It was very boring, I had forwarded everything. They could have shown him investigating with Murli but they've just sidelined him in this track and made him look like a frustrated lover. Doesn't make sense because unlike other shows the ML here was a strong character with a solid arc of his own, it wasn't just FL centric. I feel bad for him and for Ulka too because this has been one of her best works. Their chemistry should have been highlighted and promoted everywhere and this Jodi deserves every bit of fame and recognition. Recently I've noticed Zee has been putting their clips on insta everyday, but they never used to do that before when it would have actually made an impact. So frustrating.
I just hope that people eventually discover them on YouTube/insta and they get the appreciation they deserve. This had the potential to become a cult show but alas.
Yeah it wasn't FL centric. That's why it was interesting. Sachi me zee wasted time and didn't promote them well.