each other”.

Pammi sighed heavily and nodded. “You’re right, but she cannot seem to get over it. Maan loves her so much and she…”

“Your son was still in the wrong” Savitri reminded. “He is my grandson, and I love him dearly. However, he was in the wrong. He had betrayed Geet”.

Pammi had the decency to look embarrassed and couldn’t side with her son when Savitri pointed out the flaws in her own son.

Maan sat at his desk feeling frustrated. The phone on his desk had not stopped ringing since he arrived, each call a fresh wave of annoyance. Reporters from various media houses bombarded him with questions, each one more invasive than the last.

“Maan Khurana speaking” he answered curtly, his patience wearing thin.

“Mr. Khurana, this is Raj from The Daily Times. Can you comment on the rumours about your wife's alleged affair with Arjun Singhania?”

Maan's jaw tightened. “There are no comments to be made. These are baseless rumours. If your paper continues to spread this nonsense, I will not hesitate to take legal action.”

He hung up, his frustration mounting. The next call came almost immediately.

“Mr. Khurana, this is Priya from Celebrity Buzz. We just wanted to confirm—”

Maan cut her off. “Listen carefully, Priya. If any more lies about my wife and Arjun Singhania appear in your publication, you will hear from my lawyers. Do I make myself clear?”

The reporter stammered an apology before Maan ended the call. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to focus on the work in front of him. But the relentless rumours and the media's insatiable curiosity gnawed at him, making concentration impossible. He unplugged the phone, if any of his clients needed to call, they can call the main reception line and leave a message today. He could not tend to them and handle taking anymore calls.

He stood from his desk as he had held a meeting with his team to find out what was going on with their investigation and what was happening to their stock since he had provided the exclusive interview.

“Aisha, please tell me you have some good news” he announced as he walked to his usual chair and sat down.

Aisha hesitated glancing at her iPad and cleared her throat. “Sir, our image has not improved in the media. Right now, there’s… articles about your wife…”

“Don’t” he cut her off sharply and clenched his jaw. “They’re fcking rumours. I want you to clear that and I want those rumours stopped” he replied firmly. “What is happening with the private investigator? Who is behind the rumours of my business?”

“Every single email came through different IP addresses and the calls were from different cell towers. We haven’t been able to triangulate an area so we can narrow down our suspects. Some of them had supposedly come from Canada, UK, Florida…” she swiped through the iPad giving him a breakdown. “One of my contacts has been in touch, there’s a draft article going to be published tonight at 6pm”.

“What draft article?”

Aisha reluctantly continued to read what her contact had sent her. “Dhillon cuts ties to Khurana constructions and promised to no longer work with them”.

“What the fu…” Maan straightened in his chair. “Is this true? Has Armaan confirmed this?”

“Yes, sir. We’ve tried reaching out to Armaan to speak to him” Adi added further. “He is not taking our calls”.

“They’re our biggest supplier!” Maan stood up from his chair and brushed a hand through his hair feeling consumed with all the issues in his professional and personal life.

Arjun arrived at Geet’s hotel and approached the front desk.

“I would like to see Geet” he informed.

Ananya the receptionist hesitated, “I’m sorry, but Mrs Khurana is busy”.

“Please let her know I am here to speak to her otherwise I will go up to her office”.

Ananya picked up the phone dialling Geet’s extension.

“I’ve told you, I don’t want any disturbances today” she stated.

“Mrs Khurana, I’ve got Arjun Singhania downstairs to meet you” Ananya informed. “He’s being insistent and has said he will come up if we don’t” she murmured.

Geet sighed heavily. “Fine, send him up”.

She wondered what Arjun had come by for. They had met only yesterday and agreed to become friends. Was he disturbed by the rumours of the articles as well?

“You do realise there is going to be more speculation with you turning up at my hotel?” Geet remarked as Arjun entered her office.

“I just wanted to check whether you are okay” he responded. “Did Maan say or do anything?”

Geet frowned looking puzzled and shook her head. “No, I am fine and there’s nothing to point fingers at. You and I are friends. I certainly do not have to justify myself to anyone”.

“Of course,” Arjun responded and nodded his head. “Do you have a few minutes to get some coffee?” he inquired.

“Arjun, I’m busy right now. Do you not have work?” she asked with a small smile.

“I’ve got some free time before I have a meeting in 30 minutes” he answered with a shrug of his shoulders.

“You’re bored, aren’t you? You’re trying to kill time before the meeting” she stated knowing how he was. Arjun smiled faintly pleased she recalled his habit.

“I’m trying to secure funding for a project of mine that I am going to launch. I’m nervous and… trying to distract myself from thinking about it” he explained. “How about that coffee?”

“I really am busy, Arjun. I do have things to complete and deadlines. How about we meet around 6pm? I should be finished for the day and we can something to eat?” she suggested. “You can tell me how your meeting went” she added.

“Alright, sure” Arjun responded feeling a little relief and smiled. “I’ll leave you be and see you at 6pm” he said. Geet nodded head and smiled faintly as he walked out of her office.

Geet sat at a local new restaurant that had opened recently and received raving reviews. It was just past six, and she knew Arjun would be arriving any moment. She took a deep breath, trying to shake off the lingering stress of the day. Just then, the door opened, and Arjun walked in, his face a mixture of relief and weariness.

“Hey” Geet greeted him with a smile. “How did your meeting go?”

Arjun sighed, taking a seat across from her. “It started off okay. They were interested in the project, asked a lot of good questions. But then, as expected, someone brought up my past and the funds scandal. I tried to explain it as best as I could, but I don't think I'll secure the funding” he said with a heavy sigh.

Geet looked at him apologetically, her heart aching for him. “Arjun, I’m so sorry” she looked guiltily at him knowing it was due to Maan he was facing these difficulties.

Arjun waved off her concern, trying to lighten the mood. “Let’s not dwell on that. How’s business going for you?”

Geet smiled, grateful for the change of topic. “It's been hectic, but good. We're almost fully booked for the next few months, and the new built in bar with the restaurant on the terrace is getting great reviews” she explained.

“That’s fantastic, Geet. You always had an eye for this stuff” Arjun said feeling pleased for her.

They spent the next hour catching up on casual, safe topics. They talked about mutual friends, possible business ventures, and funny memories. It was comforting to slip back into the easy camaraderie they once shared. As long as Maan’s name did not come between them, it was like being friends again.

A reporter lurking nearby had snapped several pictures of their encounter. The flash was discreet, and neither Geet had not noticed. But Arjun had. He was feeling pleased internally.

Geet parked her car in the driveway as she arrived home. She turned off the ignition and sat back for a moment, gathering her thoughts. It had been a pleasant evening with Arjun, filled with laughter and a sense of normalcy she hadn't felt in a while. Even through these turbulent times, he had found a way to lighten their mood and bring a smile to her face.

She glanced at herself in the rear-view mirror and swiped away at her lips removing remnants of their memories of tonight with a small smile. The guilt that had consumed her ebbed away slowly. Arjun had reassured her once again that she had not been at fault, she had been blinded and betrayed by someone she trusted.

Unaware that Maan was watching from the window of their home. He had been waiting for her return, his mind a turbulent mix of emotions since the article about her meeting with Arjun had been published. Seeing her parked outside, wiping her mouth, his heart began to thunder in his chest. Is she wiping away traces of Arjun's lips from her face? Maan's thoughts raced uncontrollably. The image of Geet and Arjun together, laughing and seemingly intimate, flashed through his mind. Each moment they had spent together, each smile they had shared, felt like a betrayal.

He clenched his fists by his sides, trying to calm the storm within him. It had been a tough day at work, fending off reporters and dealing with the relentless barrage of calls and questions. He had defended Geet vehemently, but the doubts were creeping in, insidious and unyielding.

Could she be cheating on him? He couldn’t have that. No, he wouldn’t lose her to Arjun. Fck, no he wouldn’t lose his wife to Arjun.

He had to do something, anything to keep his wife, his marriage.

Maan waited silently for her to come upstairs. He heard the door click open and turned around to face Geet as she entered. The softness in Geet’s eyes shuttered and she stared back with a blank expression on her face. She looked away from him and headed towards the closet to grab a change of clothes.

“Let’s go somewhere” Maan said suddenly breaking the silence.

“What?” she questioned and looked over at him with a frown.

“I want us to go away for a couple of days. We haven’t been anywhere since our honeymoon”.

“What makes you think I will go anywhere with you?” she inquired passing by him.

“Geet” Maan clasped her elbow stopping her and came to stand in front of her. “I… I want to make our marriage work. I want you, I will fcking do anything for you right now” he said even as his eyes lingered on her lips. Did she let Arjun touch what was his? Did Arjun taste his wife? “Let’s go away for a couple of days, even a week or two”.

“No” she stated pulling away from him and walked towards the bathroom.

“Did you let Arjun kiss you?” he asked.

Geet halted feeling her body tense at his question. She glanced over her shoulder and their eyes locked. She could see the pain that swam in his eyes, his eyes burned with pain, he was also terrified to what she might say. She looked away and headed into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Her eyes closed and she sighed heavily.

Maan felt angry tears burn his eyes, fury consume him as he thought of Arjun Singhania. He wasn’t going to lose his wife to Arjun, not then, not now and not ever. He clenched his fists by his sides and cursed when his phone rang.

It was Adi on the other side confirming that Armaan Dhillon had backed away and pulled out of their contract. Maan cursed and tossed his phone on the bed pacing the bedroom for a moment. Both his business and his marriage were on the rocks, balancing precariously on the edge. What was he going to do? Both needed his attention. He felt the full weight of his burdens pressing down on him. His marriage, his business, his very life seemed to be crumbling around him. And he could only choose one.

I hope you are enjoying the story, please do hit the like and comment smiley27

GuruDd thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 1 months ago

nice one

well I am feeling pity for maan in this as he might be wrong in achieving geet

I am feeling scared for geet she is giving him enough of doubts yes she is correct but this reporter and now arjun is not doing well with maan and his family

well I am feeling geet is happy around arjun maan should let her live her life in her accord as I know geet was not in so much love of arjun too she has to come back to maan

now that was wrong timing maan saw her wiping her mouth oppps wrong action it might look wrong to a husband who is constantly seeing affair news of his wife

great !! maan still wants to make this marriage work its wrong to keep a cat forcefull on your lap she will scratch you like bad

so maan finally asked her did she kissed arjun Fu Fu now geet wont even correct him

well maan is facing karma his office his marriage both are suffering I think let go of geet and look his work but arjun is wounded lion ready to pound maan on his reveng

taahir004 thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 19

Curious Chapter

I do actually feel bad for Maan at the moment

both his married life and his business is crumpling before his eyes

Pranb thumbnail
Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Everything is going haywire for maan and don’t know how he will cope up … Arjun is strongly moving his pawns smartly and don’t know where this will lead them to … felt bad for maan but he’s reaping what he’s done… there is no one hope that everything will become alright for all the three …

aparna3011 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 1 months ago


maan is getting back what he done with arjun

geet wants to hurt maan for what he did with her n arjun but in all this she is also tarnishing her image portraying her as opportunist n low in moral who is enjoying her self with her ex-fiancée in hard time of her husband

khwaishfan thumbnail
Visit Streak 750 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 16 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 1 months ago

Hi there! Thank you for the update

Chapter 19

Maan's thoughts were wll portrayed

well Geet ought to have trusted Arjun

her love was not that strong

she may blame Maan but she is equally to blame

after all Arjun was first her best friend and then her fiance

Geet's behavior with Maan was reasonable

of cos Maan questuioned Geet about meeting Arjun

Geet's response was expected

well Maan was direct with Geet

alas Geet refused to respond to his questions

Maan was indeed angry

however Geet was adamant that she does not owe him an answer

Geet recalls the past moments she spent with Arjun

thought Geet will not leave Maan she will ensure that he will suffer

now she wants Maan to burn in the fire that he started

Maan was clearly angry

great that he realised that everything is a result of his actions

Maan ruined everything and now has to face the consequences

glad that he apologised to Geet

Geet did have a valid point

Pammi was clearly furious reading the newspaper article about Geet and Arjun

well Pammi confronted Geet

so Geet told her that its just gossip

as expected Maan intervened and supported Geet

pleased that SD advised Pammi not to intefere

SD was correct that Maan betrayed Geet

Arjun is doing to Maan what Maan did to him

Maan is now paying his his deeds

Maan's frustration was justified

amazed that he cannot figure out that Arjun is behind all this

Maan needs to strategise and think clearly

not surprsied that Arjun went to meet Geet

ahh she agreed to meet him later

Geet is oblivious that Arjun is creating problems in her marriage

I think Arjun called the media there

Maan was livid seeing Geet wipe her lips

hmm Maan doubts Geet

Maan's question was anticipated

Geet did not answer him

Gosh Mr Dhillon backed away from the contract

looks like Arjun got the contract

oh his marriage and business are crumbling

what will he do?

feeling for Maan!

he needs to focus!

will Geet ever forgive Arjun for what he is doing to Maan?

Edited by khwaishfan - 1 months ago
anmirza thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Geet is avenging Maan however I don’t think she would condone what Arjun is doing to Maan.

She isn’t seeing what Arjun is doing right now but once she does get to know his real intentions, she won’t be friends with Arjun either!

Maan is reaping what he sowed but all of this revenge game won’t lead to anything positive. Arjun’s causing the same chaos that he had been hit with earlier and this definitely won’t lead to him getting Geet back but Maan and Geet’s marriage may fall apart sadly 🥺

simranDi thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Thanks for the great update! It was an intense one full of emotions. First Geet was deceived by Maan and now Arjun is using her for his own revenge. If either of them really loved her, then they would put her feelings and respect first. As much as Maan was wrong in the past, I do feel for him. I think he should put his business first. He might be able to salvage that but I don’t see much hope for his marriage. He did wrong and what goes around comes around. Thanks again.

chloebear thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 1 months ago

I feel both sorry and not sorry for Maan in this story, its his karma but when it come to choosing I know he will choose his personal life aka Geet
